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                                            Year 819 | Month 2 | Day 17

I shoot straight up as a loud noise coming from the direction of the cave entrance wakes me up from my dream.

Without even a moment’s hesitation, I jump up from the ground and turn towards the entrance, only to find a large cloud of dust covering where the artificial-cave-in should have been. Seconds later, a fiendish primate jumps through the dust, followed by another, and another, until dozens of them begin to pile in through the cloud of dust.

“What the fuck?” I shout as I back up a little to avoid the flaming fist of the first primate before reaching out to tear my claws across its forearm. I then follow that up by spinning around it and tearing out its throat from behind.

Did these bastards break through the boulders covering the cave or what?

As if answering my question, the dust is suddenly melted as a Tier 2 fiendish primate charges through what I can now see is the remains of the now-crushed boulders I was using to block the entrance.

I narrow my eyes and rush towards it while tearing apart the weak Tier 1s in the way before ducking out of the way of the Tier 2’s flaming punch and tearing my claws through its side in the process. The monkey lets out a loud screech of pain, but before I can finish it off, another three Tier 2 monkeys rush into the cave and immediately begin rushing towards me.

What the hell? The monkeys made a coordinated attack on me at night?

The monkeys don’t give me the time to think as all of the Tier 2s begin attacking me at the same time, including the one that I had torn my claws through.

I grit my teeth at the sight of its cauterized wound before ducking another attack and jumping over one of the Tier 1s that decided that it wanted to try tackling my feet. Meanwhile, a roar echoes through the cave, making my head jerk towards the entrance, only to find another set of fiendish primates charging into the cave.

Damn it! This is starting to be a little too much at once. Even for my current level.

At that thought, I jump backwards to build a little bit of space before conjuring two bolts of red and light lightning and sending them flying straight at two of the Tier 2s, punching smoking holes straight through their torsos and killing them in and instant. I then take advantage of the other monkeys’ brief surprise to charge through one of the Tier 2s, tearing my claws all the way from the front of its torso to the back of its neck as I rush straight past it, leaving its falling corpse behind me in the process.

Once the outside of the cave enters my view, my eyes immediately narrow and I stop in my tracks.

“Shit.” I swear at the sight of the four or so dozen Tier 2 primates standing outside of the cave.

They really brought the cavalry this time…

I purse my lips before glancing back at the monkeys that are already trying to chase after me from behind me, only to turn back to see the Tier 2 ones starting to file inside from outside of the cave.

Guess there’s no helping it.

Without a hint of hesitation, I hurriedly assign EXP to level up The Calling of Wrath before swiping away at the note to save it to read later and activating its beast transformation effect, causing the familiar wave of black and red energy to once again burst out of my body. The energy quickly fills up the entire cave, making the monkeys all let out short cries of surprise as they back up away from the energy. At the same time, a wave of excruciating pain courses throughout my entire body.

However, once the pain begins, things take a turn from how they went in the last time. Instead of hearing cracking sounds, I practically feel all of my bones slowly expand while also moving inwards. But at this point, the pain grows so large that I can’t do anything other than scream.

After a few seconds of this though, my scream turns into a strange shriek and my pain fades in an instant.

Then I hear a hiss.

Is there a snake near-

My thoughts cut off as I realize my own stupidity before moving my head to look at my now-scale-covered body.

Yeah, this time I’ve become a snake. Or a serpent? Considering my size.

I part my mouth slightly, only to almost instinctively stick my tongue out for some reason. And when I do, I realize that the thing is pretty damn big compared to the monkeys.

Wait. Or am I just that big now?


I turn my head to look around the cave, ignoring the damn-near-panicking monkeys for the moment, before realizing just how small the cave is now.

Guess I am really big now.

Anyways, I shoot towards the monkeys outside at an extremely fast speed before gobbling up a monkey without even really thinking about it.

However, almost immediately after doing that and tasting the monkey’s flavor in my mouth, my eyes widen in half-shock, half-disgust.

But despite that, I still can’t help but enjoy the flavor and swallow it whole.

Damn… I didn’t notice this when I was transformed into a lioness, but it looks like I’m settled with all of the beast’s instincts and not just how to control its body…

I can’t even force myself to feel revulsed at the thought of eating that monkey, and considering that I’m a damn serpent, I’ll probably end up eating more whether I want to or not.


I turn my gaze back to the monkeys – who most of which are running away from me, probably with good reason – before letting my tongue out of my mouth again and hissing slightly.

Bon appetite.


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Due to your use of the skill The Calling of Wrath’s first effect, the following changes have been made to your status:

All stats while transformed will be doubled.

All attacks will disturb the Wrath energy within whatever is hit, causing it to run rampant in their body, sending very minimal amounts of true damage to various parts of them.

The Temporary Skill ‘Call of Wrath’ has been given to you to use once. This skill will release all of the Wrath built up within your body at once in a single breath attack. However, the longer you have been in beast form, the weaker the breath attack will be.

These changes will last either till one hour has passed, or you use the Call of Wrath skill.

Note: Whether you use the skill or not, it will vanish once you revert back.



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