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The formatting for the notifications and statuses follow what I used for book 2 of Dungeon from the Void on Amazon. This is because tables are not useable on Patreon.



I stare at my dungeon's entrance for a few seconds before opening up my status again.


                                                                               Name: Fenrir

                                                                      Race: Dungeon Core

                                                                              Element: Void

                                                                              EXP Level: 10

                                                                                 EXP: 0/110

                                                                       Cultivation Level: 10

                                                             Cultivation to next Level: 0%

                                                                            Mana: 300/300

Secondary Tabs: Dungeon Status, Skills List, Talents List, Achievements List, Starter Environments


My core pulses slightly in my excitement as I see my mana at 300.

It's time to make a third instance!

Then I can get to cultivating.

Now if I can just figure out how...

As soon as I try to figure it out, a very familiar buildup begins to grow within my core. Soon after that, all 300 of my current mana begins to get drawn straight into the buildup before bursting outwards to fill up my entire dungeon. Just like with the last time I created an instance.

When I look through my dungeon again, I find three instances this time instead of just two. Meanwhile, people begin to enter both of the two empty instances, with the other one having already had a group of people in it since before my talk with Leon.

I ignore them for the moment to open my status again.


                                                                               Name: Fenrir

                                                                       Race: Dungeon Core

                                                                              Element: Void

                                                                               EXP Level: 10

                                                                                 EXP: 0/110

                                                                       Cultivation Level: 10

                                                             Cultivation to next Level: 0%

                                                                               Mana: 0/300

Secondary Tabs: Dungeon Status, Skills List, Talents List, Achievements List, Starter Environments


That mana cost... wait a second... how am I still conscious?

I completely forgot about the running out of mana issue...

Dawn seems to somehow notice my confusion as she says, "If you're wondering what's up with you not having any mana and still being conscious, it's because the mana was used to create an instance. When that happens, the mana is still technically a part of you and leaves a faint remnant behind that you can't use until it regenerates."

Oh. Well that explains it.

Anyways, now that that's dealt with, I turn my attention back to the remaining group of intruders who are currently sitting around in the first floor of my dungeon.

Surprisingly, when I identify one of them, both the intruder's EXP Level and Cultivation Level are too high for me to read. But shortly after the mini-status appears, a notification appears in my vision to replace it.


                    System Notification:


Your skill 'Identify' has leveled up to level 4!


Oh? Well that's interesting.

Maybe now I can identify them...


Name: Orion Heartfelt

             Race: Elf

        EXP Level: ??

 Cultivation Level: 14


An Elf? And their EL is still too high for me to identify?

That's interesting.

Although I guess I did just reach Tier 2, so it makes sense that a Tier 2 intruder would come by to see me.

Anyways, not sure what they are doing. By the looks of it, they're just taking a rest or something.

With a group completely full of Tier 2 cultivators.

Actually, that makes sense. They're probably looking at me as their way to get stronger or something.

Either way, I'll ignore them for now.

I turn my attention away from the group to find Dawn still floating around Fang.

Right as I am about to look away again to begin cultivating, I pause to take another look at Fang before identifying him.


         Name: Fang

 Race: Void Direwolf

      Element: Void

        EXP Level: 6

           EXP: 2/60

        Mana: 40/40


Holy shit, he leveled up a lot since I last identified him...

Makes me wonder what I missed since then.

I stare at Fang for several seconds before my core begins to glow slightly brighter as a thought comes to me.

Since I can make the tenth floor now... maybe I should go ahead and promote Fang to become its boss?

Fang suddenly raises his head to look up as if sensing my thoughts before lowering his head again. Meanwhile, Dawn just lays down on his fur without possessing his body.

I watch the two for a few minutes before turning my attention inwards towards my core.

If I'm going to start working on the tenth floor, then I should let my mana regenerate to full. And the only thing I can really do until then is cultivate.

"I'm gonna start cultivating again," I tell Dawn before getting down to it.



It doesn't take long after leaving the dungeon before I find myself getting bombarded with deal offerings by dozens of people, including nobles from the Drezar Kingdom, Orcs from the Kingdom of Brimstone, and even just merchants who were staying in Wolfdenn for the time being.

As I try pushing my way through the crowd of people near the dungeon to get to my manor, shouts continue to raise from every single person that sees me.

"You should work with us! Halzar Trading can-" "Work with the Orb Collective!" "Come on! This dungeon has way too many research benefits to waste on you! You should work with the dungeon researchers on finding out what's so special about this dun-"

My head's starting to hurt...

Suddenly, a loud shout raises from near the Mercenary Guild building.

"Let the poor lad through!"

When I turn to see who it came from, I find Aranuk Lightbreaker - the Dwarven head of the Frost Forge stationed in Wolfdenn. Soon after his shout, many of the people around me begin to quiet down a little, allowing me to squeeze my way through to reach him.

"Thanks-" I begin to say, only to pause as a wide grin spreads across the Dwarf's face. He then pulls me inside of the guild building at a speed faster than any Tier 1 being can move, leaving most of the people outside behind without any warning.

Are you kidding me?

Soon enough, I find myself in Damien's office with him, the Dwarf who dragged me in here, and the other higher up people within Wolfdenn. This includes the leader of the Employer's Market, Ray Jasper, the Crafting Guild's Guildmaster, Gantar Kelpeiros, and a few other powerful figures.

Although what surprises me the most, is the presence of Kat within the room.

"Kat?" I mutter in confusion, only for my confusion to clear up the instant she pulls out a letter and hands it to me.

A letter with the symbol of The Drezar Kingdom on it. And their royal family crest.


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