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Two months later

I’m broken out of my cultivation as another Tier advancement can be heard from outside of my dungeon.

I focus on the entrance hall for a few seconds before glancing towards my core and the various portals I have open to the void in my core room.

That should be the sixth Tier advancement that I’ve heard since Leon’s. But judging by their intensity, they’re all just Tier 1 to 2 advancements.

Which is normal considering that I’m just Tier 2.

At that thought, I feel another group of intruders enter almost immediately after the last one in that instance left.

I quickly check which group it is before zeroing in on the City Lord’s party, which has started entering the dungeon a lot nowadays than they did when they first arrived here.

Guess the Hybrid’s Tier advancement a couple of months ago probably helped him free up more time to dungeon dive.

I focus my attention on two of their party members – the great shielder, Charles, and the archer, Rose – both of whom being the only members of their party left that haven’t reached Tier 2.

Looks like it wasn’t one of them that advanced.

At that thought, I turn my attention back to the entry hall.

And if the breakthrough wasn’t from Leon’s party, then the new Tier 2 is probably in Roland’s party. Which would explain why I haven’t seen them enter in a few days despite how they used to enter on a daily basis.

I glance away from the entry hall to focus on the tunnel I built for Dawn’s return, only to feel a strange wave of something I’ve recognized as loneliness strike me.

So much for only being gone for a month or so…

I stare at the tunnel for several minutes, just ignoring all of the intruders currently in the dungeon. However, I’m interrupted from my thoughts as the ground begins to shake all around me and the dungeon.

What the-

Before I can finish the thought, the shaking immediately begins to die down a little, making me think that whatever’s happening is ending. Just seconds later, though, a loud explosion can be heard from outside of the dungeon, once again causing the ground to shake.

Wait a second… was that a Tier advancement?

I listen to the tremors for several more seconds as they die down before focusing on the intruders, who all seem a little bit surprised but not shocked.

“Who do you think that was?” I hear Pallus ask Leon from within their instance of the dungeon.

The City Lord turns to look at him as they all climb down the stairs before he focuses on where he’s walking again and says, “Considering that it sounded like an explosion, I’d put my guess on someone with the fire element.”

“Aren’t there five Tier 2 fire element users in the city?” Kat asks Leon, to which he nods his head to.

Looks like they seem to think it was a Tier advancement.

Wait, five Tier 2 fire users? I’m pretty sure I’ve only seen four…

Then again, it’s highly possible that one of them just hasn’t come into the dungeon yet.

“Either way, we’ll find out once we finish up and leave,” Rose states, for some reason acting a lot more serious than she normally does today.

Is she just having a bad day or something?

I watch her for a brief few seconds, only to turn my attention back to my core room after the curiosity passes.

Distracted or not, I doubt she’ll be in any real danger. Not when the City Lord’s party is still limiting themselves to the first ten floors.

Actually, it’s not just them either. Almost every one of the intruder groups has been limiting themselves to the first nine or ten floors with the exception of the full Tier 2 groups.

At least, that’s what’s been happening ever since the first five groups were completely wiped out after attempting the eleventh floor.

But all five of them only had half of their group as Tier 2s, so they kind of deserved it for their stupidity.

Anyways, I open my status to check on my progress.


Name: Fenrir

Race: Dungeon Core

Element: Void

EXP Level: 12

EXP: 7/130

Cultivation Level: 10

Cultivation to next Level: 35%

Mana: 320/320

Secondary Tabs: Dungeon Status, Skills List, Talents List, Achievements List, Starter Environments


Hmm… the void element World Energy released from my portals has more than doubled my cultivation pace.

I glance at the remnants of the last void element orb that I had before turning my attention back to the entrance again.

The Vampires should be back soon. And this’ll be the first time they’ve visited since I finally learned how to make portals.

So it looks like it’ll be my turn to fulfill the contract soon enough.

It’s just too bad that my constant supply of free void element orbs will be coming to an end. But at least I have my own void portals now, so I don’t really need the orbs as much.

Losing them at this point will only slow down my cultivation by a small amount.

I mentally sigh at the thought before beginning to cultivate again, just to pause and immediately turn my attention towards the tunnel that Dawn left through as I sense something enter it.

Is it her?!

Unfortunately, my hopes are dashed once I find some strange sort of creature entering instead. It’s very small and has pure white fur, with two short, floppy ears, and a small ball of a tail.

My instincts quickly tell me that it’s an animal known as a bunny.


Strange creature.

Although… it’s also kind of cute.

At that thought, one of the direwolves guarding the entrance suddenly tears into it before shaking it around in its mouth with a snarl and eating it.

I stare at the direwolf for several seconds before despawning him and replacing him with a new one. I then turn back to my cultivation as the bunny’s pattern enters my mind.


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