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The mini boss – whose name I decided to make Damien – has an interesting ability that is completely unique from any I’ve seen yet.

It can fire a sort of black, void lightning from the small spikes on its elbows and knees. However, unlike the other black lightning I’ve had in my dungeon, this black lightning acts a little bit like something called a black hole. It travels a lot slower than regular lightning and also sucks in anything close to it before removing it from existence.

Just to test it out, I spawn in a goblin near the mini boss before ordering Damien to fire at it once Dawn enters the room.

As soon as Dawn’s little blue flame enters the room, the four spikes on Damien’s body begin to crackle with black lightning for several seconds. The lightning then extends out from the spikes towards the goblin at a relatively fast pace, yet still nowhere near as quickly as normal lightning. Meanwhile all of the rocks and dust in the room begin to float upwards towards the lightning as it passes by before vanishing the moment they touch the bolts.

Both Dawn and I watch as lightning quickly approaches the goblin at a faster speed than it can avoid until three of the four bolts all touch it and begin spreading throughout its body. At the same time, the goblin’s body starts vanishing at an incredible pace. All while it continues to let out hoarse screams of pain.

“So, this is the new power you mentioned earlier,” Dawn mutters as we watch the black lightning slowly dissipate after eating through all of the goblin’s mana and body.

“Yep,” I state with pride clear in my voice. “The black lightning devours everything that it touches, removing it from existence entirely in exchange for the mana inside of the lightning.”

Dawn and I both watch as more black lightning circulates around the spikes before it slowly begins to fade.

“Isn’t this a lot like the black flames?” she eventually asks, taking my attention away from the monster to look at her.

“Yes and no,” I answer while ordering the mini boss to move back a couple of steps. “It does work in a similar way to the black flames, but the black flames didn’t actively devour mana, nor was it able to damage the soul of whatever it hits.”

The instant I mention the part about damaging the soul, Dawn’s flame bursts outwards and flashes bright red in shock.

“It can damage the soul?!” she exclaims rather loudly.

Right as I’m about to answer, I notice the mini boss seemingly lift the corner of its lips slightly as if smirking.

Hmm… interesting.

“Yes, it can,” I answer her with pride clear in my tone.

If I remember correctly, attacks that can damage the soul are extremely rare and most of the time are limited to only a few elements.

The main thing about damage to the soul is that it can’t be immediately healed. Not unless the one damaged has a soul remedy potion, which is apparently extremely expensive outside of the dungeon.

Although despite that, I managed to get it through one of my deals with the intruders.

“That said,” I continue, “it uses up an extremely large amount of mana to devour parts of something’s soul. To the point that one bolt of black lightning from a Tier 2 mini boss would only be able to damage enough to make them feel mentally fatigued for a short period of time before they fully heal it again. Which is likely about a few hours to be exact.”

Before she can react to my words, I add, “And that’s assuming they don’t block it with their mana.”

She freezes for a moment at that and turns to look at Damien.

I look between her and the mini boss for a second before ordering him to use his other ability in front of us both.

Almost immediately after the order, the muscles on Damien’s body begin to emit a black light as the mini boss lets out a loud roar.

After letting it continue roaring for a second, I tell it to stop using the ability.

“It also has that power, which uses void element as a fuel to make it physically stronger for a short period of time,” I explain what just happened to Dawn. “Although it also has the side effect of slowly erasing the monster’s muscles in the process, making it practically crippled after using it for too long.”

Which is a really good last ditch power. Kind of like the void direwolf’s void breath. Except with physical strength instead of an elemental breath attack.

I watch on as Dawn slowly floats around Damien’s body for a few seconds before pausing right in front of him and saying, “It certainly has some unique powers.”

She then looks towards my core – which is hiding in the core room beyond the mini boss’s room – and begins floating over towards me.

What is she…

Before I can finish that thought, she comes to a sudden stop in front of my core and says, “Now that I’ve seen the latest floor, I think this is a good time for me to go on my trip.”

My core flashes in my surprise at her words.

I stare at her for a few seconds before eventually letting out a mental sigh.

Guess now is as good a time as any. Especially since I’m planning on focusing on cultivating for a while after this…

“Okay,” I tell her as my core radiates a very faint light compared to its usual bright one. “Just make sure that you keep yourself safe.”

Dawn bobs up and down for a second before floating to my core and touching it, startling me in the process.

What the…

She quickly moves away with a short, “You as well.”

I then watch her as she teleports from my core room to the tunnel I had made for when she leaves.

Was that her attempt at one of those intruder’s ‘hugs’?

I don’t take my focus off of her until she leaves my dungeon entirely. After that, I focus inwards again and immediately begin to cultivate.

She’ll be back.


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You should write an interlude on where she goes good chap thanks