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There aren't a lot of excuses to do this color palette for Handbook, but when I get the opportunity, I am going to seize it. :D

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Robbert Raets

"Look, it started out as team jerseys, okay? But we taught the cheerleaders how to use the Words of Creation and/or Dark Speech and things kinda got out of hand..."

Randall Norman Pick

Awkward giant deity is great. Also in honor of everyone's favorite sacred can of worms : if you launch a rebellion and win, is it *retroactively* lawful, or....?

Thomas Fowler

New alignment theory: It is based entirely on your own belief. A murderous tyrant who genuinely thinks he's doing the right thing would be LG, a murderous tyrant who's self-aware enough to admit to himself "I'm oppressing these people so I can live like a god at their expense" would be LE. The noble paladin fighting them to earn redemption for his previous sins would be some flavour of Evil. Let the flame-war begin!


As someone who has roleplayed a number of Lawful Good PCs, I learned how to justify just about anything not blatantly evil or chaotic. All it takes is a little bit of thought philosophy. Like 'It is okay to bonk team evil Paladin, as long as you are doing it to show them the light and path to redemption.'


I've always viewed alignment as selfless/selfish and structure/freedom as good/evil and law/chaos respectively. It leaves things open to characters who are *believed* to be one alignment while actually being another. Example; I wrote an Alchemist villain who's *believed* to be neutral good, while actually being neutral evil. People think she's neutral good because she's researched and successfully distributed medicines and new technology to extend people's lives and improve them- But, she's actually neutral evil because none of this is the intended effect of her work. Her goal is to become immortal through technology, regardless of anything she has to do to get there, be it stomping out rivals or burning cities to the ground. The fact that her work makes people live longer (and gives her a positive reputation) is a useful side effect, because it means the general public can be useful to her for longer. (also, four-winged goddess for the BoEF when >.>)

Michael Zemancik

Paladin: Let me talk to my dad, he’ll sort this out. // Four-Winged Goddess: Ooh sorry. He just stepped out for some celestial cigarettes. Don’t know when he’ll be back.