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Lords of Madness Part III

The Circle of Five is a Fifth Edition adventure made for *three to five characters of 6th to 8th level and is optimized for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 7 Characters who complete this adventure should earn enough experience to reach a quarter of the way to level 8. 


A band of mages calling themselves the Circle of Five seek power by attempting to harness the elemental plane of chaos. They have built an underground lair where they harness the power they have slowly been siphoning from a small rift they have torn into the plane. Using chaos infused magic, they’ve been experimenting on creatures, turning otherwise benign animals into monstrous versions of themselves.

In their lust for power, they have ripped the veil between planes even further to enter the plane directly. This has unleashed a flood of chaotic energy that is now seeping out into the world, infecting and corrupting everything it touches, threatening the entire material plane. The rift must be sealed before chaos corrupts the entire world entirely.


The Foxl is a chaos infused merger of a giant fox and a giant owl. With the body of a fox, it has the wings and the claws of the owl as hind legs. It is highly aggressive but can be trained with patience and with time. It cannot speak but clearly understands speech and is extremely intelligent.


The chaos merger of a giant hare and a brown bear, the Bunnybear is a nightmare of fur, teeth, and claws. With a small bear’s body and the powerful hind legs of the hare, it can leap onto its victim from a much greater distance. The blood-red eyes of the bunny head glare murder that is promised by the razor-sharp bear teeth and claws.




Has Courts of Chaos (part 4) been released yet? I'm thinking of running this series for my players but I want to see where it's going!


Hey Victor! Courts of Chaos will be released by the end of this month! I was tinkering with the final boss and wanted to make sure I had everything balanced.