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One Year Later

I’m interrupted from my cultivation by the familiar signs of advancement in cultivation level.

“Fenrir! Are you finally reaching CL 11?!” I quickly hear Dawn shouting at me despite having already teleported straight to my core room.

As if on cue, a loud noise echoes throughout my entire dungeon, and quite likely above it as well, signaling my crossing into the next CL.

“Yep,” I answer her while opening up my status.


Name: Fenrir

Race: Dungeon Core

Element: Void

EXP Level: 14

EXP: 2/150

Cultivation Level: 11

Cultivation to next Level: 0%

Mana: 350/350

Secondary Tabs: Dungeon Status, Skills List, Talents List, Achievements List, Starter Environments


“And now I can finally get to work on the twelfth floor of the dungeon!” I exclaim with quite a bit of enthusiasm, of which Dawn clearly mirrors as she floats around nonstop in my core room.

However, I’m suddenly startled as two Vampires appear out of nowhere in the middle of my core room, making Dawn stop floating. They then bow down and simultaneously state, “Congratulations on your advancement in Cultivation!”

I watch them for several seconds as they continue to just bow down towards my core, just wondering how long they’ll stay there before I eventually answer, ‘Thank you.’

They then stand up straight again and disappear before I get the chance to identify them.

“What the hell?” I mutter while focusing on where they just were for a few minutes, only to turn my attention to Dawn and ask, “Were you able to tell how strong they were?”

Dawn continues staring at the entrance for a few seconds before I repeat my question, snapping her out of her daze.

“No, I wasn’t able to,” she answers rather quietly while still staring in their direction, “in fact, I couldn’t sense them at all. And that’s what worries me.”

“We were able to sense the Prince without much trouble, and he’s Tier 6,” I mutter, feeling a small amount of fear build up within my core.

“Exactly why it worries me,” Dawn replies right away while still staring at the entrance. “Because those two were very likely either Tier 7 or even further above that.”

And they’re sitting outside acting as guards for my dungeon… assuming they’re even outside- wait, they have to be. I’m pretty sure no one is able to violate the maximum number of people in a dungeon’s instance at one time.

“I don’t know if I should feel safe having them around, or terrified,” I tell Dawn rather honestly.

After all, who in Midgard assigns a couple of Kings, or even greater, to guard duty for a Tier 2 Dungeon Core?! The only person I can think of that could assign them is this founder of theirs.

I guess their founder really does want me protected then. Either that or watched.

Although I kind of wonder just what element their founder is the god of… considering that Fenrir – a Tier 10 being – was his companion apparently. That means he has to be a Tier 10 being. Not to mention the way the Vampires were treating even just his title as founder.

“Assuming the Vampire’s founder is a Tier 10 being, what element do you think they control?” I ask Dawn out of curiosity.

She finally takes her gaze away from the entrance as she answers my question, “Considering that they’re Vampires, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have the blood or darkness element. After all, that’s the most common element that they can have.”

Blood or darkness?


“You said that it’s their most common element?” I ask her out of confusion.

The Humans don’t seem to have any preference towards any particular element…

Dawn seems surprised for a moment, but she quickly regains her composure and explains, “Yeah, almost every race has certain elements that they are more likely to have. With the exception of the humans, who can have basically any element outside of the void.”

Huh. That’s kind of interesting.

Although it doesn’t really matter much in the long run.

What does matter is that I might have a sort of shield to the other Gods for now thanks to the God of the Vampires.

Out of nowhere, the two Vampires return and bow again, shocking both me and Dawn for a second time.

“Please, stop doing that!” Dawn straight up shouts at them, talking to someone besides me or my monsters for what might just be the first time in her life.

The two Vampires turn to look at her and bow their heads while apologizing, “Our apologizes, we will appear at the entrance the next time we visit.”

My core flares slightly in surprise at their overly polite mannerisms before I calm down and ask, “So why are you here this time?”

They turn to face me in sync – making me wonder if they’re twins or something, because they certainly look alike – before saying, “You have a visitor sent by a God Tier being.”

Excuse me?

“Which God?” I ask rather tentatively, worried that Fenrir’s enemies might have already found me.

Because there is no way I could possibly take on a Tier 10 individual while at Tier 2.

“They are servants of the God of the Ocean, Leviathan,” the Vampire on the left states, right before the Vampire on the right adds, “and they have come on friendly terms under the order of their God, who was a friend to the God of the Void.”

A friend to… to Fenrir?

I turn my attention towards Dawn for a second before focusing on them again.

“Do you know why they’re here?” I ask them, wondering why it is that it feels like I’m ordering around two servants or something when they’re both likely strong enough to wipe out this entire mountain.

The Vampires share a glance before looking at me again and answering simultaneously, “They would like to explain that for themselves.”

A few seconds pass in silence after they say that. However, once they both turn around – likely in a display to leave without just teleporting out or whatever it is they’ve been doing – I ask, “Would you mind telling me who your empire’s founder is?”

Both of them look briefly surprised at that before looking at me again and answering, “Our prestigious founder also goes by the names of the God of Blood and the God of Vampires.”


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haha Love Dawn yelling at them. Made me laugh this morning.