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                                        Year 819 | Month 2 | Day 17

Standing at the now-flattened peak of the mountain is the enormous ape still. Except now, it’s letting out a loud roar while burning with a blood-red flame, unlike the normal orangish-red colored fire of the other primates.

And it’s staring directly at me.

“Yeah, definitely bad,” I mutter before slowly backing up in the hopes that the ape doesn’t actually do anything, only to pause for a second as a note appears in my vision.

I blink twice at the note before looking at the ape again right when it jumps from the mountain and lands on the barren valley below.


Not even five seconds later, dozens of calls echo throughout the dungeon, followed by the sight of monkeys appearing out of every cave and climbing down each of the mountains in sight and charging towards me.

Double shit.

The last thing I see before turning around and running in the opposite direction of the ape’s mountain is the ape staring directly at me with raging flames shooting out of its eye sockets.

Now would be as good a time as any to leave the dungeon!!!

Without holding back, I sprint as quickly as possible through the mountains, occasionally leaping from one place to another to climb up tricky cliffs and slaughtering the monkeys that come across me. Multiple times throughout this, I glance back at the monkeys, only to find a massive wave of monkeys approaching me in a large army behind me.

Despite that, I let out a sigh of relief as I don’t find the ape with them before facing forwards again and running for my life.

Once I begin to slow down a little from tiring out, I begin to take the Wrath from the monkeys I run across as a supplicant to make me speed up again, allowing me to continue widening the distance between myself and the monkeys more and more until I can no longer see them chasing behind me.

I continue running anyways for another ten minutes before finally stopping while gasping for breath and looking back in the direction I came from.

Why didn’t the ape chase after me as well? It’s gaze seemed rather intelligent, so I would be surprised if it thought that a bunch of Tier 1 and 2 monkeys could catch me.

Although the only reason the Tier 2 ones couldn’t was because most of the Tier 2 monkeys in this dungeon are only at around level 16 or 17.

Well, that and I used Wrath Infusion when I was starting to tire.

I sit down on the ash-covered ground while still panting before narrowing my eyes.

The note mentioned that the ‘hallucination’ was failing due to a ‘long-lasting external influence’. What does that even mean? Could I be the influence? But just what sort of hallucination was the System bringing them under?

Also, couldn’t they have picked a better time to break free of it? Because I just used The Calling of Wrath…

My thoughts come to a sudden halt as I feel a fiendish primate enter the range of the thin wrathful aura that I have out right now, and I duck to avoid a punch that was aimed at the back of my head. I then spin around and climb to my feet while ripping my claws straight up the creature’s body, eventually ripping out its throat.

This place is really starting to make me hate monkeys.

With that thought in mind, I wipe my bloody claws on the monkey’s corpse before continuing my way as far away from the ape’s mountain as I can get. But at a much slower pace than before.

Unfortunately, I don’t even make it five steps before a loud shattering sound – akin to the sound of shattering glass – echoes from all around me. At the same time, strange looking cracks begin appearing in the sky. Albeit very small ones.

Okay, just what the hell is going on now?

I narrow my eyes at the cracks and can almost make out something on the other side of them, but they’re too small and too far away for me to make anything out from it, so I lower my head again and continue walking.

If I had to guess, that’s probably the dungeon beginning to break apart or something.

The question now is whether I should hunt down as many monkeys as I can to get the best reward I can with these circumstances, or if I should just hide away.

Since the ape doesn’t seem to be chasing after me, it might be safe to continue hunting down monkeys. But if it were to decide that I’m a nuisance, then that might become a major issue. After all, it did already send an army of monkeys after me. Even if it didn’t actually go after me personally for some reason.

I frown for a few seconds before shaking my head and opening up the dungeon mission’s progress.

My mouth parts slightly at the change in the mission before closing again.

Well that solves quite a few of my problems.

Guess if the ape does try going after me, I can just immediately leave the dungeon. But till then, it’s time to go hunting.


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Dungeon Breakout Imminent

The hallucination used on the Fiendish Primates is failing due to a long-lasting external influence and they will soon try to break out of the dungeon.

As a result, the dungeon will be closed in twenty-four hours so as to protect the System’s resources.

Additionally, your Dungeon Mission will be concluded regardless of the progress at that time.




Dungeon Mission Acquired!

Title: Primate Threat!

You have entered the dungeon, Mountains of the Fiendish Primates!

As a result, in order for you leave this dungeon, you must complete at least two of the following objectives!

Since the dungeon is being closed soon, this mission will end once you declare it to end, or when the dungeon closes.

However, if you decide to stay till it closes, you will be released in the same location as the Fiendish Primates.

Objective 1: Eliminate 10000 Tier 1 Fiendish Primates. Current Progress: 7192/10000

Objective 2: Eliminate 1000 Tier 2 Fiendish Primates, known as the Ashen Primates. Current Progress: 701/1000

Objective 3: Eliminate 1 Tier 3 Fiendish Primate, known as the Fiendish Ape. Current Progress: 0/1

Objective 4: Eliminate every single Fiendish Primate of all Tiers within the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 5: Find and claim the Fiendish Ape’s treasure. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 6: Complete a Tier Breach Mission while in the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 7: Discover all of the hidden areas of the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.


To be calculated after you exit the dungeon.

Each objective has its own rewards and completing more objectives will grant you the rewards of every objective you clear, along with bonus rewards for each additional objective you complete.



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