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                                            Year 819 | Month 2 | Day 20

I take a total of three seconds before I answer her as clearly as I can, “Why not?”

She blinks twice in response before letting out a laugh, but right as she’s about to respond, I add, “Besides. My class gives me quite a few combat related skills, and with these… soldiers… occupying the duchy, I thought this would be the best occupation to have.”

The receptionist – having stopped laughing at about halfway through my sentence – nods her head with a smile and says, “You’ve got plenty of points there, Scarlet.”

My eyebrows raise at what she just called me.


She seems to notice my surprise and explains, “Adventurers use titles, and they’re extremely important.” After she says this, she leans across the desk and motions for me to come closer. Once I do, albeit with some confusion, she whispers, “Especially now that the invaders are here. It lets us adventurers have a bit of anonymity if we ever have to interact with them.”

My eyebrows stay raised for a few more seconds before lowering again.

That makes sense.


“Where did Scarlet come from?” I ask out of both curiosity and confusion.

I thought adventurers were able to pick their own titles?

My statement seems to catch the woman off guard for a moment before she leans back in her seat again and says, “Oh, it just came to me when I saw your eyes and hair. Not to mention your red cloak.”

I glance down at said cloak before looking at the still-red tips of my hair.

Yeah, guess that title does fit a little bit now. Although it wouldn’t have even just a few months ago.

“Do you have any problems with it?” she asks, sounding slightly worried and making me look up at her again, “Because you can choose your own if you do.”

I simply wave my gloved hand with obvious apathy on my face as I answer, “I don’t really care about my title.”

Interestingly enough, this seems to make her happy and she brings out a paper and starts writing stuff down. This lasts for nearly an entire awkward minute before she raises her head again and passes the paper that she was writing on over to my side of the desk while stating, “Read it please.”

My brows furrow slightly at the abrupt change, but I look at the paper anyways. Written on it seems to be some sort of contract with a name already signed on the bottom.

I reach out to touch the paper before realizing that it’s paper made out of World Tree Bark – which was given to us by the sacred beasts as a way to keep the peace within kingdoms.

The paper basically makes any contracts or agreements written on it bound by the World Tree, making the World Tree’s Vines shoot up out of the ground to punish and even sometimes kill any breakers of the agreement. Although the signature is really just a formality since the contract only actually needs the blood of both signers.

I glance at the red dot that is the receptionist’s blood on the page right below her signature before glancing up at her and asking, “Just who are you really?”

She looks surprised for a second before smiling, sitting up straight, and answering, “My name is Vahla Grayfield, and I am this branch of the Adventurers Assembly’s Keeper.”

A Keeper? Guess that would explain why she’s here signing me up as an adventurer. Although it doesn’t explain why she’s also the receptionist.

Right as I’m about to sign the contract – which is just the normal contract for all adventurers, which basically comes down to just ‘don’t actively betray your employers, complete all accepted missions otherwise you will be charged a fee for each uncompleted accepted mission, and don’t actively try to harm Adventurers Assembly officials without a valid reason,’ I raise my head and ask a question that’s been bothering me since seeing the city, “By the way, how come the soldiers don’t just travel into and out of the city through those ‘portal’ things instead of traveling physically between them?”

Vahla looks surprised for a moment but simply says, “From what we’ve gathered, they aren’t able to do that without something called a ‘beacon’ guiding them to a specific location. Otherwise, they would just end up opening the ‘portal’ somewhere random on the planet.”

A… beacon? But there shouldn’t have been anything like that at the royal castle where they kidnapped me…

Wait. The Leo mentioned that they basically let the heart loose to choose its host before following after it.

Does that mean the heart itself was the beacon in that instance?

But doesn’t that mean that they’d be able to track me, since it’s in my chest?

I think over that for a few seconds before shaking my head and grabbing the needle next to the paper, poking my forearm, and pressing the blood onto the contract.

No. They would have done that by now, and Leo wouldn’t have said what he did if they could.

Maybe they just can’t track it anymore now that it’s integrated itself with me?

Before I can think much more about it, the contract begins to turn into a golden-green light and flashes into the ground.

“Good!” Vahla exclaims with a single clap, “Now that that’s dealt with, welcome to the Adventurers Assembly!”

I glance at her for a second before nodding.

“I’ll be having your id card made tomorrow morning, so please come back again in the evening after it’s done,” she says with a smile. Once she sees me nod my head again in agreement, she gets up from her seat and walks around the desk while reaching her hand out to me and adding, “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Scarlet!”

I pause for a second at the title that I almost forgot she gave me before reaching out and accepting her hand while minding my claws so as to not accidentally cut through my gloves and into her skin. Not to mention just to make sure that she doesn’t notice that I have them in the first place.

After we finish the shake, I turn to leave the room.

Now I should go find an inn to sleep in for the night.


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