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Hey guys! 

If you've been reading our artist's posts, you've gotten hints of what's been going on behind the scenes, but I felt like it was time for another update all the same.  However, I think that when it comes to stories, the joy is in the journey, and because of that, I'd like to keep specifics a pleasant surprise, but share with you the general development.

We've just finished testing a big wave of the love route stuff. WHEW. I'm in the process of checking off my to-do list of edits for that, and then spending some time knocking out feature fixes and popping in some small changes. Plenty of good things happening. Book 1 already feels more fleshed out from the development of the love route and the other little changes we've made, including a more polished introduction. Lots of art, lots of text. Animation is much trickier than the still images traditionally in trainer games, but we think they're worth the effort.

I've also been going back and forth on whether or not to implement some new features, but I think most will have to make their debut in the Fire Nation. I've been (and will continue) doing little tweaks to functions and text, so we can get closer and closer to that magical realm of "clean". It's hard to believe it's been almost two weeks since our alpha release, but we dig in deep every day to create new content and buff out the funky bits. 

We've also been outlining the next Book, and are VERY excited for the creation of that new world - with new mechanics, stories, and boobs - but those are secrets for another day. All I can tell you is that new and titillating things are in store. 

We burn the midnight oil here at MITY, so it's back to work. Your support keeps the fire burnin' in us! Thank you!



when will you allow patrons of a certain tier play test?


Thanks, Sir Monocle!


Versions will go out to the playtesting tiers once we have a version we're content with and think is problem-free. They'll be the first to play through it and will have time to give us feedback. Once we tackle any changes that are needed, we'll then send it out to the other tiers.


Godspeed, guys. I have great hopes for your game.


Sounds all good! Can't wait to see the next build. Also, interested to see your design for Azula. And eventually Toph.


Holy shit you quickly gain patreon support. Well i suppose thats what happens when you release demo with lots of content to show youre determined to deliver a great final product. At least thats what i did - immediately after trying the demo i pledged 5$. Keep up the good work.


Thanks, Saigon! We never stop working, new content around the corner!


Congratulation on breaking past the 1000$ mark! You truly deserve it.


Goal 2 reached 14 days after goal 1, not bad! Congrats!


Thanks for the congratulations guys! We never expected to get this far this soon. If anything this is making us want to work even harder! I guess it will be another long night tonight :)