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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 25

It takes almost an entire fifteen minutes for the stupid nobles to progress past their petty squabbles and shouting before we all finally begin to decide on our plans going forward. Of which are largely decided by the Class A and more advanced Class B magicians of the bunch. Since I don’t really care much about how the war actually goes so long as I come out on top myself.

And either way, I’ll be fighting someone after the war. Whether that’s the nobles, returning to our feud, or whoever goes after me from the nations post-war.

A fact that is pretty much set in stone will happen. Since there’s no way the magicians of the mainland will be able to resist the idea of immortality.

In all honesty, the war might be helping in that regard. They’ll be too busy focusing on their immediate survival and grudges to deal with me. Delegating me as a later matter to handle after they learn of my existence.

Quite convenient.

So by the end of the conversation, it’s decided that all of the nobles on the shores of the continent will be the frontline forces. Each of which also happen to be the stronger forces, both economically and in numbers and magic. Partially due to the lack of miasma on the shores, and partially due to having access to the ocean and the fish in it.

Fish that aren’t contaminated by any miasma.

Meanwhile the weaker nobles are all required to send their forces to assist. At least seventy-five percent of their forces.

And while everyone at first objected to this, since that’s a large portion of their forces, we were all shortly convinced after Duke Elmwood brought up mention of us all signing a magically enforced contract. One that bans any and all attempts to harm, interfere with, or do anything against other signatories of the contract.

Making it so that our territories are, in fact, safe from the other magicians.

On paper at least.

There are still some ways to get around that. But none that we’d need a large number of forces to stop.

And none that would require a large number of forces either.

To my surprise though, after we finish with that decision, Duke Elmwood turns his attention to me and says in front of everyone, “Before we agree on the final details of the contract, I would like to add an exception for the Undying Magician.”

Silence fills the room as the other nobles all show various different reactions. Most of which are curiosity and silence, but some seem irritated at the mere mention of me.

“And what would this exception be, Duke Elmwood?” I ask with my arms crossed and one brow raised.

He doesn’t miss a beat as he answers, “You have the least forces out of all of us, and you have just finished with a major conflict of your own. Therefore I would like to suggest your forces be exempt from joining the battle.” And before anyone can object to that, he adds, “Of course, this is with the stipulation that you must be present during the war at all times. You yourself are not allowed to leave the frontlines and must fight a certain amount every single month using your special constitution to the advantage of our fair Kingdom.”

Silence fills the room, and after his added comment after the first part, which left people more than a little angry, everyone calms down in a matter of moments. Clearly deciding that having me fighting on the frontlines personally throughout the war would be a far better benefit than having my meager forces joining in.

And I have to admit, it does sound nice. Because it means others are even less likely to mess with my people during this.

“I support this exemption,” Duke Stretarious says with a smirk on his face. One I feel is directed at me.

Then Crimson quickly adds his own word on it, saying, “Supported.”

Followed shortly by the psycho lady, Rachel, “I support this.”

And after that, more and more voices of support echo out until every last noble has given their support for the suggestion.

“It looks like it’s nearly unanimous,” Duke Elmwood states, still not showing a single sign of what he’s thinking on his face. “What say you, Undying Magician?”

“Will you aid the war personally, or have your soldiers die so that you can stay back?” Duke Stretarious adds, almost like he’s trying to provoke me.

But I ignore him as I answer Duke Elmwood, “I will participate personally.”

“Then this exemption will be placed within the contract,” Duke Elmwood continues before addressing every noble here. “Every noble of the Kingdom of the Fallen excluding the Undying Magician, Nathan Fox, must support the war effort with seventy-five percent of their forces or more. Furthermore, any attempt to harm one of the signatories of this contract in any way, whether physical, an attack on their forces or territory, or other potential methods are banned during the duration of the war. Meanwhile the Undying Magician, Nathan Fox, will be required to fight on the frontlines himself during the duration of the war and will not be able to leave the frontlines unless it is an emergency, or he returns within a day of leaving and does not leave more than once a month.”

Silence fills the call for a couple seconds. Then Duke Elmwood asks, “Is this agreement acceptable to all those present?”

A few more seconds pass as the nobles all mentally go over what he stated before one agreement after another fills the hall. And eventually I add my own to it.

The duke then states a time and place for all of us to meet tomorrow, following which the call is ended. Leaving me in silence within my main meeting room.

I purse my lips for a few seconds, lightly tapping on my table for a bit.

Then I tilt my head slightly, looking down at said table as I briefly wonder something.

Do these nobles not realize that magically enforced contracts don’t actually do much of anything to me? Other than hurt to break?

Probably not.


Danielle Warvel

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Omg, that’s so funny and badass. I love how casual he is.