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                                         Year 819 | Month 2 | Day 17

I continuously siphon off Wrath energy from all of the passing monsters over the next half an hour or so before I finally heal up enough to move and begin to drag myself away from the area across the ground.

Eventually, after I get several dozen meters away from the vein, I finally begin to heal enough to climb to my feet. But at the same time, the monsters also start to attack me now that we’re far enough away from it that the monsters aren’t completely enthralled.

Fortunately, most of them aren’t all that strong, so I manage to deal with them and gain some more healing through the use of my claws in the process.

By the time I get far enough away from the vein that I feel comfortable, I’m already almost fully recovered and staring up at the cliff nearly a kilometer away from me.

Now that I’m on this side of the vein… how am I going to get over the cliff?

I stare at it for several more seconds before feeling a rabbit enter my aura, so I turn my head to look at it, only to find another one of those scarlet rabbits hopping over to me.

Outside of the Tier 3 one I saw at the vein, I haven’t seen one of these for a while. Not since entering this side of the valley.

Guess that means this side of the vein has different monsters from the… other…

A wide grin spreads across my face and I rip the Tier 1 rabbit apart before turning to look at the vein.

That means no more of those acidic spiders, right?

I certainly hope so.


After a bit of running, I manage to make it to the cliff without finding any Tier 3 monsters. And this one looks just like the cliff on the other side of the valley.

I slowly reach forward to touch the cliff, only to raise my eyebrows in surprise as I feel nothing happen when my fingers come into contact with it.


What happened to the zappy thing that fried the monkey on the other side of the valley?

Does that just happen on the other side of the valley? Or is there some sort of requirement to leaving the valley that I qualified for now?

I frown at the cliff wall for a few seconds before shrugging and beginning to climb it.

No use questioning it now. I can do that later on when I eventually come back here.

For now, though, I just want to get out of this forest.


After what feels like hours of climbing, I finally reach the top of the damn cliff before pulling myself up and lying on the ground while exhaling in exhaustion.

That cliff felt even taller than it looked.

I spend a few seconds just resting on the grass before looking around and finding the forest starting again a few meters away from the cliff, with the red fog spilling from above me into the line of trees.

Looks like this is going to be an annoying trek.

When I came to the vein, I had the fog as a guide. But now it’s gonna be the opposite.

I climb to my feet again and begin walking towards the trees. At the same time, some sort of loud screech – similar to that of a bird – echoes from within the trees.

Some sort of eagle?

Unfortunately, the fog’s too thick to see it, but just knowing that there’s a flying bird inside of the fog isn’t making me feel very good…

I shake my head at the thought before spreading out my aura a little bit more and stepping into the foggy tree line.

Wrathful Aura should be able to sense the creature if it tries to swoop down and attack me. And besides. I doubt the creature itself can really see where it’s-

Before I can finish that thought, the sound of something hitting something hard comes from my right, bringing my attention to it only to find some sort of black and white eagle with pure white eyes falling for a couple of meters from higher up. It then manages to catch itself and begins flying down into the valley behind me.


I watch the eagle fly for a second before turning back to the trees again.

When it passed through my aura, the information I got from it judged it only at around level 12 or so. But I couldn’t make any eye contact to know for sure or get its name.

If that’s how strong they are, then I don’t think there will be much problem. As long as there aren’t any Tier 3 ones in there that is.

That aside though, judging from what I remember in my lessons, it would normally take a knight who’s halfway attuned like me about a week to get through the outer section of the forest. But that’s not including the foggy region, and it’s not considering my rather massive increase in overall physical capabilities. So I’d give myself maybe four or so days to make it through the area.

My eyebrows furrow as the sound of some sort of skittering enters my ear.

Actually, maybe five or six days considering the new monsters released.

At that thought, some sort of bug-like monster quickly skitters away from me once I get close.

I grimace at the sight of it before shaking my head.

That thing looked way too much like an overgrown cockroach than a monster.

Even if it did look rather weak, I’m kind of glad to see that not all monsters instinctively attack everything in sight. Because that would cause a lot of problems with the common folk.

After all, I can’t exactly picture a farmer fighting off a monster. Not without help at least.

I follow the overgrown roach with my eyes for a second in an attempt to identify it, but wherever the thing’s eyes are, I can’t find them. So I just turn forwards again and continue my trek through the foggy trees.

At least the monsters should be getting weaker as I get further away from the inner ring.


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Out of the forest and hopefully towards home


She got to get tho the invader’s camp first