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I feel like some of you might point out that I said that chapters would be every other day now and then I go and miss a day. However, you have to remember that I announced in my discord channel that Friday's chapters would be pushed to Saturday. Which also meant that Saturday's chapters would be pushed to Sunday.

So here we are :)

Anyways, still every other day. Just that I took a day off due to being overworked with class stuff.


A few hours later

Almost immediately after I finish killing the last batch of monsters around me, a surprising notification appears on my interface.

My mouth drops open in surprise, only for me to quickly find myself back in the same large hall I was in last time, with the same black and red color scheme, the same throne and dais, the same pillars and banners, same carpet, and even the same skylight and counter.

Although the items and orbs on top of the counter are clearly different this time.

Not sure why it took so long for the sponsorship to begin. And it didn’t even warn me of the bidding process starting either.

Also, did that Abyssal Ruler guy give up or something? Because he didn’t win a sponsorship this time.

I frown at that thought before shrugging my shoulders and focusing on the other names.

If I remember correctly, that Amalia Larenz person was a harbinger as well. An earth variant one that was friends with Diane. While Arianais, Diane, and Leo are obvious as to who they are.

But that Talroth guy… wasn’t he one of those Ascendants?

And I don’t remember Diane or Leo ever mentioning them having any ties to him before.

I narrow my eyes on his name before the notification disappears and the name of each sponsor appears above the five items and skills arrayed on the counter.

Also, wasn’t Talroth supposed to be one of those incredibly rare devourers?

My thoughts are interrupted as another notification appears; the same one that appeared last time I entered here.


I narrow my eyes on the fourth sponsorship, which came from the devourer and is surprisingly a rainbow colored orb.

Why the hell is a random guy I’ve never spoken to nor seen giving me a Tier 9 skill?

This really doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

I stare at the skill orb for a few seconds before sighing and turning my attention towards the first sponsorship, which is from Diane, of course.

Just to narrow my eyes at the sight of a ring. One that I notice looks exactly like the ring that’s always on her finger.

Uh huh. What’s she trying to do?

I can tell that this ring has the emblem of the Grand Werewolf Empire on it.

I’m not stupid.

With that thought in mind, I narrow my eyes and focus them on where I think the livestream is coming from. I then snort and approach the ring before looking at its description.


Tier 8 Signet of the Royal House of Frost:

This ring – if worn by the user Wolf Adler, otherwise known as The Winter Wolf – will serve as proof of the wearer’s status as prince and heir to the Grand Werewolf Empire.

Additionally, the ring will give the wearer a 10% immunity to all elements.

Note: This ring can only be worn by a werewolf or a lycanthrope, and it will transform with the user.

Note: This ring can break through the wolf form limitations, allowing the wearer to wear it even in that form.

Note: This ring will adjust itself to fit the wearer.

System’s Favor: This item is tampered with by the creator. It will act as a tracking beacon towards the wearer, allowing anyone else who is wearing the same ring to know where exactly the wearer is.



My jaw drops open at the bonus granted by the ring.

A ten percent immunity to all elements? Are you freaking kidding me?

How is that even Tier 8?! It should be Tier 9!

Although… it could be because all the ring does is give that immunity. Ignoring the heir and prince stuff for the moment that is.

It could also be due to the many restrictions placed on the ring.

Not to mention that annoying tracking beacon part. Even if that is likely just a safety measure set in place for me by Diane.

I purse my lips in thought while holding the ring in my hand. It has the emblem of the Grand Werewolf Empire, which is a pure black werewolf’s head surrounded by wisps of darkness, and it is seemingly made using some sort of dark black and pale blue metal.

Or maybe it’s just made up of two different metals in one?

No idea.

Either way though, the ring actually looks pretty cool.

That said…

I glance at the livestream with my lips pursed in thought.

Should I put it on?

Several seconds pass in silence as I alternate my gaze between the ring and where I think the livestream is coming from – which would be really awkward if it’s not actually coming from there, but oh well – before eventually sighing and placing the ring into my inventory instead of wearing it.

I then look directly at the livestream feed – I hope – and state, “I’ll talk to you about this later.”

Because while I’m not against becoming her heir anymore, I’ll need to have more details about it first. After all, accepting a position like that just for a very beautiful 10% immunity to all elements?

I’m not gonna let myself be bribed like that.

At least not without knowing what I’m being bribed into first.

And with that thought in mind, I turn my attention towards the second sponsorship, which is from Leo.

Only to tilt my head in confusion and mutter, “What is that?”


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Table of Contents

For those of you who can't view the images:

Sponsorship Announcement

All five of your   sponsorship slots have been purchased by the following individuals:

Administrator:   Diane Frost

Administrator: Leo   Decayend

Administrator: Amalia   Larenz

Administrator: Talroth

Administrator: Arianais


You will now be   transported to the System’s Grand Hall to be awarded your items and skills!

Sponsorship Announcement

Welcome to the   System’s Grand Hall!

The following five   items and skills have been sent to you through your sponsors and are arrayed   in the slot order of the sponsors.

When you wish to   return to the dungeon, just focus on this announcement and say ‘return.’

Any items or skills   not claimed by the Competitor before they return to the dungeon will be   disposed of by the System.

You are being   streamed live and forcefully shown to every current viewing room in the   System.


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