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                                           Year 820 | Month 2 | Day 28
                                                    Several hours later

“So let me get this straight,” the twin named Luis begins with his arms crossed in front of his chest and his eyes glued to the mask on my face, just for the other twin to finish while looking at Roxy with the same posture as his brother, “you invited the newbie Scarlet to our team without asking us first?”

I blink at the question in confusion before glancing at Roxy and raising a brow despite her not being able to see it through my mask.

Did she seriously not even bother to tell her party?

Roxy just shrugs and says, “I’m telling you now, so it should be fine, right?”

My mouth parts open in my surprise, but I close it again without another word before turning to look at the other three, none of which look very enthused about her actions. Nor do they look very surprised.

Which doesn’t say much for Roxy’s leadership and is starting to make me doubt my decision to work with them for the time being.

“Don’t worry,” she continues with a placating gesture towards the three, “I trust her, and she’s also the strongest one out of the five of us. You don’t have to worry about her dragging us down.”

Unsurprisingly, this seems to irritate them even more.

Or rather…

I glance at the large one, who still hasn’t said a word at all.

…the party members not including him.

“I can admit that she’s strong,” Luis says while sending a frown in my direction, “after all, just the quests alone that Scarlet’s completed in the past few days prove that, not even mentioning her unidentifiable status.”

My eyebrows raise slightly at the last part, but I quickly remember that no one can identify me at all. Not just those that are a lower Tier than me.

“But that doesn’t mean she’s stronger than us,” Luke adds while sending a frown of his own towards Roxy.

Roxy just looks at them, then looks at Jerold, who seems to not actually care all that much surprisingly, before shrugging again and suggesting, “If you don’t believe me, then go ahead and find out for yourselves.”

I frown at her but end up sighing and turning to the two twins who now look very interested.

Before either of them says anything, I use my aura to spell out a sentence above my head, ‘If you want to fight me, then we can do it outside of the city.’

All four of the adventurers end up gawking at the sinister, black and red letters floating above my head before snapping out of it.

“Sounds good,” both twins state at the same time, almost in sync.

We all then begin to make our way through the city towards the exit. Meanwhile, I hear the twins quietly chatting amongst themselves.

“Did you know she could do that?” Luis whispers to Luke, who whispers back, “No. All I’ve heard of her was that she’s mute and never takes off her mask.”

I hold myself back from looking at them to instead continue walking forwards, through the crowd.

It’s not really a good idea to go around using my aura in visible quantities like that in the city, where invaders might see. But from what I understand, none of the invaders in the city actually know of Wrath energy. So it technically should be safe to use it.

At the same time though, I’d rather not risk using it too publicly.

But using it in a party should be fine.


                                                      A few hours later

I look around the trees of the Dark Forest before focusing on the two twins across the clearing from me, both with a single sword held in their hands.

‘Are you sure about this?’ I ask them one last time through the use of my aura, which has become rather useful in terms of communicating without speaking.

Both of them call out, “Let’s go!” and begin charging towards me.

I let out a sigh at the sight before pursing my lips slightly.

They’re both only at level eleven, just having completed their Tier Breach Missions, so using shock on them will likely turn them into piles of ash… which isn’t an ideal situation. So…

At that thought, I pull the wrath out of all four members of their party and quickly infuse it into myself, making a faint, blood-red shimmer shine from my body as all of my physical capabilities rise. I then burst forwards towards the twins, taking them by surprise due to my speed.

Both of them hurriedly swing their swords towards me almost as if on instinct, but I dodge around them before grabbing both of the twins by the necks and tossing them all the way across the clearing into a couple of trees.

At some point during this, the hood of my cloak goes down, letting my hair blow slightly in the breeze as I watch them through my mask while they groan on the ground and begin getting back up to their feet again. Once they look my way, I use my aura again to ask, ‘Is that proof enough?’

Both of them grit their teeth in frustration, making me wonder if they might challenge me again, but they instead nod their heads.

My eyebrows raise in surprise.

Guess they’re not as brash as I’d thought they were.

I turn from the twins – who are walking over towards their swords that are lying on the ground – to look at Jerold, who actually doesn’t seem to be all that surprised.

Did he already expect this outcome? Or does he just not care?

“How come you keep filling the party with mutes?” I faintly hear one of the twins mutter towards Roxy, making me turn back to look at him again with my eyes narrowed in irritation.

However, after a couple of seconds, an idea comes to mind, and I find myself grinning.

I wait for both of the twins to begin making their way over to me before pointing my finger over towards a tree and making sure the twins notice.

Both of them pause in their conversation with a confused look, but it’s replaced instantly with frightened shock the moment I send a bolt of red and black lightning out of my finger at a nearby tree, turning it into ash.

‘So, what was that about mutes?’ I ask with my aura above my head, making both of them rapidly shake their heads while muttering, “Nothing. Nothing at all.”


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