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Hey everyone, Merry Christmas! If that's not your thing  Happy Holidays! Or both :) 

Here we are again, getting close to breaching a new year. I hope all of you will have a good time these last days of 2022, however and wherever you spend it. It has been quite a tumultuous year (again) and here's hoping for some more positive change in the world in the near future.

In the meantime I've been having more fun than expected while diving into older parts of the script again to see if something can be improved without r*ping your save games into oblivion, but that's a slow process.  For the next couple of days I'll be doing precious little but afterwards I'll resume that again. Remember, once that version gets released this year there won't be new scenes, just bug fixes and other 'behind the curtain improvements'.

Thank all of you for being here, for your support, and just for being a friendly bunch of perverts : )   Keep perving and see you in the future! 

ps. link to Hubpost just because. 

See the attachment for bigger pics.




Merry Christmas Marty and Cbob!


Merry Christmas guys! Wishing you both great health, as this is the most important thing in life!

Nice Ice Baby

Merry Christmas, and a happy new year


Merry Christmas everyone.


Marry Christmas. Dose this mean you will add some more sceans to the earlier routs?


Merry Christmas!


White Christmas, love it


And a wonderful holiday to you as well you pervy master of the game designing arts. Again can't tell you how happy I was playing through your game, the dialogue had my emotions everywhere from gut busting laughter to literal tears welling in my eyes at the emotional moments. You've got one heck of a gift, and your dedication to using it to make the best mobile game I've ever played is incredible. I'm glad you're enjoying the behind the code work, it's a nice feeling to clean some cobwebs off old code. Eagerly awaiting the next installment of scenes, personally I have my fingers crossed hoping to help each of the girls cheat at poker, and maybe some one on one time with the wives, but even if that's not on the docket, the amount of fun I've had with this game is still incredible. So thank you Mity :)


Merry Christmas plz take a well deserved break, but just out of curiosity have you guys entertained the idea of the sokka spin off?


I have an idea for when your done with fet and/or 18 titans you could make a overwatch type game


Totally with a spin off with Sokka... and with more boys as well haha


So True! Especially because I have a family member who likes to visit during the holidays whether he is sick or not! 9 out of 10 times I get my virii from him... Oh well... Hope you are(and stay) healthy too TheRickson.


And of course a Happy new year to you as well. Hope you had a nice Christmas!


I'd like to but try and prevent that, because I'd like to have as many people be albe to see the new scenes and when I just add them halfway in a route the chance of that is less likely... thought there are ways around that I guess...


Just wondering what you mean by improving things.


Great to hear FET could show you all sorts of emotions. I'm more inclined to think it's luck than skill which managed to do that, but whatever works! Cleaning out cobwebs is/was nice! Unfortunately a lot can't be tackled without ruining save files, but some progress was still made.


Anything which continues our fun in the avatar is something which has our ear to be honest : )