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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 24

“What’s this about?” I ask as we walk through the treant. But he doesn’t answer.

He doesn’t even say anything. Just keeps on walking.

I frown at his cloaked back, going silent myself.

He wants me to see some people? But who? And the way he worded it… he didn’t say he wanted me to meet someone. So does that mean I already know them?

Maybe it’s one of the dukes? But I’ve never met them.

Same with anyone else who comes to mind.

Unless he’s making some sort of meeting with the doctor?

Unlikely, but I wouldn’t put crazy things like that past this bag of bones.

We continue walking in silence through the treant for a while until the skeleton stops right in front of some wall coated in miasma. A wall I can’t help but find odd, since it’s the only wall in this place like this. Just has a large barrier made of death mana and miasma over it.

What’s behind this? The people he wants me to see?

Instead of doing anything to the wall, the skeleton turns around and out of nowhere activates several spells that make large tentacles of miasma lash out and grab onto my body all over. Trapping me in place in an instant.

“What the hell are you doing?!” I shout at him, but he just raises a bony finger to his mouth and shushes me. Which looks ridiculous.

Then he turns around and waves his hand, making the barrier of miasma and death mana part. With the wall itself parting right after.

Revealing two people who make my eyes widen in absolute shock.

The two people have brown hair with blue eyes. The man amongst the two has thinner and less lively hair while the woman has wavier and thicker hair, but they both have close to the same shade as my own hair. Meanwhile the woman is about average height while the man is taller than I am.

And they’re both people I recognize with everything in me.

“Mom… Dad…” I mutter as I stare at them with shock in my voice.

My parents on the other hand stare back at me. And of the two, my mother has her hands over her mouth as tears begin to flow, meanwhile my father just openly gapes at me.

Then, when their own gazes match my own largely dead crimson one, my mom drops to her knees and mutters, “Nathan… what happened to you?”

“Mom!” I shout while trying to move forwards. Trying to break out of the spell holding me in place.

But his magic proves to be too strong to break out with mere strength alone. And even when I try using a spell, it doesn’t work.

The only way I can think of to break out is to self-destruct.

But that would kill my parents as well, leaving it out as an option.

“Nathan…” Dad mutters, making me flinch as he looks me directly in the eyes.

The three of us just stare at each other as the skeleton stands back while standing straight as if proud of what he’s doing.

My thoughts are still running a hundred miles per hour though, and I can’t figure out what’s going on.

Weren’t they captured by the doctor? Why are they here? And if the skeleton did free them, why did he capture me like this?

What’s going on?

Several seconds pass by with the sounds of my mother crying filling the room. But even that eventually fades away.

We all stare at each other, my mother finally beginning to calm down a bit as my father kneels down and puts his hands on her shoulders, not taking his eyes from my own. Except to once in a while glance at the fangs in my mouth.

After who knows how long though, he breaks out a faint smile and says, “It’s been a while, son.”

The tears in my own eyes begin to flow freely, meanwhile my mom tries to rush forwards to hug me. Only for a wall to slam down in-between us with the barrier of miasma and death mana reappearing.

I turn a glare on the skeleton, the tears soon forgotten as I shout, “What the hell are you up to?!”

He grins at me – I think, it’s hard to tell but I think the narrowing of the flames in his eyes mean something akin to that – and says, “Oh, nothing much. I just couldn’t have my successor being driven mad by grief after his parents died in some accident. So I brought them here.”

That gives me pause as I blink at him.

He… saved them for me?

“But if you want to see them again, you’ll have to get strong enough to break them out of that wall yourself!” the skeleton continues while putting his hands in his cloak’s pockets. “Otherwise they’ll be there forever.”

The smallest shred of gratitude I felt for him just now shatters in an instant as I glare at him again.

“Oh, don’t be like that,” he says with a shrug. “I don’t want you turning into a lifeless husk of an immortal, but you need motivation, nonetheless. So this is what I’m doing.”

I try hard to break out of the restraints, but just like before, nothing works. And I didn’t bring Incendia with me since she’s looking over the people at the Undying Caverns.

Fucking bastard of a skeleton.

After failing to free myself again, I resume glaring at him until he finally lets me go.

“Free them yourself and they’ll be let out,” he says with another shrug. “Otherwise they’ll waste away in there until they die of old age, and you never get to see them again.”

I scowl at him before turning to the wall and blasting it with one spell after another.

But no matter what I hit it with, even my own fists, the wall and the energy coating it don’t budge an inch. They don’t even show any signs that I attacked it.

And the man behind this? The skeleton?

He just walks away while waving behind himself. Not even bothering to watch me struggle.

Showcasing the power of a Class S in all its glory.


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