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A few hours later

A deep frown crests my face as I focus intently on the tip of my finger and the ice element I’m very carefully trying to integrate into it.

Come on… just work please!

Despite the time that it’s been since getting this ability, I still haven’t been able to make even the slightest use of it since. But from what my instincts tell me, the hardest part of doing it is the initial bit of integrating and merging my cells with the ice element.

However, my problem is that my body can only make my variant ice element, and shifting with my variant element is more difficult than using the regular element. So, if I want to learn at an easier pace, then I’m stuck using the ice element in my surroundings. Which isn’t an unlimited resource.

My eyebrows furrow more and more as I continue trying to force the ice element in my surroundings into my finger, only to stop as an idea comes to mind.

All my instincts say is to integrate and merge my cells with my ice element without really saying how. So what if it’s not through a brute force method, but some other, more natural one?

With that thought in mind, I continue slowly walking through the halls of the creepy temple while calmly and carefully pulling the ice element in my surroundings into my bare finger. After doing that, I let it flow through it for a few seconds before condensing it smaller and smaller until I can only barely sense it anymore and I try to merge it with the blood cells in my finger very carefully.

Surprisingly, I actually feel less resistance doing it this way than the brute force method I was doing before.


I slowly begin to pull in more and more ice element until there’s no more around me and I begin to add it to the small, compressed bit of ice element in my finger. This actually helps make the resistance decreases more and more, but it’s still not enough.

Very interesting.

The instincts and guidance given to me by the System mentioned that all you have to do is merge the element with a single cell and it will begin spreading out from there as long as you continue feeding more element into your body. But…

Once the compressed ice element reaches a standstill again, I pause in my step to look around, only to not find any ice element anywhere nearby.

It takes too much ice element to do this…

I look up at the next bend in the hallway as the sounds of a crawler approaching reaches my ears.

Well, looks like I probably won’t be able to elemental shift here… not unless I can manage to generate enough ice element myself to do it.

With that thought in mind, I stop what I’m doing and quickly use the ice element that was in my finger to pierce straight through the crawler with a spear of ice.

I walk straight past the dying creature before rounding the bend as I get its EXP.

This place really is reminding me way too much of the first theme.

And where are those stupid keys? Not to mention one of the exits.

Out of nowhere, a loud crashing sound echoes throughout the hallway, almost making me jerk backwards in surprise.

The hell?

I slowly speed up my pace in the direction the noise came from before turning another bend and finding… what is this?

My brows furrow in confusion at the sight of some sort of large boar with the usual scythian head chasing around a chicken and occasionally crashing into the walls of the hallway.

I… what am I looking at?

The chicken is obviously the baby immortal chick that appeared out of that pandora’s box a little while back, but why is the boar chasing it around? That chicken has been ignored by the monsters everywhere else I saw it… the thing even sat on a boss monster’s head at one point!

Uncaring of my thoughts, the boar continues running around after the surprisingly fast chick, all while accidentally running into the walls. A lot.

What makes it even more confusing is when a couple of crawlers come upon the scene and start chasing after the chick as well.

I’m honestly not sure what’s going on anymore. Do the scythian monsters just have something against the chick? Or maybe chickens are their favorite food?

I continue watching the strange events for several seconds before my eyes grow wide as I realize the chick is heading directly towards me, with the three scythians following behind it.


At the same time, Sapphire – who had been unusually quiet since we entered this floor – jumps out of my shadow and tries to attack the chick as well, only for the chick to jump over Sapphire and land on my head.

My brows furrow in confusion as I reach up to grab it, only for my hands to go straight through it.

Okay, just what the hell is going on?!

And why is the chick running away if it’s immortal?

Before I can think too much about the subject, the boar and the two crawlers reach me and I’m forced to jump out of the way to avoid the boar’s charge.

Deciding to put the chick’s actions aside for the moment, I expel a large amount of ice element to freeze the two crawlers into blocks of ice as Sapphire leaps above my head to attack the chick.

“Stop it Sapphire!” I shout, making her stop in her tracks while I identify the boar.

                     _-| Unnamed – Scythian Boar Charger – Level 1031 |-_

Okay… it’s not really that strong, so…

I create several weapons of ice above my head before sending them flying at the charger, skewering it without any trouble right as it’s attempting to turn back around to face me.

After getting the EXP from it, I raise my hand to pick the chick off of my head, only for my hands to go through it again.

My eye twitches in my irritation before I turn to look at Sapphire, who is surprisingly staring directly at the chick.

Okay, seriously. What’s going on?


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