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This is the last chapter of book 1 of The Calling of Wrath :)

I hope you enjoyed book 1! Because book 2 will be starting up immediately without any breaks in between the two books.


                                           Year 819 | Month 2 | Day 20
                                                A couple of hours later

I let out a sigh of relief after swallowing down the last bit of ale in my tankard before quickly scarfing down more of the food in front of me. At the same time, I continue to pay attention to the conversations happening all around me in the lovely – not really – inn that I managed to pay for with the tri-coin I borrowed from one of the criminals of the city that I happened to find in a rather shady-looking alley.

None of them have been very helpful in intel gathering. Not unless the fact that the guy sitting at the table on the other side of the common room has spent several nights with one of the invaders could be considered useful.

And I don’t consider it useful in the slightest.

Although it makes sense why people would be talking about it. After all, the invaders aren’t exactly liked by the common folk any more than they are liked by me.

So just the fact that one of their fellow citizens is getting that intimate with one is bound to cause some commotion.

At that thought, a conversation from two tables over catches my ear and makes me stiffen up slightly.

“Have ya heard anything about the princess?” an older man asks a few other younger men.

I keep my hood down and continue to eat so as to not attract any attention as one of the others answers, “Not a word.”

Aside from him, I don’t hear the other two say anything, and since I’m not looking directly at them right now, I can only assume they shook their heads as the old man slowly says, “Ancestors be damned…”

A hint of a smile graces my face as I hear the worry and dread in his voice.

I didn’t really get out of the castle much, with the exception of the hunts, so I never got to see the people much outside of the soldiers. So it is nice to hear that they like me as a princess.

“Tha’ also means those inva- Ouch!” another voice that I hadn’t heard begins, only to have his foot stomped when he tries to call them invaders. Surprisingly though, he just continues to speak after, “soldiers haven’t found ‘er eitha.”

A round of agreement comes from the other men at the table right about the time I finish my meal.

I smile sadly at the now-empty plate of food – very happy to have finally had good food again – before raising my head as I hear the next thing the old man says, “I just hope the lass is found safe by the royals soon, because I’ve heard from a friend of mine tha’ the princes’re searchin like mad for the princess across the duchies.”

My lips press together a little at the reminder.

After a couple of seconds of thought, I shake my head and get up from my seat.

No point worrying about them now. Not when I still have to get across the entire continent before I can even reach the capital.

And that’ll probably take months with how Midgard is now.

Once I pass by the innkeeper, I toss him a couple of tri-coins to pay for the meal before continuing my way up the stairs and towards my room.

It doesn’t look like I’ll be getting any more useful information tonight. So I might as well enjoy a night with my own actual room for the first time in ages.

I quickly enter my room before shutting the door behind me, walking over towards the bed, spreading my aura throughout the room – because I’ve learned that it also acts as a nice little wakeup call whenever something enters it – and damn-near collapsing onto the bed after taking off my cloak.

Time for some well-needed rest…


I’m abruptly woken up by a knocking sound, making me jump straight out of bed before raising my arms, only to realize that it’s just a member of the inn’s staff knocking on my door.

“Hello? We got a message from the Adventurers Assembly for you!” a woman’s voice echoes from the other side of the door.

Wait… a message from them? Why would they be contacting me?

It can’t be for the id, since they said I don’t have to come in till the evening for… those…

I abruptly turn around to look at the window before opening it and finding that it’s already after noon.

Holy shit. Did I really just sleep in that long?

Wait, scratch that. I went to sleep quite a while after midnight, to the point that I think the sun was already starting to rise.

At that thought, I look down to find myself still in my under armor but without the cloak. I then turn to look at the side of the bed to find the cloak lying on the floor next to it.

Oh yeah. I took it off right before getting into bed.

I quickly put the red cloak on as I walk over to the door. Once I reach it, I open it and quickly accept the small letter that the woman is holding out to me.

“Thank you,” I say to her, causing her to give me a short nod before walking away as I close the door and open the letter.

Unsurprisingly, it’s a message telling me that my id is ready for me to pick up whenever I’m available.

Not really sure if the inn just waited to give it to me till now or if it was only sent now, but either way, I look around the room for a moment before leaving it again.

Time to go get that id. Then I can go ahead and gather a bit more intel from other places.

Once I reach the entrance of the inn, I glance back at the table where the old man was sitting and think back to his words about my family.

And after that?

After that, I can start making my way towards a city closer to the border of the duchy, followed by heading towards the border itself.

Unless, of course, the invaders are blocking it. Which they likely are.

I turn back and step out of the inn before looking up at the partly cloudy skies while still holding my hood down to keep my face hidden.

Several seconds pass as I listen to the light sprinkling of rain accompanied by the chatter of the passing citizens, adventurers, and invaders.

Eventually, a faint smile makes its way onto my face, and I find myself letting out a short giggle of excitement at the thought of making my way across the continent.

This’ll be fun.

My face then turns serious again and I begin making my way towards the Adventurers Assembly.


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