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“Luthor pulled back on his camel’s reins, squinting against the desert sun to the dunes ahead of him. Was that a ripple of heat or something moving under the sand? His stray thought was interrupted by a massive chitinous claw snapping closed around his waist, snapping his spine. The look of surprise on his face lasted only a second before the giant stinger entered his back and burst through his chest... ”

Werescorpions are cunning and vicious predators, with an aloof and distant nature. As humanoids, they are sleekly muscular with bronze skin and long dark or red hair. They are solitary and often take on roles as assassins or thieves for hire; they tend to avoid being a part of any sort of organization but are not above taking on contracts from them.

When a werescorpion transforms to its hybrid form, it grows larger as its chitinous armor protrudes outwards. From the waist down it takes on its scorpion legs and tail while its upper portion remains humanoid.

Denizens of the desert sands, werescorpions feel most at home among the dunes and desert peoples where the curse originally started. They hide amongst regular people, blending into their communities with none the wiser for it.



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