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I cannot thank you all enough for your continued support of the series.  It is unfathomable to me.  So as a thank you, I will be releasing more free games for everyone really soon (this weekend is my goal) and I will try to do more things for you all.

Now for the ED (Episode Discussion).  You all voted for us to create Lily's parents, so we did.  We tried to make them believable as if they'd be in the show.  So we came up with Arum Valley (mom) and Forest Valley (dad).  Arum is a type of lily flower and Forest is... well... woodland.  We will hammer out their designs in the next coming episodes and eventually they will follow model better. But yeah, this is it.  Spike meeting the parents.  Stay tuned for their continued antics into next week. You will get to learn more about the folks, and thanks to all your great input, you'll see which ideas of yours we included.

Let us know if you like how the parents turned out too and if they seem to fit the series. 



Borg Lord

At least there's no flour in Lily's old room.


The parents fit. :)


"Welcome to the Family" gets flashbacks to Resident Evil 7


Don't believe what you hear about dragons on the internet or from pony books.