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My mouth drops open in surprise as soon as the black light fades enough for me to see what the Pandora’s Box spawned.

Standing in place of the box, is something that I never would have expected to see inside of the dungeon. The creature has two scrawny legs, with a coat of tiny golden feathers. It has two beady black eyes, with a golden beak, and isn’t even half-a-foot in height.

“A…” I begin before pausing as I blink a few times to make sure I’m seeing it correctly, “…chicken?”

Did this Pandora’s Box really just spawn a baby chicken…?

My jaw drops open slightly after I identify the little creature.

What the what? It’s actually a freaking chicken? Also, why doesn’t it have a level?

And what’s with this unique id?

Before I can think any further about it, the tiny little chick chirps rather adorably. When I focus on it again instead of its id, the little fella just begins hopping towards me.

Right as I am expecting it to faceplant into the ice sphere around it, it surprises me again by going straight through my ice as if it were a ghost.

My eyes widen in surprise.

Okay, what the hell is this thing?

The creature just continues hopping towards me before rubbing its head against my leg for a second. After that, it just chirps twice more and begins hopping away from me towards the wall, only to disappear into the wall like a ghost.

I stare at the spot on the wall it passed through for a few minutes without saying a word until I eventually look around the room at all of the precautions I had set up. A small amount of warmth enters my cheeks out of embarrassment before I shake my head and navigate through my menus to the System Forums. After reaching the forums, I immediately search up what a System Chicken is.

Surprisingly enough, the first things that pop up in the results aren’t about System Chickens but are instead about System Animals. Meaning that there are other types of System animals other than just chickens.

I select the first thread that shows up before reading through it.

                                                                 The Great System Animals
                                                               By Moderator: Hart Cannon

My next thread will be about the wonderfully adorable creatures known as System Animals!
These creatures are
only spawned from Pandora’s Boxes within an Administrator Dungeon Run, and they are completely immortal within the bounds of the System!
The adorable little fellas are all eternal infants in their appearance, and they do not have the capacity to attack. But, at the same time, they are protected by the System from anything and everything! Even harbinger variant elements!
They are also able to freely navigate throughout the Administrator Dungeon, often moving from floor to floor, and through solid walls after being spawned from a chest.

No one really knows why they exist, but most people just assume that they are nothing more than mascots of a sort for the System.

However, if there is one thing that I absolutely have to say about the little fellas, it’s that they are by far the most adorable creatures in all of the System!
And they also make for a lot of comedic moments in Administrator Dungeon Runs!

Just imagine this. In the middle of an extremely tense battle, a System Racoon suddenly passes through a nearby wall and crosses through the battle!
Pretty damn adorable, am I right?

So… I did all of that preparation and worrying… for a little immortal chick?

One that literally has no purpose aside from being cute…

I stare at the thread for a few more seconds before shaking my head again and turning to the now-open door leading out of the room. However, before I can fully close out of the System Forums, I pause at the search menu for System Animals as another thread catches my eye. As soon as I read the thread’s title, my left eye twitches slightly in irritation.

                                                   The Winter Wolf, and the baby Chicken!
                                                                      By Player: Harui Kah

Are you kidding me…?

I open the thread before frowning at the sight of a paused video. The frame the video is paused on shows me standing in the middle of a frozen and trapped room with a black and purple chest at the center of it.

My eye twitches once more as I watch the first few seconds of the video. However, without even finishing it, I close out of the thread and then the entire forums after that.

This little incident isn’t likely to be forgotten for a long time…

It’s at times like this that I wish the dungeon wasn’t livestreamed… the only real benefit to the livestreams – for me at least – is for foreknowledge that I can get on the other competitors and the System, along with the sponsors themselves.

Although the connections themselves are pretty useful, considering that I have been put into contact with quite a few powerful people thanks to this. But it’s also caused me other problems.

All of that aside though, Katie isn’t going to let me live this video down for a long time…

I shake my head again before walking towards the open exit to the next crossroads room.

At least I’m not dead.


                                                                            Executive Stream

Laughter echoes throughout the room as Diane laughs her heart out without any reservations from her place on the sofa directly across from the screens. Meanwhile, Leo sits next to her chuckling with a smile on his face.

Arianais looks between the two from his own place standing off to the side before focusing on the screen. He then calmly states, “This is a much better outcome than what could have happened.”

The empress just continues laughing without even acknowledging his statement.


                                                                         Aegis – Safe Zone 52

Within the shared building used as Wolf’s family and friend’s home, several people can be seen scattered around the room, with a large screen showing on the display device at the center of the room. Amongst the people, one of them is laughing, while the others all have their own expressions of amusement ranging from snickering to a simple smirk.

“The look on his face when he saw the video was priceless!!!” Katie shouts, pointing her finger at the screen while laughing. However, just a few seconds later, her laughter cuts off and she leans forwards while asking, “Did any of us record it?”

Luke and Lucia look at each other before shaking their heads, causing Katie’s expression to fall slightly.

“Yep,” Aidan suddenly states with a grin on his face, holding his hand forwards with his thumb pointing upwards. “I knew that livestream recorder would come in handy at some point.”

Katie’s face lights up like a Christmas light before she shoots forwards and hugs Aidan with a shout, “Yeess!!! Thank you!”

Aidan looks embarrassed for a second before he returns her hug with a smile. Meanwhile, Luke and Lucia smile as well at the sight.

‘I wonder how Wolf will react when he learns that Aidan is finally starting to realize his feelings for Katie?’ Luke ponders to himself, his smile growing wider at the thought. ‘Then again, we’ll just have to wait till he comes back to us to see that.’


For those of you who can't read the image:

<=|> System Chicken <|=>

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