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One week later

As I’m adding on to the eleventh floor, the entire area around my dungeon begins to shake before a loud crash echoes from outside of my dungeon.

“What the-” I cut off at the sound of a commotion growing at the entrance of my dungeon.

I focus on Dawn, only to find her also looking confused, but with a hint of understanding showing in her flame’s color.

“Do you know what’s going on?” I ask her while glancing back and forth between Dawn and my entrance.

Dawn continues looking at the entrance as she slowly says, “I’ve heard that when an intruder advances in Tier, their advancement is just as disruptive as yours was, except with their element added into their advancement.”

Advancement…? So, did an intruder advance up above?

And if their element is added in…

That crash sounded sort of like the noise of Leon’s lightning bolt spells, so I’m guessing it must have been someone with the same affinity as him. Assuming it wasn’t him in the first place.

I stare at the entrance for a few more minutes before refocusing on the eleventh floor again.

It doesn’t really matter. Just means there’s another higher Tier intruder up above.



I glare at the ceiling of my bedroom. Or to be more specific, at the large burning hole going straight through my house from the lightning that just struck me.

Why didn’t anyone tell me that someone with the lightning element would be struck by lightning when advancing in Tier?

I was just expecting some bolts of lightning to manifest around me or something, but now I have to deal with getting the place repaired?

A frown crosses my face at the thought before I mutter, “Guess I’ll just tell Aidan to deal with it…”

After that, I glance down at the blackish-blue liquid coating my body from the Tier advancement with a grimace.

And now I need to clean myself up.

I get up and walk over to the bath connected to my room for this very reason.


After taking damn-near half an hour to clean up, I step out of my room, only to immediately find several people chatting in the hallway outside. As soon as they hear the door shutting behind me, they all stop talking and turn to look at me, only for Aidan and Pallus to step forwards and speak at the same time.

“Did you just advance to Tier 2?” “Nice job on reaching Tier 2!”

The two then turn to look at each other before looking back at me again.

I nod my head to them both as I say, “Yeah.”

“Looks like we’ll be needing to catch up,” Kat says while shaking her head with a frown. Meanwhile, Pallus just smiles at that and nods.

Aidan – on the other hand – seems to look happy about this. In fact, he almost looks relieved.

“Why’re you so happy?” I ask Aidan out of curiosity.

His eyes widen slightly before he smiles and says, “With your advancement to Tier 2, things will become quite a bit easier for me.”

Oh? They will?

I think about that for a moment before realizing that he’s probably right.

From what I can tell, he’s been helping me deal with the issues that’ve been brought by the Knights who were having trouble accepting orders from a Tier 1 City Lord. So me now being a Knight will clear up a lot of those issues for him.

I nod towards him with a faint smile.

Reaching Tier 2 will certainly make a lot of things easier for both of us. Especially since I’m no longer at the bottom of the cultivation ladder.

At that thought, I raise my hand up slightly and close my eyes before feeling for my mana.

The best I could do without using the skill before was to make enough lightning to make someone’s body spasm slightly without doing anything else. And they would just return to normal after a couple of seconds, so it wasn’t very useful, and even with that, I could only do it with a lot of trouble.

But now…

I focus on moving my mana outside of my body, making a faint blue mist appear above my hand. After that, I put my intent into the mist and almost as if on instinct, I change it from a mist to pure lightning that crackles in front of me.

Once I open my eyes again, I take a moment to watch the beautiful lightning crackling above my hands with awe.

That’s a lot more powerful than what I could do before.

I smile at the thought, only to raise my head to see the other members of my group watching the bolt of lighting circling itself above my hand.

After that, I open up my status.


Name: Leon Raizel

Race: Human/Elf Hybrid

Element: Lightning

EXP Level: 10

EXP: 0/110

Cultivation Level: 10

Cultivation to next Level: 0%

Mana: 300/300

Secondary Tabs: Skills List, Talents List, Achievements List


My eyes widen at the large increase in mana before I turn to look at Lord Xurek, who I had thought had already left the city earlier today.

He notices my gaze and says, “Right when I was about to leave, the sky darkened, and a bolt of lightning struck your manor. So of course, I came to congratulate you on your advancement.”

A faint smile crosses my face at that, and I nod my head, “Thank you.”

And with that out of the way… I turn to look at Ari who really shouldn’t be here right now.

“So why are you here?” I ask with a brow raised.

Those who don’t know of my relationship with her – which basically comes down to just Aidan and the maids walking through the hall right now, considering how I’ve already told my group, and that the Orcs have basically guessed it – look at her with curiosity, but she just ignores them and sends me a telepathic message with a shrug, ‘How could I not come see you when you advance?’

I narrow my eyes, but she just smiles and disappears in a flash of pale blue light.


A few seconds pass in silence before I ask the others with a faint grin, “So when are you all going to catch up with me?”


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