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As said before, we wanted to add more to Lily's character and this episode helps do that.  It gives us some backstory and regrettably doesn't show Lily in her braces.  

Many readers took the ending to mean for Spike to "relieve" himself in the bathroom from the mental imagery.  I guess this is poor communication on our part, or that society takes things to a more extreme level now.  In reality, what Lily said, is what she meant.  For Spike to simply go wash up, clean up, cool off.  In the past it was well known that if someone was "turned on" they would "cool down" by splashing cool water on themselves. That is the extent of this, nothing more crude such as "Relieving" himself of pent up whatever.

Short shorts.



Andrew Pam

You put quotation marks around "cool off", which strongly implies that Lily wasn't being literal. If she just meant for Spike to splash himself, she wouldn't have said it that way.

Ben Berlin

Can we see Lilly in braces sometime in the future? Or perhaps a volleyball photo?


Yeah. I was thinking just a cold shower too. Still, would love to see both the lil' Lily braces, as well as her trying on her shorts. :3

Borg Lord

For the record, I recognized both what you meant and how people were going to interpret it.