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Within the Dark Treant

Jason Fox holds his crying wife in his arms while stroking her long brown hair as they sit on the sofa of one of the various rooms the skeleton placed them in. All while unable to form a coherent word himself.

Ever since the first moment they learned about Nathan’s condition when he was younger, about his immortality, he knew things were bad. That they’d only get worse.

He’s been in a constant state of uncertainty. Because he has never liked their family’s doctor. And he trusts him less than he trusts the random neighbor that’d moved in next door not long before the incident. A neighbor whose child kept almost kicking in their window with a soccer ball and didn’t care.

But the doctor was their only route to go. Because not only did he already know their secret and could do whatever he pleased with it, but Jason knew at the time that he was far more powerful than he was passing himself off to be.

So he put up with it. He stayed quiet as his son came home almost lifeless every day that he went to visit the doctor.

Stayed silent as the doctor no doubt did unspeakable things to him.

In the name of Nathan’s freedom.

Because there wasn’t anything else they could do.

His wife, Julia, on the other hand, would often cry herself to sleep.

And all Jason could do was watch and try to comfort them as best he could. Which didn’t amount to much for Nathan, since the boy never wanted to open up to his parents about magic related subjects.

Jason regrets it all now. He should’ve tried harder to find a way out instead of just giving up. He should’ve tried harder to help his son.

And that realization sunk in deeply with its razor sharp fangs the moment Jason saw his son again for the first time in years. With his crimson eyes, nearly lifeless gaze, and the sharp fangs in his mouth where his canines would normally be. All while a strange bird made of black flames perched on his shoulder.

When he saw the lifeless gaze suddenly fill with life once again. Fill with tears.

The first thought that ran through his mind wasn’t about what had happened to his son to turn him into what he’s no doubt become. A vampire. Or how he’s aged physically when he couldn’t before.

No. His first thought was that he was glad to see him again after so long. That he wanted to apologize for what he hadn’t done in the past.

Then their reunion was cut off just as quickly as it had begun when the skeleton sealed them away again.

Leaving Jason and Julia in silence with the only sound within the suite being his wife’s crying.

And ever since then, his mind, and no doubt the mind of his wife as well, have been running wild trying to figure out what happened to their son. What managed to change him.

Whether it was another magical accident like the cause of his condition, or if his condition was cured and someone then turned him into a vampire. Or if someone managed to figure out how to go around his condition.

One possibility after another filled their minds, making them more and more anxious with each one.

Jason looks down as he feels his hand clenching a little into a fist, his wife still held in his arms.

She’s barely been able to say a thing since seeing Nathan again. Likely due to all of the stress building up over the past few years and releasing all at once.

I’m not one to talk about that though…

Jason hasn’t said much of anything out loud either.

But after a while has passed like this, he hears it. And he’s not the only one as his wife suddenly stops crying.

At the sound of moving vines and roots.

The same sound they heard the previous times the undead treant opened or closed the exit. Or when their supplies was being restocked by the roots.

But this time the sound was coming from the main entrance of the suite of rooms. The same place he and his wife saw Nathan.

He and Julie share a quick glance before hurrying to their feet and rushing off towards the main entrance of the suite. Where they soon find themselves face to face with their son, with that same barrier in between them as before.

Their boy is leaning partly against the barrier with his forehead resting against it and the slightest hint of a smile on his face. One that is completely different to the lifeless look they saw in his eyes just the day before.

Both Jason and his wife gasp at their son’s unexpected arrival. A mixture of joy, hesitation, anxiety, and fear on their faces. Fear that he will reject them for their inability to help him all his life. Since the incident.

But their son just raises his head and looks at them with a genuine smile building from the slightest hint that was there a moment ago. Meanwhile tears build up at the corners of his crimson eyes.

A few seconds pass before Nathan says, his voice sounding deeper than the last time he heard it, “Hello, Mom, Dad. It’s nice to see you again.”

Tears immediately flood Jason’s eyes as he moves closer to the barrier, placing his hand against it as he drops to his knees. And this time he feels his wife’s hands going around his shoulder in a comforting manner, reversing their earlier position as she no doubt cries again too.

Jason doesn’t pay any attention to the inhuman aspects of his son’s current appearance. He doesn’t care about the slightly inhuman look that he saw in his eyes before, or the dark instinct prickling at the back of his neck to run away from him as if his son were a predator.

He doesn’t care about any of it.

Instead, all he sees is his son. A son he wasn’t able to help for all those years. A son he failed to help.

And a son he’s wanted to see again for so long now but hasn’t been able to.

The area of the dark treant around the barrier is then filled with nothing but the sounds of the family’s first reunion, filled with tears, in years.


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