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Hey everyone! Doing well? I Hope so! I myself am doing a lot better.

I'm in what I consider to be the "green zone". That means I've been feeling consistently better over the last four/five days and I started eating food again which you need to chew first. In the previous weeks, it was pretty much all fluids or the stuff which can pass for it. 

I had literally no energy and no appetite which is a bad combo to have. I didn't lose my sense of smell/taste, in fact it felt like it had become way more sensitive than usual.

I'm not 100% my old self, but am rapidly approaching that state again.  That means taking walks in the morning and evenings to get some fresh air and my body reacquainted with moving for longer amounts of time. And naturally FET related stuff!

It has been very frustrating to not be able to work on FET. I tried a few times when I had days in which I felt slightly less drained... but just imagine tying  your shoes with one hand.  I'm sure there's a way(there always is), but I'm not one of those persons who knows how to, so that ended up in constant failures. 

Anyway, despite November being very lacking when it comes to results so far(I wish I had gotten sick during my October break instead soooo much) I DID do FET related stuff during my October break so I'm not empty handed. How much I can fill those hands between now and the end of November remains to be seen, but if me being forced to take a break has done anything, it certainly increased my desire to jump in and make headway as much as possible once more.

I've been considering cutting certain scenes(for the moment and add them later) in an effort to stick to my own internal schedule. I'm still mulling that over, but I'm hoping to have a better Idea of what I can do with the remaining time after a week of work on FET. Because I really want to have something ready for the end of November since there was nothing for October, but naturally not when it comes down to being a Pyrrhic "victory". 

Anyway, that's my short message in which I wanted to let you all know what's up and where we're currently standing with FET.  I'm feeling pretty good again. Not nearly far enough with FET's new build for the date I wanted to release it, but let's see what we can do with the time left. I hope to have a bit more substantial news for you in a week or so.

Till then, Peace!






feel better man


Glad to hear you're feeling better! Don't worry about it too much, we don't want you working yourself to death over a single update!


Good to hear bud. Make sure you keep drinking water, even if you feel great


Take your time it’s better for you to get better now rather then make it take longer.

Juan Caro

Get well soon!, take care of yourself just take the time you need.

Rest Arino

Hey friend, could you please draw toph normally? Give her a t-shirt or something

Jdogzero Silverblade

make sure your better before you work on the game. dont take unneeded risks. we can wait. we dont mind.


Rest up and recover Chief. ^^


Health first. Game second.


Marty is back! Glad you’re feeling better. Like others said, make sure you don’t push yourself. Get some rest if you need it. I mean, if I had Toph and Korra in my bed too, you’d never see me leave.


Glad you are feeling better! I know I might catch some flak for saying this but honestly I'd rather you skip November entirely and drop a huge update in December. Just so that you have ample time to recover and get a build out you feel satisfied with!

John Folmer

Glad you are doing better! Don't overwork yourself get health first

Richard L Oswalt

Glad to hear that you are doing better.


Hello, I'm sorry for my poor English. As a fan of yours living in Korea, please. I won't leave you and I'm waiting for your work, but I hope you put your health first right now. I will continue to support you.


Health first my man, glad you're feeling better


Glad you're feeling better, keep taking care of yourself.


take your time with both but put your health and mental state first.


Glad ya feeling better. Just rest up and don't rush stuff. Love ya work and still support even without anything :3

Lemon Life

Go forth, and be MITY!


Glad you're feeling better, but pace yourself when it comes to FET.


When I had Covid I couldnt eat or move, anytime I did I would throw up black sludge, took me over a month to start feeling better. Take your time and get better.

steven tims

Just keep getting better and taking some personal time love and appreciate the work always and inspired by your dedication and hard work

Benjamin Klandestine

I always feel bad when people talk about having it rough with Covid. I kicked its ass...

Feras al harbi

love your work. hope you get well soon.


Definitely sounds like the flu(not covid). Had it once really bad and I couldn't keep anything down, whether it was solids or liquids no Mather the amount. Glad to hear your coming out of it fine.


This is why it should be illegal to runover cats on purpose. I'd still do it but only at night. I'm sorry, I'm tired I guess. I feel like I got ran over. I'm going to shut up now and get ready to go sleep and then back to work


You should implement a way for us to view older scenes again. Structuring them per book and then per chapter for easy navigation. Or else by character.


Glad you are feeling better!!!


Take your time it’s better for you to get better now rather then make it take longer.


I'm really glad you're better again, all that matters to me. Your "obsession" with release dates is both a blessing and a curse. It honors you as a person but it's certainly not beneficial to your health. I personally would want you to start working slow, I don't care when the next build comes out as long as I know you're working on it without pressure or even crunch. But enough of that, you know best what's good for you. PS Wish I had those nurses at my home.


glad to hear you're doing better! take your time.


Just got over the flu myself, so you have my sympathies. Take it slow, don't get sick again by pushing yourself. As for FET, keep to your original concept. I think we would all like see a complete version of the game, rather than having truncated version released just to meet a deadline. Keep well, drink lots of fluids.


Dam Marty has a fancy fucking house


I'm starting to feel pretty good again and I'm not pushing/forcing myself. Just trying to get into a good rhythm again.


It's really not as bad as you might think it is(my obsession with release dates) I do know when it's time to pull back and admit defeat, but at the same time I'm not adverse to give something some extra oomph when I feel there's a possibility to get something done. Anyway, I'm being a bit slower currently and just weighing my options. Also, with nurses like that I'd make certain to stay sick for at least another two weeks. I need plenty of sponge baths from both of them!


He also has Korra and Toph naked in his bed. What a fucking chad.


I can't speak for everyone else, but If you need any more time to take a break, I'm pretty sure everyone would be fine with delaying if it meant you'd be getting better


Hello Marty, I was playing Re:Maid on Newgrounds and was really enjoying it, because there was like a little storyline to it and I liked it. I was searching and waiting for a game like Re:Maid and about 4 weeks ago I’ve found FET, and I was and still am enjoying this game! Thats why I bought the membership, to help you out, cause this game is, for me, a masterpiece! And im sorry to hear that you felt really down and am very happy to hear that you are feeling better! Please take your time! And thank you for that great game.


Thanks Sera, I'm taking precautions like eating a lot of fruit and drinking water. Also taking some vitamin d. The only pushing I'm doing is the reasonable kind : ) Hope your doing well too now that you got over the flu.


That drawing might not be a completely accurate depiction of reality : )


Thanks, I really appreciate that : ) If necessary I will decide to postpone, but I like working on FET and releasing a new build makes me happy. So I'm not gonna break anything to get there, but at the same time... I at least wanna give it a fair shot.

Miscellaneous Achievements

Small question, is there an option to impregnate ty lee in the earlier books? Or any plans to implement the option?


I, for my part, tried to bridge the time to the next FET update by searching for "fucking raw" on the internet, and now I'm at season 11 of Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen. Since your appetite is back, why don't you treat yourself to a nice lobster risotto?

Sion of War

as a man of culture I immediately noticed the meme and therefore was not led astray on the path of horny


Thanks Vontare, I'm happy FET is something you've been enjoying. Working on it is as much a pleasure as I hope playing it is. Being sick is shitty just all on it's own, so I'm happy I'm feeling a bit better everyday, but I'm even happier because I could start working on FET again. Maybe not as energetically as before right now, but I enjoy it nonetheless : )


Honestly i rather wait longer for a release and get all the intended scenes than to get it sooner with cut content



Barbarian Badger

Just did some catching up with the build and I'm really enjoying it. Just got up to the reunion with all the gals from book 2. Does a save from book 2 influence who you meet up with or does it just default to Azula? Really loving how the love route is going so looking forward to more in the future.


This is indeed the first time a previous decision changes what scene you get. If you choose Azula or Azula + Mai, you'll get the Azula scene. If you choose Mai, you'll get Mai. I don't know if you had to make them pregnant though (meaning if there is a variable for that) as I always go the pregnant path. xD <img src="https://i.imgur.com/cGufPT4.png" title="source: imgur.com">

Barbarian Badger

Very cool probably will go back through the game again after the next update so I can get the Mai scene.


It is great to read that you are doing better! I have a question on the team's future plans (if you know). Do you plan on making any games after FET, like a fully fleshed out 18Titans, go with something else like My Hero Academia, or not make anymore games?


I certainly would like to finish 18TItans! I've already done some more work on it during my October break(two scenes). But I'm basically always in need of more time for everything. There's a lot cooking in my brain.


Every picture I post here has Marty's art as foundation, so they're all Marty's originals more or less. I only redraw small parts or add some small things. Like this picture is a mix from Korra and Joo Dee.


I felt very split about this at first, because I really did want to have *something* for November, but in the end I think it's indeed best to take some more time.