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Okay, so oops. I accidentally messed a few things up while uploading chapters.

All of the chapters should be good for Patreon, but the table of contents was inaccurate in where the links lead. Additionally, the chapters were under the wrong numbers and I have now fixed that.

That said, I completely skipped uploading a chapter on Royal Road. So oops.

I missed uploading chapter 12.5 on RR, so I uploaded that one and placed it in the right spot.



I smile at the sight of the lone chest surrounded by a frozen wasteland.

Such a beautiful sight.

And with that thought, I quickly make my way towards it before reaching out and touching it.


Skill | Compressed Elemental Orb | Tier 8

This skill allows the user to send a small orb of compressed elemental energy outwards.

The orb can be manipulated with extreme difficulty through elemental manipulation powers.

The orb can not be redirected and will continue moving until it runs out of its compressed element.


My eyes widen slightly at the skill, but I quickly snap out of the stupor to grab the skill orb.

So I got the skill it used to make those annoying orbs, then?

Although I’m not sure if I can do it the same way as it did, considering it had that strange ring to gather the element for it.

Either way though, it should be rather helpful. At least, for a powerful attack.

Too bad killing the boss didn’t give me any-

My thoughts cut off at the notification, but once I read through it, a grimace spreads across my face.

Did the System really have to announce that to everyone?

However, my frown fades as I think about the extra reward.

What extra reward?

I stand in place waiting for several seconds, but nothing happens. So I instead begin to look around the area.

What could it mean by an additional reward? Because I certainly don’t see-

My thoughts are cut off again as a strange sound can be heard from behind me. But when I look, I don’t find anything.

What the…?

And that’s when I hear the sound again, still from behind me despite me having turned around.

My eyes widen as something comes to mind and I turn to look at my shadow, just to find Sapphire seemingly cramping up or something.

“Sapphire!” I shout while bending down to pick her up out of my shadow.

The little spider lets out a faint purr, but it’s so quiet that a normal human being likely wouldn’t even be able to hear it.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her. “Are you okay?”

Almost immediately after asking that, I notice something.

I frown at Sapphire’s head.

Is she eating something?

Out of nowhere, Sapphire opens her mouth and lets out a muffled screech, showing me exactly what is in it.

“Why the hell,” I mutter in absolute bewilderment, “do you have a root in your mouth?”

Sapphire just lets out another screech before swallowing the root, which actually lets out a faint cry in the process of being swallowed.


A root just cried?

I blink in confusion at the little spider sitting in the palm of my hands, but her convulsing just quickens now that she’s swallowed it.


“This is why you don’t eat random roots you find lying on the ground,” I warn her, only for my eyes to widen as a faint gray light begins to shine from her limbs. “Okay seriously, what the hell did you just ea-”


Your Soul-Bound Companion, Sapphire, has just devoured and absorbed a master-less Soul-Bound Companion.

She will now take on one racial skill from the devoured companion.


I stare at the words for several seconds before they eventually disappear.

She… what?

“You ate a master-less Soul-Bound Companion…” I mutter in confusion, repeating the words I had just read.


Aren’t Soul-Bound Companions supposed to be rare?

Wait a second. Could that Soul-Bound Companion have been the additional reward the System mentioned?

And Sapphire ate it.

I blankly stare at the little spider in the palm of my hands as she continues convulsing before wondering just how the viewers are reacting. Considering just how rare a Soul-Bound Companion is.

Just the thought makes me grimace slightly.

They’re probably reacting rather extremely. After all, a Soul-Bound Companion is something everyone wants. And they just watched mine eat one.


Your Soul-Bound Companion, Sapphire, has gained the following traits:

The ice spikes on Sapphire’s body can now grow and stretch out of her body to be used as weapons before being retracted again at will.

A small element gathering ring has emerged on her head, allowing her to gather elements that can be used to shoot a compressed orb.


I stare at the menu for a few seconds before it vanishes again, leaving me watching as Sapphire slowly climbs back to her feet and begins stretching.

Okay, those are some nice benefits. She can even make compressed orbs like me.

I begin to climb back to my feet, only to freeze right when I get there as a thought comes to mind.

Holy shit… could that actually work?

At that thought, I place Sapphire on my shoulder before pushing my hand forwards and activating the new skill I just got. Once the orb begins to form, I focus intently on the process that the skill is doing, making sure I don’t miss a single detail until the orb fires outwards.

Interesting… that just might work!

I watch for a few seconds as the orb proceeds to freeze everything at a very fast pace, only to turn around and begin making my way through the floor again.

If I can learn how to compress ice element myself, then it might just be possible for me to use this technique to finally elemental shift!

At that thought, I glance back towards the enormous frozen statue that was the Special Boss before nodding my head in appreciation and continuing my way through the floor again.

I finally have some hope to elemental shift without having to wait years just to have the stamina to do so!


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Administrator Dungeon   Notification

This   is a notification to every competitor in the Administrator Dungeon.

The   competitor, The Winter Wolf, has defeated the Special Boss on the   ninety-fifth floor of the dungeon.

As   a reward, they have been given a mythic loot box.

Additionally,   since they were the first Competitor in this run to defeat a Special Boss,   they will be given an additional reward.


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