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The Calling of Wrath is now moving to the same upload schedule as The Rise of the Winter Wolf was, while Winter Wolf is changing places with it.


                                         Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 3

I wait as usual at the front gate of Acre while the others finish going through their checks. At the same time though, I have my aura spread out throughout the crowd in a very thin layer to make sure that I can hear every word being said in the area.

And some of the things that the invaders are saying are a little worrisome.

“-eard about the former high general who’s supposed to be coming to the dukedom soon?” A soldier wearing what I’ve come to know as a lower ranked officer uniform from the invader’s military forces says to another. “Do you think he’ll do anything to ruin the efforts here?”

“Wait, so you actually believe the rumors that he was demoted due to sabotaging an important experiment?” The other officer says in response with his disagreement clear in his voice. “I personally think it was another plot by that High General Chandler that sabota-”

Before he can finish talking, another voice interrupts them with a lot of aggression in it. One belonging to a higher ranking officer that I see here every day. “Unless you want to be court-martialed, then I’d suggest you keep your mouth shut of accusations such as those.”

The officers immediately begin to flounder around with their words, obviously having been unaware of their superior being within hearing distance of them. And before they manage to say anything else useful to me, I hear the soldier checking the others say, “You’re all good to go. Head on in.”

I open my eyes which had been closed to focus on the senses from my aura before retracting it and looking through my mask at the soldier who had spoken.

He looks back at me and nods his head, followed immediately after by waving us in and moving on to the next group wishing to enter the city.

The topic of a former-high general entering the dukedom sounds like a pretty big deal, so I should have plenty of opportunities to learn more about it as we walk through the city.

That said, it sounds like it might be a problem.

They were talking about sabotaging some sort of experiment, which makes me think about my time in that strange tube.

Was I the experiment? And was that high general the one who let me escape? Or was it that High General Chandler guy that the other one was about to speak about?

I frown as we continue to walk through the city streets towards the Adventurers Assembly.

Sounds like something I might share with Roxy later.

A faint smile emerges on my face at the feeling of actually having someone to help me out. Even if the only reason I feel safe accepting her help is due to the contract we both signed.

After all. If she betrayed me, then she herself would be killed by the World Tree.

So unless she is secretly suicidal – which I doubt – then it’s fine.

We continue walking through the city until we reach the Adventurers Assembly, and once we do, Roxy steps up to the receptionist’s desk and turns in everything for the jobs we had taken. Meanwhile, I lean up against the wall close to the entrance while spreading out my aura and focusing on all of the invaders’ conversations nearby.

After a few minutes of searching, I eventually find one talking about the subject. However, the three people speaking are slowly walking away from my position and will likely leave the range of my aura soon enough.

But what strikes me the most about them is that they are all higher ranking officers than most of the soldiers that I normally see around the city.

“Do you think the General will try to take his anger out on us?” one of them asks.

The one in the center shakes his head as they walk and says, “No. High General Fellhart is a good one, unlike that bastard Chandler who framed him.”

“Shhh!” the third officer shushes the one who had just spoken while nervously looking around him. “You shouldn’t say stuff-”

Before he can finish, the second officer interrupts him, “It’s fine. There aren’t any higher ranking officers here that can hear us right now.”

I raise an eyebrow at that before focusing my aura on the nervous one slightly to gauge how strong he is.

My eyes narrow immediately after, and I pull my aura back again.

That guy was Tier 2. And not at the bottom of it either. He was a little past halfway through Tier 2, even with his System restrictions active.

Which doesn’t bode well for me.

I quickly open the Tier Breach Mission to check up on my progress again.

Wait, really? I actually completed the fourth objective without even realizing it?

That’s kind of surprising. But it’s a welcome surprise, nonetheless.


I turn my head and open my eyes to look at the other members of my group.

It looks like I’ll have to go during the night or something to use The Calling of Wrath. Because even with that contract in place, I don’t trust the other members of her party with knowledge of that skill.

After all, it’s an Embodiment of Wrath’s racial skill. And if they were to describe it to an invader who actually is in the know, then I might have some trouble.

Assuming the invaders even know what the skill can do exactly.

Which also makes me wonder what the other Sins’ racial skills can do.

I turn my head again to look outside as I hear the sound of rain beginning to hit the stone ground.

Rain again? There’s been a lot of it recently.


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For those of you who can't read the image:

Tier Breach Mission

Title: Control the Wrath

Objective 1: Level the skill The Calling of Wrath to level 2. Complete.

Objective 2: While transformed into a beast, kill at least 1000 enemies of any Tier. Can be done through multiple different transformations. Current Progress: 421/1000.

Objective 3: Use your Wrathful Aura skill to identify 1000 or more beings. Current Progress: 1000/1000.

Objective 4: Through the use of your various skills, hold the Wrath of ten enemies in your body at once. Complete.

Optional Objective: Defeat a Tier 3 monster through the use of other monsters overwhelmed with Wrath. Current Progress: Not Complete.


Tier 3 unlocked

Optional Objective Reward:

35000 EXP, one Tier 3 [Random Item Draw], and one Tier 7 [Random Skill Level-Up Card]

But with Objectives 1, 3, and 4 crossed out.


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