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                                       Within the center of the Dark Forest
                                             Year 820 | Month 2 | Day 29

A loud quacking sound echoes through the clearing as the hockathrix known by Cass as Thrix finishes turning another monkey to stone.

The proud hockathrix continues quacking loudly for a few seconds before it charges over to the stone statue and chomps into it with its beak, somehow chomping through the stone and beginning to eat the petrified monkey.

It proceeds to eat through its meal, only leaving the statue’s feet remaining that it quickly stashes on its back prior to running off towards the cave Cass was using during her stay in the Dark Forest.

After the hockathrix reaches the cave, it enters it, stashes its food, and lies down on the ground at the back of the cave.

Since being separated from Cass, the proud hockathrix has been fighting for its life every day just to get back to the center on its own, almost having lost its life many times during that process. However, thanks to its troubles, the creature has gained various rewards.

Thrix raises his head at the sound of splashing coming from outside of the cave, as if something were stepping into the creek water.

The hockathrix narrows its eyes at the entrance and climbs back to its feet before walking over to the entrance and finding a Tier 2 vethrokin walking through the creek towards him.

Almost immediately after he enters the creature’s eyesight, it lets out a loud screech and begins rushing towards him. However, Thrix’s eyes flash, turning the lower body of the monster to stone with ease thanks to their levels being the same.

Thrix then walks over towards the downed creature with a proud step before tearing into the creature’s head to finish it off now that it can’t move anymore.

He then begins to drag the corpse into his cave, places it along with the rest of his food, and goes back to his place to rest again.

Several seconds pass in silence until the hockathrix glances back in the direction of where he was separated with Cass and a conflicted look can be seen in his eyes. One that is both worry and fear at the same time.

However, the look fades again once he lets out a short quack and lays his head down to get some rest.


                                                    The World Tree
                                       Year 820 | Month 2 | Day 29

Silence fills the sacred hall located at the very top of the World Tree. Amongst those in attendance are the kings of the three kingdoms, along with all of the elder sacred beasts, and the sacred beast’s ancestor.

The various people in attendance are scattered throughout the large, circular hall, with them all on a lower platform than the grand throne located at the center. However, despite the ceremonious hall and setup of the room, not a single one of the kings or sacred beasts have deferential looks on their faces.

Meanwhile, amongst the gathered sacred beasts, the only one in their beast form is the ancestor – otherwise known as Nidhogg.

The man has the appearance of a large dragon, with his serpentine tail going around the fifty-meter-tall throne of which he is sitting in in circles. He has black and red eyes, with pure black scales, two sets of legs without any arms, and a single pair of enormous wings.

“I shall now explain the current situation to you,” the large dragon declares while looking directly at the three kings, each of which is standing nearly a hundred meters away from him.

Amongst the three kings, each one of them has a completely different outfit on. One befitting of their nation.

The king of Liathtria – Archibald de Luna – has on his signature robe draped over a set of armor.

The king of Ardene – Slycaria de Solar – has his traditional desert garb on, with a gladiatorial warrior’s armor worn underneath several extravagant cloths and a small veil pulled down to his neck that is meant to block sand from entering his mouth or nose.

The king of Aulta – Valtar de Alheim – has on a barely visible suit of armor covered almost completely by various layers of cloth that contradict the summer-like vibe given off by the World Tree and its surroundings.

Each of the three have different attitudes expressed on their faces, clearly showing their lack of fear towards the sacred beast’s ancestor.

Archibald with his angry if not slightly worried face, clearly showing where his thoughts are right now.

Slycaria with his arrogant and laid-back expression, showing his complete disdain for each one of the individuals in attendance.

And Valtar, the only one of the three not showing any emotion in the slightest as he stares blankly at the large dragon in front of him.

Nidhogg looks around at the gathered people before continuing, “To all of you. This secret that I am about to unfold shall not leave this tree.”

He then focuses on the kings and applies some of his aura on them, instantly pushing all three to their knees as he adds, “If I ever find that you have told anyone outside of your immediate family, then I will send you to the serpent.”

The three kings shiver at the thought of the enormous serpent living within the grand ocean.

“Now,” the dragon proceeds in a calmer tone, “the System is an entity that has always been with us.”

This news shocks the three kings but doesn’t surprise any of the elder sacred beasts in the slightest.

“However, it had locked itself away long ago in each of the one hundred planes, leaving all of the people since then to grow without the help of the System,” he continues while alternating his gaze between the three kings, “with the exception of the Guardians and Protectors.”

Archibald raises his head with difficulty and asks, “Would you please elaborate on that?”

The dragon stares at the king for a few seconds before saying, “The Protectors are the beings who have reached the pinnacle of creation. Which in the System’s terms, would be considered level 100.”

All three kings’ eyes widen at his words, but they don’t stop there as the dragon proclaims, “I am one such being, as you could probably already guess. Meanwhile the Guardians are the subordinates serving under a Protector, such as my sacred beasts.”

Each of the sacred beasts shivers slightly at his use of the phrase, ‘my sacred beasts.’

“Every one of the one hundred planes has its own Protector looking over it who will only act in dire circumstances that might cause permanent damage to the stability of the plane itself,” the ancestor continues while looking over the sacred beasts, only to jerk his head back to the kings as he adds, “and those circumstances do not include the invasion of the other plane’s residents. Only the protection of the World Tree, and the plane itself.”


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Oooh fun lore times


these chapters are short.


Sorry, but they've been the same length for several weeks now. I am writing 4 stories at once while also taking 5 computer science classes in college after all.