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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 25

After the meeting with the nobles, I discuss the logistics and leadership of the Undying Caverns with Claire, Benjamin, and Ryan for when I’m gone. A discussion that lasts for a few more hours.

Then I proceed to go to my lab. Because there’s still one thing I want to finish before going to the war.

My latest lesson from the skeleton. An important one at that.


This spell isn’t actually very difficult since it’s a very basic necromancy spell. So basic it didn’t take me long to figure out how to do it from the skeleton’s teachings right before this war broke out.

But it still needs a few touchups.

Right now it does raise the dead as undead, but it’s far too mana inefficient, and some of them begin to deteriorate while raised. Which is a major issue.

Not a hard one to fix though.

And I’d rather have this spell working properly before I leave this place.

I end up spending at least five hours in my lab, binging through the rest of the spell until it’s complete. A spell to raise the dead as an unintelligent zombie that follows scripted orders.

It’s a basic necromancy spell. So basic that you can’t even give orders to the undead after the initial raising of it.

The only orders you can give it are the orders inputted into the spell when it’s first cast.

Hence why it’s so basic. Since most necromancy includes scripts to actively give orders to the undead after they’re already raised. Some even let the user give orders in their mind and not out loud, but those are Tier V and Tier VI spells.


I glance at the corpses lined up in the lab.

This place smells.

Lots of wild animal corpses. A waste of food for the Caverns, if you ask me. But a necessary one.

Not that I need food.

I turn around and leave my lab – after burning the undead I made with the finished spell along with all of the failed undead and the remaining corpses – before proceeding out of my home and towards the entrance of the Undying Caverns. Briefly calling Claire on the terminal over my arm in the process.

“Is there something you need, Your Majesty?” Claire asks right away as I hear typing on the other end of the call. Likely her doing the work I set her and the others on.

“I’m heading out,” I tell her, having decided to go ahead and inform them. Since I might not come back tonight.

Depends on the skeleton.

“Understood,” she says, after which I cut off the call and step outside of the Caverns.

Now then. To check on the dark treant.

I quickly break into a sprint straight towards the Dark Forest.

Unfortunately I can’t take vehicles into the forest since it’s too dense. So is the forest beyond the rather large clearing around the Undying Caverns. A clearing that I swear grows larger by the day due to the battles that’ve taken place outside of it.

Rest in peace trees.

Anyways, it doesn’t take me long to reach the Dark Forest when I’m running at full speed, with the help of some blood. And when I do, I immediately enter it and rush towards the Dark Treant.

But no matter how long I run, I don’t seem to get anywhere. Meaning that I don’t have permission to find it through the illusion.

Probably because the skeleton is out right now due to the war.

I’ve learned a trick to get past that though. So I glance at Incendia on my shoulder before nodding, making her jump off before flying high into the air. Then she just goes over the Dark Forest, following her own senses to find the dark treant.

And I follow her scent in return until I too arrive at the dark treant in the form of a massive, dead tree.

My eyes narrow ever so slightly at the dark treant whose entrance is sealed.

I raise my fist, coating it with death flames before slamming it into the treant, setting part of its base ablaze with the black death flames. Then I declare, “Open up or you’re burning.”

And just like the last time I was here, the dark treant opens up. Clearly not wanting to be burnt by my death flames.

Thankfully treants aren’t exactly the smartest of things. Otherwise it’d know that the skeleton is far more dangerous than me.

The thing only listens to threats like that when the skeleton is nowhere nearby.

I proceed inside of the dark treant before climbing up the stairs and moving over towards the place covered by the barrier. Where my parents are being kept.

Then I pull my fist back and slam it into the barrier while coated in death flames. And just like I expected, it doesn’t so much as budge.

But I wasn’t expecting to damage it at all. Mostly just wanted to see if I could test how strong it was without the skeleton around here.

The reason I came here though is entirely different.

I summon forth several spell circles around me, making death flames only barely leak out from them to burn parts of the dark treant. Then I raise my head and shout at it, “Open the wall behind the barrier now!”

And after some more coaxing, which mostly just involves me turning up the heat a bit more, sending out more death flames to fill the entire hall, the treant opens up the wall behind the barrier. Obviously not opening or affecting the barrier itself.

But that’s not what’s important right now.

What’s important is that I hear my parents’ voices coming from through the barrier.

I smile at the sound of their voices, both of which cut off a few seconds later as they no doubt realize the wall was removed.

Without hesitation, I walk up to the barrier made by the skeleton before placing my hand on it and leaning my forehead against it. And as I do this, I hear my parents’ footsteps coming closer through what I find to be some sort of nicely designed suite of rooms on the other side.

Then, when I hear them gasp, I raise my head a little again with my smile growing a bit sadder at the sight of them behind the barrier.

“Hello, Mom, Dad,” I tell them, feeling a few tears leaking out. “It’s nice to see you again.”


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