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Denizens of the frozen wastes far beyond the edges of civilization, the Jotun are a ferocious and sturdy race that has survived since the beginning of creation. The first children of the Titan gods, the Jotun were among the first mortal beings to populate the realms.  The most common of the first giants, their numbers eventually dwindled over time due to their warring nature. 

Winter Warriors. A Jotun is the living embodiment of winter and ice. Their hair and beards are snow-white or pale blue, thick with frost and icicles. Their skin is a dark blue and the scars of regular battle are etched into every inch.

The Jotun make their homes in the frozen glacier peaks, building small encampments in the high mountain caves for their clans. They are carnivorous and keep little livestock, preferring the fresh meat of a recent hunt or from a raid on more civilized settlements for sustenance. 

Small But Mighty. Unlike their barbarian descendants, at an average height of 8 ft. to 10 ft. tall, the Jotun are much smaller in stature. They make up for it by being in tune with the primordial powers from which they were born. This power enables them to enlarge themselves to their namesake proportions, as well as change into other beasts and use winter magic in battle.

Children of War. The Jotun desire more than anything to reclaim their place as the rightful rulers of the world. They wish to bring about Ragnarok, the End of Times, and bring an eternal winter back to the realms. They respect strength in battle above all else and are constantly at war with not just mankind but other giant clans as well as they revel in the joy of battle.



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