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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 24

I don’t even manage to make it out of the forest before the next incident happens. One in the form of some sort of previously invisible barrier shattering high in the sky. Which basically just looks like glass shattering high in the sky.

But that’s not all as I sense some sort of death magic barrier that was quickly put up less than a second before the other barrier shattered. Something I can only likely sense due to my use of death mana.

That can’t be good. Not good at all.

I stare up at the sky for several seconds before sprinting at a much faster pace than before out of the Dark Forest and quickly make for the Undying Caverns. And as I run, I see flashes of light clashing high in the sky rather far away. So far away that I can only barely see it with my enhanced vision.

What’s going on?

There appear to be three different sources of light clashing. One that’s purple and blue, one that’s black and red, and one that’s black and purple.

Two of them I recognize very well.

Space magic would be the purple and blue one, and death magic the black and purple one.

But the third I’ve only heard of in passing. At least for this deeper shade with more black than red.

The only red and black magic affinities I have heard of are destruction magic – like with Rachel, whose magic is nowhere near strong enough to do what I believe is going on over there – and anti-magic. And if a space mage is part of the fight, then…

I frown.

No, would the doctor really… no, I can’t see him doing it… but would he?

Would the doctor really lead the Republic straight to the Kingdom of the Fallen just to get a chance at me? Because while it’s pretty obvious that the best magic to shatter the skeleton’s barrier is anti-magic – it’s the best magic to combat any other type of magic – would he really risk his self-described test subject?

I can’t see that bastard doing it. Unless he’s desperate.

Wait a second…

Come to think of it, how old was the doctor?

I frown as I run, but I can’t remember. Somewhere in his sixties I think?

His hair is so gray it’s pretty much white at this point. And I’m pretty sure I remember reading some notes in his lab before about an illness.

Just how many years does he even have left to live?

That would explain desperate actions at least. Assuming this is him.

I decide to put aside those thoughts for now as I continue rushing straight to the Undying Caverns, accepting a call from my second in command while running, with my phone raised to my ear.

“Your Majesty, we have a problem!” Claire practically shouts into the phone. “The barrier around the kingdom has shattered! The Kingdom of the Fallen has been exposed to the other nations of the world in its real form!”

Right. I almost forgot the barrier was also hiding the reality of the Kingdom of the Fallen from any form of scrying done by the other nations on the mainland. So all they saw when they tried scrying the Kingdom was a destroyed continent filled with the walking dead.

Supposedly a defensive measure set in place by the Duke. The one at Class A.

And the skeleton replaced it with his own barrier when he was freed.

“Have we any word from our scouts in the Outer Ring?” I ask in response with a frown on my face as I arrive in front of the Undying Caverns.

“Affirmative, Your Majesty,” she answers right away. “It looks like your father and two other powerful assumed Class S magicians are floating high above the ground right over the shore of the Kingdom of the Fallen. And they’re currently locked in three-way combat with each other.”

“And of the two other than Adalwolf an old man with nearly white hair wearing a lab coat and a middle-aged man with black a hair and glowing red eyes with black surrounding the red instead of white?” I ask her as I step straight past the people lined up to enter the Undying Caverns, with each one of them stepping aside the moment they see me. And the guards all saluting me when I pass by them.

“They are,” Claire answers, making my frown deepen. “Do you know them, Your Majesty?”

“One of them, yes, but the other I’ve never met,” I tell her as I walk through the tunnels. “I’ve only heard of him and seen him on the news. He’s the Chairman of the Arcadian Republic. And you’re right, they’re both Class S magicians just like Adalwolf. One is a space magic magician and the other an anti-magic magician.”

“Space… and anti-magic…” she mutters, sounding rather distressed to hear that.

Which is perfectly understandable.

Neither are particularly nice affinities to end up fighting.

But if they’re in a three-way, and in Adalwolf’s home turf which is filled with miasma, things should be fine. This won’t be their real battle. They’re just testing each other.

Those two would never start an all-out battle against Adalwolf in his own territory. Not without cleaning it up of miasma first.

Because a Class S magician is always stronger around their own element. It gives them something natural to work with after all, and it’s possible to drain mana from the substance if you’re a Class S and can freely manipulate mana.

The only reason Leodmir tried before was because he uses space magic. Which is present everywhere and is great for surprise attacks.

After his surprise is gone though, he wouldn’t be able to beat Adalwolf. Especially not in the Dark Forest.

I grit my teeth as I march on through the tunnels of the Undying Caverns, passing by one person after another without paying them any mind.

And right after we dealt with that baron too…

I frown at that before shaking my head and continuing on.


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