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More bard instrument diversity! If I could make it one of those big swiss horns and have it fit in a token, I would have.

Tokens are 280x280px, optimized to be medium creature tokens on Roll20. Let me know if you'd like it in a different size!




Oh yeah, this reminds me. Last week, my half orc druid Sar'carrul got a bit of bad advice from a fellow PC (and we made a decision on how much grappling counts as a 'condition') and died. Fortunately, we're level 5 soon to be 6, and he had enough standing gold to get a Reincarnation. So I rolled before I hopped out of the session to see what I'd return as, aaaaand! Half orc. Then came the 1d2 for gender. While I'm still totally keeping the name what it is, I now have occasion to use that delightful half orc druidess with the staff and antlers. So, huzzah, and thanks!

Jayne Lindgren

Dwarves! I've been so into dwarves lately. I think they're a critically underrated fantasy race. Oh sure, pretty much everyone has them, but it's like saying your setting has trees or castles. They're treated as part of the fantasy landscape. But there's so much you can do with them, even without stepping too far away from the baseline traits of living in mountainous areas, beards, axes, crafting things and so on.


Yes! There are so many opportunities to have fun with them, I really like getting to see what creative DMs do with dwarves in their settings.