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About an hour later

“It’s beautiful…” Dawn mutters as she continues going through the halls of my dungeon while looking with awe upon all of the little cosmetic changes I made over the past couple of months, during my short breaks between cultivation.

For the most part, the changes are really just things to make the dungeon look either cooler or just more intimidating overall to the intruders. But there are a few changes that I made using some new minerals I found while I was digging out the eleventh floor.

Such as some changes in the metal used in the archer monster’s arrows and other small things like that.

“I thought that you might like this,” I tell her as a strange warm feeling pulses through my core.

Dawn continues floating through the halls of my dungeon, just looking around at the new wall designs and other changes, before she says, “I do! Very much so.”

The warm feeling increases slightly, but my thoughts are interrupted as I notice a commotion building up from outside of the front entrance of my dungeon.

What’s going on?

What sounds like dozens, maybe even hundreds of voices are rising up from the other side of the doors, but since I can’t see anything on the other side, I’m left blind to what’s going on.

I continue watching the entrance hall for several minutes, but nothing happens. Not even after one of the groups of intruders inside of the dungeon leaves.

However, something does catch my attention about their departure.

“Why isn’t another group entering?” I mutter in confusion to Dawn, bringing her attention to the entrance hall.

Dawn teleports to my core room just in case something goes wrong as she suggests, “I’m not sure. Maybe there’s an announcement going on above?”

An announcement?

But shouldn’t they have done announcements before? If they have, then it wasn’t like this.

I continue watching the entrance hall for half an hour. Meanwhile, two more groups make their way out of the dungeon, leaving just a few still inside without any new groups coming in.

“Announcement or not, something is certainly happening,” I say before glancing at Dawn to find her no longer concerned with whatever is going on.

Guess there’s not much we can do unless they enter the dungeon for some reason.

For now, I’ll go back to cultivating.


                                                A couple of hours later

I’m abruptly snapped out of my cultivation as every last one of my instances opens up to welcome six Vampires into each.


Weren’t they here illegally or something? Is it really that smart to just waltz into the front entrance like that?

Once the doors to each group closes, a Vampire that I recognize as the Prince steps forwards and nods his head towards the direction of my core, despite how far away it is. He then says, “Greetings, Dungeon Core Fenrir. We have come for you to fulfil your part of the agreement.”

Yeah, this certainly explains the commotion from earlier.

“Looks like the Vampires are here for their portal,” I inform Dawn, who is still playing with Fang after not being able to for so long.

She suddenly jumps upwards at my voice before immediately focusing on the entrance hall. At the same time, I send my voice to the Vampire Prince, ‘Very well.’

I look around at the groups of Vampires in the entrance hall before opening a small hidden entrance in the wall of the entrance hall and telling the Prince, ‘The portal is in that room. I will open it whenever you give the word.’

The Prince surprisingly bows low towards me and says, “My appreciations, Dungeon Core.”

He then begins relaying my words to the others, and somehow even tells those in the other instances, causing all of the Vampires to begin going towards the tunnel. However, before the Prince himself enters the tunnel, he pauses and says, “We still have another group of Vampires that should be entering after we pass through the portal.”


“That’s fine,” I tell him, prompting him to go into the tunnel before entering the room with the inactive portal.

Not even a second later, the Tier 6 Vampire declares, “Please open the portal.”

I activate it, causing a warping sound to echo through the room. And almost immediately after that, all of the Vampires begin to file into it.

At the same time, as soon as the orbs on the exterior of my dungeon begin to indicate that the groups are leaving, more Vampires start to spill into the instances. The Vampire Prince – who had stayed back – quickly informs the new groups of what to do before nodding his head towards my core once more and stepping in.

A couple of minutes pass by in silence as I watch the remaining groups of Vampires step into the portal, with each of them bowing towards my core before doing so until every last Vampire is gone.

These Vampires are certainly polite. Much more polite than the Humans above me.

Actually, now that I think about it, with the exception of those dumb Goblins, I think the Humans have been the rudest species I’ve come across so far…

Well, anyways. I close the entrance to the portal room while making sure the portal is able to run non-stop for an entire month, just to find that it can last pretty much indefinitely.

Which is a really nice benefit to the void portals, since they pretty much sustain themselves after opening.

My thoughts are interrupted as groups of intruders begin to spill into my dungeon instances again.

“Looks like things are back to normal again,” I tell Dawn while moving my attention back to the room with the portal. “Now I just have to keep that por-”

I cut off as I notice a small pouch sitting next to the portal in the instance the Prince was in.


Once I inspect the thing, I find a very pleasant surprise inside.

“The Vampires left us four orbs!” I exclaim to Dawn in my excitement before bringing the orbs to my core room.

After making sure the orbs get to my core room, I focus my attention on the portal.

Those Vampires sure are nice.

I wonder if more of them will be starting to enter the dungeon from now on?


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haha, Love that observation. TFTC