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Several hours later

“Are you fucking kidding me,” I mutter out loud in exasperation as I read the notification at the center of my vision.

Another event boss?

I almost immediately swipe my hand through the notification to close out of it early before continuing my way along the stupid root.

At least the event boss isn’t for almost a hundred floors.

Out of nowhere, the ground begins to shake rather violently. At the same time, I hear the root shifting beneath me at an incredibly fast pace.

My eyes narrow as I focus in on hearing each little creak of the root with my headphone’s soundproofing only at 45%, letting me hear the direction where the force is being applied onto the root.

Alright, looks like I’m still heading the correct-

I wince as a loud screech echoes from far away, making me immediately raise the soundproofing again back to 90%.

Damn it, these monsters are so annoying!

My only real way to track them is through using my hearing, but when I do just that, I become extremely weak to their screeches.

Despite my soundproofing having raised back up again, the ringing from the screech keeps bouncing around in my head, disorienting me and making me almost lose my balance more than once.

I continue walking while focusing my ice element to heal me before opening up my dungeon map and once again failing to find the special boss on it.

Still no sign of the main body…

At that depressing thought, I go back to attempting to elemental shift.

Please, just let me find the stupid boss soon. This floor is getting old.


                                               A few more hours later

I stand frozen with my eyes glued to the large… thing… in front of me.

                          _-| Qxiolu – Scythian Veriptitro – Level 1070 |-_

That… is not how I imagined it looking.

The special boss’s main body spans nearly two hundred meters in height, with a rather… disturbing… appearance. It has various fleshy tentacles moving around the lower part of its body – likely for use in protecting the main body – along with even more roots sticking out of the ground.

But what’s the most disturbing is the fact that it’s body is at least partially transparent, allowing me to see everything moving through its digestive system.

The disturbing parts aside though, it’s a mix of orange and gray in its coloring, with dozens of scythian, plant-like mouths opening up around its body and a single enormous one at the end of it, about one hundred and fifty or so meters up on it.

From what I understand, the thread was rather lacking in information strictly because this monster is still alive outside of the dungeon. And since it’s a unique creature, there isn’t anything like it in existence.

Although the one in the dungeon isn’t listed as a unique species strictly due to it just being a weaker copy of the real thing.

Either way, there isn’t any information about the main body because no one who cared enough about the creature to write a thread about it has attacked or even seen the main body.

Well, with the exception of the people who probably tried and died doing so.

At that thought, I narrow my eyes on the enormous monster before focusing on the red, glowing circle situated about a hundred meters up on the creature.

Is that a weak point?

That has to be a weak point.

Either that or some sort of place it can attack from.

But I personally hope it’s a weak point. Because that would make things a lot easier.

I glance down at my shadow as Sapphire jumps out of it before giving her a nod and jumping straight towards the creature’s body.

Time to get that mythic box!!!


                                                        Arcadian Live

Cheers resound throughout the stadium as Wolf leaps straight at the special boss. At the same time, all of the other screens besides his disappear, leaving his as the only one left in the stadium.

“And it’s finally time!!!” Mikaela shouts, showing off his clear excitement at the situation. “It’s our very first special boss of the Administrator Dungeon Run!!”

The cheers are joined with applause and amplify in volume at his words, only to do so again once Wolf’s claws reach the creature’s fleshy bark.

“Ooh!” Katherine exclaims with excitement as she – along with the rest of the audience – watch a large amount of ice element flood out of Wolf’s claws the moment they make contact with the monster. The ice element then begins to freeze everything it touches at a relatively slow pace, including the mouths, tentacles, and roots without fail. “It looks like this boss won’t be anywhere near as much of a problem for The Winter Wolf as the last event boss was!”

“And speaking of event bosses,” Mikaela suddenly interjects without taking his eyes off of the fight, “how do you feel about this most recent event boss spawning?”

Niklai glances at him before focusing on the screen again as he states, “As long as it’s not on another water floor, I doubt The Winter Wolf will have much trouble with it.”

Shouts of agreement run throughout the stadium at his words, but they all pause as Sapphire jumps in to help Wolf in the fight by defending him from the roots as he climbs up the side of the creature in the direction of the large glowing circle.

“Do you think that circle is a weak point?” Mikaela mutters with a frown.

None of the other commentators say anything in response to instead watch Wolf continue climbing up the bark of the creature while digging his claws in to keep hold of it. The creature tries very hard to knock him off, both by shaking its main body and by sending tentacles and roots after him, but none of it works.

“Weak point or not, it looks like we’ll be finding out very soon,” Mikaela says with a chuckle as Wolf continues getting closer and closer to the ring, clearing the distance with ease.


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For those of you who can't see the images:

Administrator Dungeon   Notification

This   is a notification to every competitor in the Administrator Dungeon.

An   event boss has spawned on the 189th floor.


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