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I look up from the letter towards Kat before frowning as she shrugs her shoulders.

A letter from the King of The Drezar Kingdom? Does that mean...

I turn my head back towards the letter before opening it and reading it.

                                                               Greetings again, young Leon.
I finished dealing with the Kraken a few days ago and was planning on passing by Wolfdenn on my way back.
It was at this point that I heard the news about the dungeon's advancement from my daughter.
So now, I am planning on stopping in Wolfdenn to officially meet with you.
If you have any questions for me, then you may ask them when I see you in one week's time.


                                               The King of The Drezar Kingdom, Drezar Snow

After I finish reading the letter, I raise my head again to look at Kat through squinted eyes.

How did she manage to get a message to her father already? The dungeon only just reached Tier 2 about an hour or two ago!

Kat avoids looking me in the eye for a few seconds before I sigh.

Fine. Let her have her secrets.

Although I guess it makes sense that the daughter of a King would have a way to contact her father.

I blink a few times at that thought as I realize that I'm the son of an Emperor and I don't have a way to contact my own father.

Okay, she is the publicly recognized daughter of a King.

Ignoring that for the moment, I turn to Damien before saying, "It looks like we're going to be having a royal visitor soon."

Damien nods his head in agreement as he says, "Yes, which begs the question of how are we going to be greeting him?"

I frown at that before looking down at the letter again.

Since we're a neutral nation, we don't want to be too welcoming to foreign royalty, but at the same time, we should be respectful of them...

My thoughts are interrupted as Ray begins to speak, her voice flowing as elegantly as always, "If you wouldn't mind, City Lord, I would like to take care of the semantics of this welcome."

I turn to look at her for a second before eventually nodding my head and saying, "Alright, but keep me posted on everything. I want to be informed about how you plan on doing things before you do them as well."

The beautiful woman nods her head before closing her eyes in thought.

My attention is attracted back to Damien as he claps his hands and says, "With that taken care of, let's figure out how we're going to move forwards with the city, considering the large amount of Knights that are likely to arrive in the near future."

Before we can begin speaking on this next topic, a knock comes from the door, followed by it opening to reveal Narfan Durgrn - the Orc delegate sent by Lord Xurek residing in Wolfdenn as part of our security force, and the first Orc I ever met.

"Leon!" the Orc's gruff tone of voice instantly fills the office. "Some of the citizens and mercenaries from the Kingdom of Brimstone are declaring their wishes to move here during the war!"

My eyes widen at the declaration as I hear Damien sigh. At the same time, Ray opens her eyes again to focus on the Orc.

"And things just keep-" I begin cutting myself off as Lord Frost's delegate finishes climbing the staircase and can be seen quickly walking down the hallway towards us.

"City Lord Leon!" the woman says as soon as she notices me through the door whilst completely ignoring the Orc at the entrance. "Some of the citizens and mercenaries living in Fort Frost are wishing to temporarily stay at Wolfdenn during the span of the war. Would we be able to reach an agreement about this, and what permissions we can grant them while here?"

Are you kidding me?

I look between the two delegates before turning to Damien, only to find him shrugging his shoulders with an amused look on his face.

Damned Guildmaster. He's not going to be any help.

I then turn to look at Kat, finding her looking back and nodding.

Considering that she is the daughter of the King of The Drezar Kingdom, she would probably be a good choice for negotiating with Lord Frost's delegate.

I turn back to the two delegates before saying, "Alright, we are already rather bogged down at the moment with the Dungeon Core's advancement to Tier 2-"

Both of the delegates show expressions of surprise at my statement before I continue.

"-but I can spend some time working with you two on this issue. At the same time, however, I would like my party member, Katherine Snow, to work with you, miss Harper." I finish while sending a glance towards Kat and getting another nod from her, showing her agreement.

When I look back to the two delegates, I find them both slowly nodding their heads in agreement with my decision.

Well, that's another issue fixed, but these problems are probably just gonna continue building up.

Oh, and there is that as well.

"I would also like both of you to inform your Lords that I have made contact and spoken with the Dungeon Core of this dungeon," I tell them before ignoring their surprised expressions as I turn to Aidan. "And I hope you will be able to help me with all of this."

Aidan nods his head, not phased at all by my declaration to the two delegates. "Of course. Just tell me what you want me to do, and I will do it."

I nod to him in my appreciation before turning to Damien, who still has an amused grin on his face. However, the amusement vanishes the instant I say, "Meanwhile, I'll be leaving you to deal with the mercenary influx for the time being."

Aranuk snickers at the expression that appears on Damien's face, but I ignore it as I clap my hands and declare, "Alright, time to get to work everyone."


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