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And now book 1 of The Undying Magician has come to a close.

Book 2 will most likely start up tomorrow.


                                          The Arcane Council Chambers
                                 Year 2849 | Month 6 | Day 30 | Tuesday

“You were stupid to even so much as think that you might be able to control the Class S magicians,” chairperson Winters declares with his arms crossed in front of his chest and his eyes digging directly at Lucas.

The hot-headed chairperson grits his teeth in anger but managed to hold himself back from reacting.

“The Class S magicians have the power to annihilate the entire plane if they wished to and could get over their own disputes long enough to work together,” he continues before frowning at the Chairman. “There is no way that cutting their funds would ever be successful.”

Several seconds of silence pass by with none of the other chair holders saying a word.

Eventually, the Chairman opens his mouth to speak, just for another voice to interrupt their meeting, “The brat is right. You shouldn’t have tried that.”

All of the council members jump to their feet at the voice, but no matter how thoroughly they search the chambers, not a single one of the council members manage to find the source of the voice.

“I could kill half of you before you even have a chance of stopping me,” the voice continues, sending shivers down the spines of several of the council members. “So where did you get the idea of financially attacking me?”

The Chairman’s eyes narrow and he quickly sends out a pulse of anti-magic through the room, disabling all of the magi-tech devices nearby. However, even then he fails to find the source of the voice.

“Am I to assume you’re the doctor then?” he asks with a frown on his face.

As if to confirm his guess, a wave of bluish purple mana spreads throughout the chamber before separating it from the space outside and transporting it into an elemental plane unseen before by the council members within the chamber.

The council members react almost immediately by opening gates to their own elemental planes, however, only half of them manage to open one large enough for them to pass through. Meanwhile the others are all stopped by strings of space mana forcefully closing off their portals.

“If you don’t want me to wipe out every last one of you, then stop your actions and leave me be,” the doctor’s voice echoes throughout the area.

Lucas opens his mouth to speak, only to close it immediately and create a barrier of mana around himself that cracks almost instantly after being attacked by another string of space mana.

The enhancement magician grunts from the force of the attack seeping through his barrier while pumping more and more mana into his barrier.

“I will not take no as an answer,” the doctor says, his voice echoing throughout the chamber with no emotion in it. “Choose. Live, or die by the hands of the Class S magicians.”

Before any of the council members can respond, the space mana within the room suddenly vanishes and they all find themselves back in the material world with no sign of the doctor’s presence.

A long time passes in silence. Meanwhile, the majority of the council members have grim looks on their faces.

However, four of the council members – Lilith Marshall, Blake Winters, Alexis Luna, and Marcus Ashford – have completely different reactions from the others.

After nearly an entire minute passes, Lilith – whose expression hasn’t changed once during the entire meeting – narrows her eyes slightly and breaks the silence, “This was to be expected.”

Both Blake and Marcus nod their heads in agreement, meanwhile Alexis just lets out a short bout of sarcastic laughter, as if mocking the other council members.

Lucas grits his teeth at their actions but doesn’t say anything, surprising the others in the process.

“It was a matter of necessity,” Artorius declares with a straight face. However, his attention is quickly drawn to a snort from the still-sarcastic-looking Alexis.

“Just keep telling yourself that, buddy,” she says with just as much sarcasm in her voice as on her face.

The Chairman turns to look at her, but before he can say anything, Blake joins in and says, “If it weren’t for your bribing Umbra and Griffin to join you in voting on it, then we wouldn’t have come to the decision to go after the Class S magicians in the first place.”

“And,” he continues after a short pause while turning his gaze towards Lucas, “that’s not even mentioning the imbecile who voted for it on his own accord.”

Lucas crushes the armrest of his chair again at the personal attack on him, but Artorius waves his hand over to the man and sends a wave of anti-magic mana over towards him, covering him in it and stopping him from using his own mana outside of his body. He then proceeds to ignore the man as he says, “If you don’t like the way I do things, then challenge me for the position.”

Marcus leans back in his chair with a frown and slowly says, “You know there’s no point. Nothing would come of it. Not while you have the support of the military’s top magicians.”

The Chairman turns to look at him while saying, “Which should be proof enough that I’m the best one for this position.”

Many of the council members express their disagreement on their faces, but none of them say anything out loud, letting the Chairman continue speaking instead, “But. I do admit that I went about this the wrong way.”

His words this time send shock throughout the Council Chambers.

“What I should have done,” he continues while standing up from his seat, not giving the council members any time to react to his words, “is to focus on my breakthrough to Class S.”

All of the council members shoot to their feet as shouts of surprise begin to echo throughout the chamber. However, the cause of the chaos simply raises his head towards the screen at the center of the chambers and smiles.

‘It won’t be long now,’ Artorius Hunter thinks while ignoring all of the council members around him.


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