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Some heroes get an unfair amount of screen time, while others get the shaft. What do you say we change that? Which party deserves its own mini-arc? (And if you've got a plot concept or a particular character in mind for the spotlight, shout it out down in the comments!) 



I think we see a lot of the Hero Party, Evil Party, and Bounty Hunter Party, but not as much the Anti-Party.

Michael Zemancik

Definitely voting for Anti-Party. I mean heck, when was the last time we saw any sign of Oracle.


I admit I'm jumping on the bandwagon for Team Bounty Hunter since they're my favorite team and I think I see them more in HoEF than I do in the main comic.


Dragon party, they don't get enough to do, it's bad enough they're kids but they don't have any of the cool mountain-dew power achievements. Also they'll never appear in HoEF so they have chance to appear on average.


Kinda want to see Antiparty. Most of the time we just see them being jerked around by Paladin. Evil party already got an arc with being shipwrecked on the island. Dragon party has me curious because dragons, but the three of them are kind of annoying personality-wise.

Michael Zemancik

Dragon Party Idea (even if they don’t win, maybe something in the future). A new girl joins their party. They handle it with all the emotional maturity that can be expected. My mind goes to someone’s who is actually taking the game seriously, playing a dragonborn, getting sick of the Dragon Party’s antics and leaving to find a new party. Or Pug. That’d be funny.


I'm just gonna leave my preference for Inquisitor here. Plus Cate is right

Nate Wright Jr.

I'm a huge fan of Evil party. They have such a wonderful dynamic. ....they're fun in the SWF comics too.