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Don't mind this fluff. It's so that free readers can't read half the chapter.


Sorry, was busy today so I couldn't write as much as I'd liked to. But on the bright side, the new story has just reached the triple digits in likes on my Patreon. With just the first post.

For comparison, Crimson Eternal only hit about half of that for the first post by this point. Same with Wolf of the Blood Moon.

And the number is still rising.



“Your very voice is now infused with your reality,” Tar says, explaining what’s going on. “But more importantly…”

I frown at him as I realize he’s staring directly at my eyes.

Is there something wrong with my eyes?

“Something wrong… no, but something strange, definitely,” he says, confusing me a bit. “Just take a look for yourself.”


I bring a mirror out of my Bloodwell Keep storage skill. And when I look in it, I find a rather surprising sight staring back at me.

Unlike the rest of my body that’s currently visible, like my arms, there are no glowing red veins on my face that practically illuminate my skin with a red glow. Instead, the red glow in my eyes have gotten far brighter.

But more importantly, now there are odd symbols in my eyes. Almost like a liquid fire in them.

And the symbols are glowing with a very pale red, bordering on white light.

That’s not all though. The symbols look alive.

They’re moving around like an actual liquid flame. And it’s kind of disturbing yet peaceful at the same time to watch.

Overall, a very disorienting experience.

I raise my hand towards my eyes, and when my hand gets close, the symbol starts moving slower. As if it’s aware and focusing on my hand near it. Then it starts moving faster again.

“I think… those symbols represent your status as the Red Plague,” Tar says, sounding like he’s only half away of what he’s saying. “Not sure why, but that’s just what comes to mind when I meet your eyes. That I’m looking at the Red Plague itself.”

That gives me pause as I stare at my reflection. Then I turn to look at him with a frown.

Doesn’t this mean I’ve been delegated down to nothing more than a plague?

Tar doesn’t say anything. Instead he turns his head away from me for a second and looks back again.

You just hid a laugh, didn’t you?

“No idea what you’re talking about,” he says, blatantly lying his ass off. “More importantly, what does your status say now?”

My… status?

“I’m curious as to whether or not your species changed again,” Tar continues, giving me a bad feeling about this.

But I open my status anyways.

And immediately grimace.

Yep. My species did change.

I’m now quite literally the Red Plague.

“Scarlet, I’m pretty sure if there’re gods out there, you’d be one,” Tar points out. “You have three fucking transcendent skills now. A skill rarity people didn’t even know existed until you got them. You’re the strongest being in the universe now other than the Voided Overlord. Who technically isn’t in the universe yet.”

Yeah, you have a point there.

And I don’t really think it’s all that possible to kill me anymore. Especially since I always scatter some drops of my blood the moment I appear after being teleported. So even if I somehow died in the battle, I’d just revive myself in those drops of blood.

Although, I do find my Bane of Corruption skill rather ironic considering that I now am technically corruption. Since I quite literally am the Red Plague now.

I do have a problem with this though.

“What is it?” Tar asks, sounding genuinely curious.

I raise my arm, showing off the glowing thing to him. Where my red veins stand out and quite literally illuminate the inside of my arm like a damned flashlight. As if I had one inside of my flesh.

Am I really going to be a glowing lightbulb for the rest of my life?

Tar doesn’t say anything for a second as he stares, only to burst out into laughter.

I’m being serious. I don’t want to be a glowing lightbulb.

“Try thinking… about your blood… no longer… glowing?” he tries to say in-between laughs.

I glare at the tanuki but do as he said anyways. And right when I do, my body stops glowing like a lightbulb.

Although there is still a very faint shimmer from my veins. Veins that are no longer the normal blueish purple color and are now a blood crimson.

But it’s still hard to tell if you don’t have your face right up to my skin. And people won’t be getting that close if I have any say about it regardless of my vein’s color. So it’s fine.

“Well, more importantly than your glowing skin,” Tar says, making me glare at him again. “Your new skill should make absorbing the Red Plague planet easy. So do you want to go give it a shot now?”

I continue glaring for a second before grinning.

“Let’s do it,” I state aloud while clenching my fists.

But my glowing skin is important.

“Sure it is,” he comments before teleporting me without another word.

And when we reappear, we do so right in front of a massive orb of Red Plague that I immediately feel calling out to me.

Time for a snack.


For those of you who can't view the images:

Name: Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron

The Red Plague

Magic: Blood, N/u**ll


The Apex Predator, Bane of Corruption, Warden of the Red Plague, Ruler of Blood, Dragon Slayer, The Red Plague

Age: 22

Level: 2400

SP: 14


Physical: 14,240

Mental: 14,239

Magical: 14,239

Physical/Level: 5

Mental/Level: 4

Magical/Level: 5

Free Points: 0

Mana: 912,371,044.5 / 912,371,044.5

Free Points/Level: 10

Active Skills:

Bloodborne Apocalypse

Skill Level: 15


Beast Transformation

Skill Level: Static


Pain Diffusion

Skill Level: 30


Null Magic Field

Skill Level: 30


Blood of Ruin

Skill Level: 30


Metallicized Blood

Skill Level: 30


Power Drain

Skill Level: 30


Blood Nullification

Skill Level: 30


Rain of Blood

Skill Level: 30


Healing Reversal

Skill Level: 30


Blood Control

Skill Level: 30


Blood Transformation

Skill Level: 30


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Swarm

Skill Level: 30


Bane of Corruption

Skill Level: 20


Blood Plague

Skill Level: 50


Crimson Overdrive

Skill Level: 50


Vampiric Ascendancy

Skill Level: 50


Scarlet Aegis

Skill Level: 25


Eldritch Blood

Skill Level: 25


Blood Bond

Skill Level: 10


Blood Shadow

Skill Level: 30


Blood Retribution

Skill Level: 30


Passive Skills:

Ruler of Blood

Skill Level: Static


The Red Plague

Skill Level: Static


Lycan’s Regeneration

Skill Level: 14


Blood Immortal

Skill Level: Static


Blood Manipulation

Skill Level: 30


Lesser Blood Runes

Skill Level: 10


Nullification Resistance

Skill Level: 12


Princess’s Decree

Skill Level: Static


Dragon Slayer

Skill Level: Static


Bloodwell Keep

Skill Level: Static


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 30


Bloody Thorns

Skill Level: 30




Thanks for the chapter!

Benjamin Olson

The real question is how much of the previous reality that the red planet consumed will be transferred into Scarlet when she absorbs it. Will she directly hit the level cap and be ready to transcend to the next tier?