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                                          Year 819 | Month 2 | Day 17

Once I finish dealing with the monkey problem – filling me to the brim in the process – I slither back into the cave before approaching the pool of water out of curiosity.

What I find looking back at me in the water is even more sinister-looking than the lioness. And quite a bit bigger as well.

I wonder if that’s just because it’s a different beast or because I leveled it?

Either way, I finally bring up the note that I was given after leveling The Calling of Wrath.

I tilt my head at the note.

That skill is a lot more complicated than I would have thought.

At first I thought I was supplying all of the Wrath for the skill, but I guess not. Although that kind of makes sense, since I don’t have nearly enough Wrath to do that on my own.

Even if I’m pretty sure I could probably supply it if I was actually mad at someone. But that hasn’t happened since…

My thoughts trail off before I refocus on my appearance in the water.

I seem to be over a dozen meters in length, to the point that I’m having to curl up my tail to fit in the cave, and I have the same glowing red eyes I had in my lioness form. Except much larger, and a little narrower as well. Meanwhile, my scales are mostly black in color, with faint hues of red and blue here and there, giving off a darker vibe than the pure black and red fur of my lioness form.

After staring into the water for a few more seconds, I turn away and begin moving towards the entrance to the cave.

Since I’m transformed already, I might as well take advantage of the power boost to hunt monkeys.


Almost an hour later, after gobbling up and smashing hundreds of monkeys – both Tier 1 and Tier 2 – I feel another excruciating wave of pain flowing through my body, making me let out another shriek that then turns into a scream as my body morphs back into a human form and my clothes reappear.

I let out a groan, only to immediately sit up and look over my body.

Okay, guess the serpent transformation was much better for defense than the lioness was. I didn’t get many wounds at all this time.

Makes me wonder how hard those scales were.

Although it also meant I couldn’t heal myself in that form, seeing as I didn’t have any claws.

Which is a problem that I didn’t think about before.

When I transformed into a lioness, I still had both teeth and claws, so the thought never really occurred to me that I might not have access to all of my skills. So I should factor that in next time I transform.

Anyways, I look around my surroundings before looking up at the reddish-blue moon hanging in the sky with a frown.

It’s nighttime.

Why is it nighttime?

Wasn’t I just woken up about an hour ago by that army of monkeys?

I continue staring up at the moon for a few seconds, only to shake my head and begin making my way towards the areas of the mountains that usually have caves.

At the rate the dungeon monsters are progressing, I’m not entirely sure that I’ll be able to continue doing things as I am. Not if they’re starting to attack me at night, even with my caves barricaded.

My frown deepens at the thought, but I don’t stop walking through the mountain. Not even when a Tier 1 monkey for some reason tries to attack me despite out Tier difference and ends up getting its throat crushed rather quickly.

The question is whether or not the Tier 3 ape will try anything anytime soon. And if I’m willing to risk it possibly trying.

Although I guess I could try taking advantage of one of these ambushes to lead them to the ape and use The Calling of Wrath to make them all go berserk. But that also comes with its own issues.

Like the question of if the monkeys will try killing each other, me, or the ape. And also, the question of if my skill will affect a monster that’s a higher Tier than myself.

I let out a groan at the many questions floating around in my head before raising my hand and looking at my claws as I walk as a distraction.

Wonder what father will say when he sees these?

I’m pretty sure there aren’t going to be any more noble gatherings or balls in the near future. Or in the next couple of years, really. But if there is, then I get the feeling the other nobles might not want to propose to me anymore. Not with these claws.

Or the fangs. Especially the fangs.

Even I have to admit that my smile is a little intimidating these days…

At that thought, a loud explosion sounds out, making me jerk my head towards the direction of the ape’s mountain to see a large amount of smoke coming from somewhere on it.



That might be bad.


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Congratulations! Your skill ‘The Calling of Wrath’ has reached level 2!

The amount of Wrath generated on the use of the skill has now been increased!

Thanks to this increase, the following effects have been applied to the three possible uses of the skill:

· When you transform into a beast, you may remain transformed for one hour each transformation, and will have a more powerful breath attack due to the higher amount of Wrath infused in your body.

· When you bring out the Wrath in others, it will now also infuse a small amount of Wrath into their soul, making the effect more stable and therefore last longer.

· When you pour all of your Wrath into a single attack or skill, the skill will supply a larger amount of Wrath than before to the skill.



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