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                                                   A few days later

“There are bunnies in the dungeon now?” I mutter in confusion while staring at the soldier standing at the entrance to my office, “I did hear that correctly, right?”

The soldier – who looks just as confused as me – nods his head and says, “Yes, City Lord. Some mercenary parties have started reporting small, black bunnies with the same camouflaging power as the small fens running around the tenth floor of the dungeon.”

I blink a couple of times at the words, only to purse my lips in thought as the soldier continues talking, “Additionally, the bunnies drop extra rewards whenever killed.”

“Rewards?” I mutter while scratching my chin. “What sort of rewards?”

The soldier pulls something out of his pocket before opening his hand and showing me a tiny fragment of World Ore, making my eyes go wide. He then answers, “Up to this point, the bunnies have dropped tiny, bead-sized fragments of World Ore, along with large amounts of WC and even some enchanted items.”

Are you kidding me?! What the hell is that dungeon thi-

“Although, there are some caveats to them. The bunnies are extremely rare, they seem to avoid people at all costs, and they are very difficult to get ahold of, let alone kill, even when found,” the soldier continues while slowly pocketing the World Ore fragment in front of my eyes.

Hmm… okay, that’s not half bad. In fact, these bunnies could work as great advertisement for the dungeon.

Not to mention another way to get World Ore from that stingy rock.

“Does the mercenaries guild know about this yet?” I ask while leaning back in my chair and looking up at the ceiling.

“Yes, they should know by now,” he says before adding, “I came here at the same time as a messenger was sent there about the news.”

“Hmm,” I hum in thought while still looking up at the ceiling for a few seconds before glancing back down at the man and saying, “You’re dismissed.”

The soldier gives me a bow and makes his way out of my office while closing the door behind him.

A few seconds pass in silence before I turn to look in the direction of the dungeon.

So many changes to the dungeon in the short time that it’s existed…

Out of nowhere, a knock sounds from my door, and right as I’m about to ask who it is, my door bursts open and I find myself jerking my head to see who came in. And what I find in the doorway is of a species I would’ve never expected to find here.

“Hello,” the Vampire says in a chippy tone of voice while walking into my office and closing the door behind himself. “I have something I’d like to talk to you about.”

The man has bright red eyes, with two sharp fangs sticking out of his mouth, and incredibly pale skin. But despite looking visibly weak, he confidently strides through the hall, just to vanish from where he’s standing and reappear in front of my desk with both of his hands placed on it.

I carefully study him, making sure to examine him with my aura.

He’s clearly stronger than me. Far stronger than me.

Otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to sneak past all of the security with what appears to be ease.

Additionally, I can tell he’s stronger just through his aura.

But the question is…

“Why are you here? And what do you wish to talk about?” I ask him with a frown.

“Well,” the Vampire says with a light shrug of his shoulders, “his highness was originally going to just ignore your city here, but since it’s become a nation since we last visited, that has become a lot more complicated to do so.”

My eye twitches at both the fact that they’ve been here, and that they were just planning on ignoring me to do whatever.

“So now I’m here to negotiate with you on behalf of his highness to allow us to go through with the dungeon’s end of an agreement,” he continues with a bright smile on his face, likely completely aware that I can’t do shit to him right now.

I glare at the man, only to realize something and ask, “Your highness? Is a Prince involved in this?”

Because if that’s the case…

The man looks surprised for a second and backs up slightly, only to cross his arms with that same smile while saying, “Yep!” He then bows slightly towards me and says, “But where are my manners, your highness!”

I tighten my grip on the armrests of my chair at his term of endearment, along with his seemingly mocking attitude as he raises back up from the bow.

“I am Lord Vincent Argo of the Empire of Eternal Night, and I am here on behalf of both the Prince, and his majesty, Emperor Tarek Night of the Empire of Eternal Night,” he declares with a rather smug look on his face.

My eye twitches again and I want nothing more than to leave this room.

What the hell did you do, Fenrir?



I am interrupted from my cultivation as I hear a very familiar voice coming from the exit Dawn had used, “What’s with these bunnies?”

When I hurriedly turn my attention towards the exit, I find Dawn’s familiar flame lighting up the small tunnel and I can’t help but exclaim, “Dawn! You’re finally back!”

Dawn lets out a lighthearted chuckle at my exclamation before teleporting to my core and repeating her question, “It’s glad to be back, but seriously. What’s with the bunnies?”

I look at her for a few more seconds, still very happy to finally have her back. It isn’t until a bunny hops into the room that I answer her question, “One of those creatures hopped through the exit you used and a direwolf killed it before I could do anything about it. So I decided to add it to my dungeon as a sort of hidden monster that can give rewards to the intruders.”

Dawn hovers around the bunny for a few seconds, just to land on its head once it stops moving.

“It’s certainly a cute little fella,” she comments, “even with its pitch black eyes.”

I turn my gaze away from her and the bunny at that last part.

It’s not my fault all of my mana infused monsters have pitch black eyes.

Although at least it’s cool looking.

“I’m glad to have you back, Dawn,” I eventually say after several seconds of silence.

Dawn freezes for a second before saying, “And I’m glad to be back, Fenrir.”


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