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Arum Valley is learning what he can about Spike and I must say, things are gonna be interesting.  I mean think about it.  These parents know nothing about Spike other than what Lily has said.  Spike could be some psycho toe-tickler or something.  You never know.

This upcoming week the story will nicely transition back to Twilight and her adventure with the Apple Family at their first race event with their "new" race car.  It's going to be story heavy for a few weeks still, but fun story-telling.  The upcoming episodes also had a lot more time and effort placed into their drawings and character models.




Lily's a good one. :)


Spike is too short to drive in a regular car seat.

Stefan thyr woller

He shouldn't brag but his family member is the princess 😅 so he hasn't had need of such stuff as a car. Spike you need to be more chill and just tell him about yourself, you are an awesome gentledragon, you have nothing to fear


I remember meeting my college girlfriend's parents for the first time. He was being promoted to Sgt. Major and we were all going to some big banquet that evening. Thankfully, I didn't get this level of inquisition, but OMG it was awkward.

Ben Berlin

Anything short of a mirror pool clone of the dad is "not good enough" even if she was dating one the princesses herself or a 5-figure Bridleway star. Hopefully he warms up to Spike eventually.


"The upcoming episodes also had a lot more time and effort placed into their drawings and character models." Haha, to avoid another thing like where people thought Lily was telling Spike to go to bathroom to "cool down". GG


Sounds like it could have been very tough. Lucky you didn't have to do some sort of basic training or some obstacle course. I'm pretty sure that happens. ;-)

Ben Berlin

Gotcha, he just "acts" that bad to test Spike's mettle. I'd be doomed XD

Stefan thyr woller

Would say that I am surprised, but then again his mother/big sister figure is Twilight, and you take after your family a lot, and she is a great talker, just not socially 😂😅