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                                           Year 819 | Month 2 | Day 17

After watching the monsters fight amongst themselves over the liquid for several minutes, I eventually find an opening to move. Right as two of the Tier 3s – one being an enormous serpent and the other a large alligator – smash their way through the ground and it quickly begins to repair itself before they begin to rush back to the small sprinkling of liquid when another Tier 3 tries to take advantage of their brief absence.

While the other two are rushing back, I take advantage of the passage they cleared to sprint across the clearing towards the area they landed in their fight.

Some of the Tier 2 monsters seem to notice me heading towards the vein and begin to rush over towards me, but I just ignore them as I continue my charge straight towards the vein. However, right as I’m about to reach it, an enormous tail whips by, sending me flying away towards one of the other sets of fighting Tier 3 monsters.

I cough out a mouthful of blood while glaring at the damn snake, only to widen my eyes in fear as I realize that I’m about to hit a damn abomination that’s even larger than the Tier 2 one from before.

Without wasting a second, I turn around in my flight and fire off a bolt of Wrath lightning at the ground in the hopes that it’ll change my direction, but it doesn’t do much and I continue on my flight towards the creature.

Damn iiitt!!

Right as I’m about to smash right into the outer area of the large abomination’s body, the creature itself is sent flying by the Tier 3 rabbit it’s fighting, leading to me smashing into the ground instead.

I cough out another mouthful of blood before quickly attempting to get back to my feet, only to have difficulty thanks to the large number of bones that must be broken throughout my body.

My fangs begin to let out a faint grinding noise as I grit them too hard, but I ignore it to focus on using siphon on all of the monsters that I can nearby, draining their Wrath at a much faster pace than the first time I ever used it and feeling the faint feeling of relief that comes along with my very slowly healing body.

Fortunately, the two Tier 3s are too busy fighting each other to notice me, so I begin to crawl my way across the gap beneath the vein while still draining their Wrath.

From time to time, I glance back at them, only to find them still fighting each other with abandon. Which looks a little weird, considering that the rabbit – despite being Tier 3 – is still only about half a meter tall, meanwhile the abomination has got to be at least a dozen meters across.

Something else that I don’t notice until I’m about halfway across the distance beneath the vein is that that instinctual drive leading me a while back has returned, and it’s making me want to go over to the red liquid.

So… the feeling is originating from the liquid? Then it’s true. That liquid has to be the Ichor.

Out of nowhere, a loud splatter sound comes from my right, and when I look to see what it is, I find another one of those small leaks having just appeared on the vein just a few dozen meters away from my position.

Due to being so close to it, the instinct grows stronger and stronger, forcing me to begin heading over to it while pulling more and more Wrath from the monsters nearby. To the point that by the time I realize that my wounds have healed enough to walk, I’m already running over towards the liquid with a look of awe on my face.

I hurriedly glance at the side of the vein where I came to see a Tier 3 boar monster recklessly charging over to me with its eyes locked solely on the Ichor.

No, that’s mine!!!

This thought repeats itself in my mind due to the effects of the ichor, and my drive to get it only grows stronger and stronger the closer I get to the liquid. However, by the time I get within two meters of it, the boar lets out a loud squeal and begins glowing blue before letting out some sort of spray of ice behind it to speed it up.

My eyes narrow in both anger and determination as I leap up straight towards the liquid before catching a tiny amount of it in my mouth, only to be sent flying by the boar’s charge straight out of underneath the vein and towards the far end of the clearing on the other side of it from the one I came from. I barely manage to force myself into swallowing the thick, red liquid while flying before slamming straight through several trees until I come to a stop, still with my fangs grit shut.

After coming to a stop, I continue gritting my teeth for several seconds before eventually opening my mouth and letting the blood that had built up through my coughs flow out, all while feeling the relieving sensation of the Ichor flow through my body.


Pure World Tree Ichor consumed.

Increasing attunement…

o O o

Attunement has increased by 0.1%


My eyes widen in shock at the percentage increase, but I bite my tongue to keep myself from passing out while still pulling the Wrath from the nearby monsters to heal myself.

Fortunately, using Siphon doesn’t actually seem to draw other monsters’ attention towards me, likely because the most they’d actually feel is a little bit calmer. Especially since I’ve noticed that for some reason, regardless of how wrathful the monster seems, the stronger the monster is, the larger the amount of Wrath energy they have inside of them is.

I unconsciously let out a groan of pain as the relief from the Ichor begins to fade away.

Shiiiit, that hurts…

Most of the monsters passing by me are too interested in the Ichor to pay any attention to me, and the majority of the ones that do pay attention to me are the weaker ones that can’t sense the Ichor as strongly from this distance. So I attempt to drag myself, only to fail to do even that and end up lying on my side while siphoning off the Wrath energy of the nearby monsters.

That could have turned out worse…

At that exact thought, a loud roar echoes from the other side of the vein, signaling the fiendish ape’s arrival at the vein. It’s then followed immediately after by the hoots and hollers of the ape’s monkeys.

Hmm. Yeah. That could have been much worse.


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