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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 24

After he leaves, I find myself kneeling on the ground with my fists slammed against the barrier. But as expected, nothing happens. The barrier doesn’t harm me, nor do I harm the barrier.

Fucking hell… although I guess I should be happy about this. Because it means they’re no longer at threat of the doctor killing them. And I don’t have to worry about him using them as hostages.

But still… now I have to deal with knowing just how close they are without being able to see them despite that. And they’re still captured by someone.

More importantly, I have to actually be able to break his damned barrier to free them.

I grit my teeth before looking into myself at my arcs of mana. Which currently number about four hundred and twenty-one.

The only reason I’ve gotten so much mana is because of the device given to me by the skeleton. So much mana that I’m passed the three hundred necessary to be classified as a Class B magician.

But I haven’t accomplished the spell requirements. I need to know at least one Tier VI spell to be classified as a Class B magician.

A spell that directly targets the mind.

It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. At least for death magic.

It will be a challenge with fire magic. The only fire magician I know in the Kingdom of the Fallen that has a Tier VI fire spell is Crimson.

Although he’ll be teaching me a bit himself, so there’s that.

Death magic isn’t too hard to figure out.

But more importantly, I need more mana to be able to pierce through this barrier. So much mana that I’m sure I’d need at least a thousand arcs. Which is more than enough to be classified as a Class A magician in the mana arcs side of things.

Just to shatter a barrier made by a Class S magician a while ago that he isn’t even standing guard over or fueling with more mana.

I grit my teeth at the thought before raising my head to look at the wall and barrier.

Although that’s not considering the treant’s body, which also probably makes up part of why it’s so strong.

I stare for a bit, only to grit my teeth so hard my teeth fracture. Then they revert to normal again as I stand up and turn around.

Walking away from the wall.

I will set them free as soon as I can.

My fists clench tightly at my side while I walk straight out of the elder treant.


High above the Treant
Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 24

Adalwolf feels immense satisfaction as he watches his successor leave from above the treant. As he sees the look on his successor’s face.

One of absolute determination. Of anger. And of resolution.

I’m glad I chose this route. He’s far more motivated now than he was before.

The king wasn’t sure at first about this plan since he didn’t know if his successor would grow more or less motivated from this turn of events. Since his parents are no longer at ongoing risk of being harmed or killed.

But Adalwolf suspected – from what he’s come to learn of the boy’s personality – that it would motivate him. Since Nathan is the type who gets hyper focused on what’s right in front of him. And with him having a direct reminder about his situation in the form of his locked up parents just a couple hundred kilometers away from his home, he’ll constantly be thinking about freeing them.

Adalwolf knows that’s what he’s like. But even then, he wasn’t certain of it.

And now he is.

Adalwolf Giese continues watching as his successor travels through the Dark Forest back to his own little base for a bit. Until his attention is taken away by something else.

The flame in the skeleton’s eyes narrow ever so slightly as he turns to look outside of the barrier to the Kingdom of the Fallen. Then he turns into miasma and heads straight to the border.

Where he finds an older man in a lab coat glaring at him from the other side of the barrier. Clearly not being able to teleport inside without putting forth an immense amount of power to shatter the barrier.

An amount of power he doesn’t have to waste in his constant warring against the anti-magic magician.

To Adalwolf’s surprise though, the face the old man is making… is not one he’s ever seen before on the man.

The usually emotionless doctor now has a mixture of absolute rage and reluctance on his face.

Almost like he’s planning on doing something or is in the middle of doing something he might regret.


It doesn’t take long for Adalwolf to realize what’s going on. Because he soon senses the approach of another powerful magician.

One radiating anti-magic mana.

He must be at his last stretch if he’s going to this length.

Adalwolf is more than a little surprised by this turn of events. Because he wasn’t expecting the doctor to be this close to death. Close enough that he would try to force Nathan out of the Kingdom of the Fallen even if it means he may lose him.

After a few seconds, the anti-magic magician arrives. The chairman of the Republic.

Artorius Hunter.

And the moment the man arrives, his eyes narrow in on Adalwolf and the massive barrier. Then he turns to look down at the various cities he sees deeper into the Kingdom of the Fallen.

Cities that aren’t nothing but rubble like he no doubt expected.

Since that’s how they were when the Republic last visited the Kingdom of the Fallen.

“Adalwolf Giese, King of the Kingdom of Giese, it would appear you’ve truly been freed as the others have said,” Artorius declares, his eyes narrowed in both anger and suspicion. “And you’ve raised your kingdom back from the fall.”

Silence fills the area around the massive barrier.

Adalwolf and Artorius stare at each other, neither saying a word for several seconds.

Then Adalwolf quickly sets up a second barrier layered on top of the first without the other two noticing. One that is meant solely to block all teleportation.

Unlike the current barrier which blocks anyone.

And just as he expected, Artorius sends a massive spear of red and black anti-magic crashing into his first barrier. Destroying it in the process before passing right through the new one without harming it.

Slamming into the shore of the Kingdom of the Fallen down below.

“King Adalwolf Giese, I am once again declaring war on the Kingdom of the Fallen,” Artorius Hunter declares. Then he turns to look at the doctor and adds, “Turning this into a three-way conflict.”

Adalwolf feels like sighing, but as a skeleton he can’t really do that.

This is going to be a massive headache.


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