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Alrighty, so I will be taking a bit of a break over the next week.

From August 16th through August 21st, there will be no chapters for any story except for The Calling of Wrath. And The Calling of Wrath is only getting chapters due to me having a backlog for it, which I don't have for the other stories. Also because it's still new and in its golden period on RR.

Anyways, this break is because I will be starting my Fall Semester of College on next Monday (August 22nd) and want a short vacation before that. Also, I need to spend some time editing book 3 of both Dungeon from the Void and The Rise of the Winter Wolf, preferably before classes start.

Therefore, this will be the last Dungeon from the Void chapter for at least a week. The next guaranteed chapter will be the weekend following this next one, but it is possible for there to be one during next week. It mostly just depends on whether I have the time or not.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


One day later

“It’s finished,” I state as my core pulses in my excitement at the thought of an intruder entering the eleventh floor.

My focus looks over the entire floor as I recheck all of the enchantments to make sure everything works fine.

This floor is set up entirely differently from any of my other floors, and it even incorporates my new portals in its design. In fact, when I first finished making my portals, I immediately began to redo the floor to incorporate them into it.

Suddenly, Dawn travels into the floor, passing through the portal located in the portal hub at the end of the stairs of the tenth floor boss room.

“You checking out the new floor already?” I ask her with a mental chuckle to express my amusement.

Dawn answers just seconds after appearing through the other side of the portal in the middle of a large arena, “Yeah, since I’ll be leaving soon, I thought I would check it all out now beforehand.”

Her answer brings my mood down for a second, only for it to raise again as I see the obvious anticipation and excitement shown in her flame’s coloring as she looks around at the arena.

The arena itself is just the first of ten different arenas that make up the eleventh floor. It has a large ring of lava surrounding the enormous platform in the center of the arena, with a large bleachers-like viewing area around the fighting platform.

When an intruder enters the arenas – just like Dawn is doing right now – they first arrive through the portal at a tunnel area. The tunnel leads to a split, with one direction leading to the bleachers and the other leading to the actual fighting area itself. However, only one gate can be open at one time, and the gate to the arena can only be opened in between waves. This makes it so that the intruders have to send someone into the arena before they can go to the bleachers.

Meanwhile, the bleachers themselves are full of various monsters, all of which are Tier 2. That said, none of these monsters are immediately aggressive and only attack when attacked themselves so as to give the intruders a very risky chance of getting extra EXP in each arena if they’re willing to fight the monsters.

Lastly, I used a very large and wide portal for the bleachers. This portal will activate the instant something gets within half a meter of the portal, causing any projectiles sent by the intruders between the two areas to just come out the portal on the other side of the arena.

Dawn slowly floats through the main arena area while looking around in both awe and surprise – likely due to the decorative touches I added since I knew she would like them. Specifically, an image of each regular monster within my dungeon engraved on the obsidian floor of the arena ground, ceiling, and the walls above the lava.

“This is…” she says with emotion practically dripping from her voice, “beautiful.”

My core flashes with a hint of pride, but I quickly send a thought to her mind, directing her attention towards the end of the arena as I state, “Once the last monster of the arena’s final wave is defeated, a bridge will extend from that wall and the wall will move to show a portal that will take the intruders to the next arena.”

Dawn proceeds to teleport into the next arena at my guidance, which is set up in a very similar way to the last one, with the same enchantments. The only difference between the two is that this one only has nine waves while the last one had ten.

Although Dawn seems to care more about the arena’s appearance, since I used a greener color scheme for this one, with moss growing on the stone walls and a green colored acid filling the trench surrounding the center platform.

I wait for a few minutes, just letting Dawn explore around as she wishes while taking pride in my own work, until she suddenly teleports into the next floor and begins shining even brighter when she asks, “Is every arena different?!”

“Yep!” I answer immediately as she takes in the third arena, which has a pool of water surrounding the center platform. Although the water also has some very small amounts of colorless poison mixed in, along with various sharp spikes at the bottom and sides of the walls to make it a death sentence to fall in despite it just being water. Meanwhile, the walls, floors, and ceiling are all made up of some sort of strange stone that I found while digging out this floor’s space. It has a very bluish tone to it, so I thought it would work out great for the floor. Even if it doesn’t have any use beyond decoration. “Each and every one of the ten arenas has its own color theme to it. I even added a few monsters to the themes that they would fit in.”

Too bad I didn’t have many monsters that would fit in all of them. So most of them just have my usual sets of monsters.

Although I did make a new one.

At the thought, my gaze strays to the final arena, where the new monster is sitting on the floor.

This monster… might just be the strongest one I’ve made yet.

The creature looks a lot like a lycan, except that it’s much larger, with its physical mass being about twice the size of the lycans – even larger than the Orcs that often enter my dungeon. Additionally, they have small spikes, similar in appearance to the arachnae’s blade-like limbs, sticking out from their elbows and knees.

My gaze focuses purely on the large creature’s eyes, which are radiating a pitch black light.

That said… this one in particular is the mini boss of the floor. And thanks to that, it also has a few… powerful abilities.


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