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The small snake continues flying around the room for several minutes before eventually going back into the portal, making me wonder why it even passed through in the first place.

“I guess it decided to go back after realizing that there wasn’t anywhere to go in that room,” Dawn mutters while watching the portal.

Hmm. Okay then.

I return to what I was doing before finding it and begin expanding my territory into the portal and through the void on the other side. However, after expanding for a few dozen meters, I feel the regular barrier blocking me from expanding any more.

“Interesting…” I mutter, my core pulsing slightly in my contemplation.

I had already used up all of the amount that I could expand for the first floor, but despite that, it still let me expand into the void.

So does the System count the void as a separate area of which I can expand? Or is it counting this as another floor?

Before I can think any deeper on the topic, another that same snake as before enters the territory that I claimed in the void.

“Looks like the little fella is back,” I tell Dawn, who had briefly taken her attention away due to her boredom from watching me expand my territory.

The little guy – assuming it is a male – slowly floats through the void at a much faster speed than when it was on Midgard, making me think that the creature is able to move around a lot easier in the void. Additionally, the black mist coating its body seems to be even thicker and practically merging with the void itself.

Actually, I think the only reason I can even tell it’s there is because of the fact that it’s in my territory, and I know everything that’s in my territory.

I continue watching the thing fly around for a little while before eventually creating a few monsters in the area to attack it.

Because I kind of want its pattern.


Near the Ancient Underwater Temple beneath the Capital of the Undersea Empire

A small Undine can be seen swimming at incredible speeds down towards an enormous whirlpool. She has deep blue skin, with several tentacles making up their hair, and one fin each on the backs of their arms, legs, neck, and back, and no matter how close she gets to the whirlpool, she does not stop swimming. Even after she gets pulled in and forcefully thrown into the strange portal located at the whirlpool’s center.

Instead, she quickly speeds through the large, underwater corridor that she now finds herself in, through the temple beyond the doors at the end of the corridor, and into an enormous hall. Within the hall, dozens of different types of Undine can be seen around its edges, with a single serpentine creature’s head sticking out calmly from an enormous ravine at the end of the hall.

This one creature can be seen letting out enormous waves of energy; energy that automatically attempts to force any being nearby beneath the ninth Tier to submit to its power.

The Undine ignores the silence flowing through the hall along with the looks being sent her way by the other Undine as she rushes towards the center of the hall, lands on the ground, and kneels before the large creature’s head.

“Divine One, Leviathan, we have received news of a void element dungeon core having appeared on the mainland continent to the south of us!” the Undine quickly declares while looking down at the ground, not daring to look into the large, serpentine eyes of the great Tier 10 being in front of her.

Leviathan – aptly named for his race, Leviathan – stares down at the small Undine with his eyes narrowed slightly, his deep blue scales reflecting the light of the glowing stones set place in the ceilings as he thinks.

The Tier 8 current Empress of the Undersea Empire nervously shakes in fear as she takes on the full gaze of Leviathan for nearly an entire minute. Meanwhile the various Tier 8 and 9 individuals scattered throughout the hall keep silent so as to not irritate their God – the current Tier 10 individual of the water element.

Eventually, Leviathan raises his enormous, forty-meter-long head and looks towards the direction of the Lost Mountains before quietly muttering, “I wonder if this is Fenrir’s doing…”

After taking a few more minutes to ponder over that, he turns back to the Empress bowed before him and asks, “Tell me of the nation currently hosting the dungeon core.”

A shiver runs down the Empress’s spine at his deep and powerful voice, but she answers with a calm voice anyways, “The dungeon core is currently residing within the borders of a newly established nation known as Wolfmoore, and it is located directly in their capital city, Wolfdenn.”

Leviathan’s deep blue eyes narrow at the nation’s name and he asks, “Is there a reason for the wolf namesakes?”

The Empress shivers once again before answering just as calmly, “Yes, Divine One. It would appear that the dungeon’s first monsters were wolves, and ever since then, it has had a major focus on wolf monsters.”

Almost immediately after she finishes speaking, a powerful wave of laughter fills the hall, startling the many residents both inside of it and in the city above who can feel the tremors caused by Leviathan’s laughter.

“It looks like that old wolf actually managed to do one last thing before fading away!” the Tier 10 being says once his laughter dies down. He then looks back down at the Empress, who is no longer shivering due to the sheer rarity of her God’s laughter, and asks, “What of this nation? Is it treating the child well? And do they know of its true nature?”

The Empress quickly begins to answer, no longer as nervous as before thanks to the Leviathan’s good mood, “The nation was founded by the unofficial prince of the Raizel Empire, Leon Raizel, without the assistance of his family. He has been treating the Dungeon Core, who has apparently taken on the name Fenrir, rather we-”

She suddenly cuts off as the enormous serpent bursts out into another round of explosive laughter. However, this round is different as it sends the ground beneath the entire ocean into bouts of tremors, causing tsunamis to spread out and hit various shores.

“That confirms it without a shadow of a doubt!” the serpent declares with a jovial tone before looking back down at the woman again and saying, “Continue with your report.”

The Empress continues speaking after just a few seconds of hesitation, “The nation’s leader, Leon Raizel, has been treating Fenrir rather well. Additionally, the nation is completely neutral in all of the dealings it has with the various nations around it. Even after a war had already broken out and completed between its neighboring nations.”

Leviathan stares at her for several seconds before looking in the direction of Wolfmoore again.

“So I won’t have to do anything to the nation’s ruler,” he says with a relieved voice before turning stern again and continuing, “but I might have to deal with that old fox before he tries anything he might regret.”


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Looks like things are warming up. Wonder what the relationship between old Fenrir and this Leviathan is. Seems like a good one.