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Yoho, just a quick message for mostly people who tried to reach me through dm lately.  I've been able to get back to some of you but not most by far. 

At the start of the week I got sick enough where I just had to crawl into bed without taking my clothes off (and still shivering with cold) and only being able to get out again the next day.   I was actually feeling good enough that evening  to think I would be entirely better  by  morning!

 "My immune system got sucker punched, but once it knew what was going on it put up its defenses again and all is good." - is what I thought.

Next day I felt like shit all over again. Coughing makes my brain feel twice the size of the skull it resides in, I feel every ounce of weight when moving around, have the focus and retention of a wet sock. etc etc. 

I've been trying to answer some comments and dms during all of this and I'm getting better slowly, but not enough yet where I feel like I'll have answered all dm's anytime soon. So please be patient for a bit longer while my body deals with the latest and greatest in seasonal viruses.


John Folmer

Hope you feel better soon

Bill Case

Take care of yourself first. We can wait.


No rush :)


Health first


No worries, just rest.

Mark Manders

All good. Health first :)

Scott Dunn

Your health is more important Mity, and anyone who doesn't understand that isn't worth the time to explain it to them, Get some rest and get better.


Don't worry about messages, taking care of your personal health is more important.


Sounds like covid my guy make sure you're keeping track of it so you know if you need to go see a doctor.

Juan Caro

Man hope you get better soon, is the most important. Take good care of yourself. Best wishes from here.


hey man get well soon !


Get well soon


Dammit Marty, don’t you go dying on us now! You need to get better soon, that’s an order!


No worries, take your time getting better then some to make sure you're fine. The update can wait, your health is more important. Hoping you can kick it soon tho but no rush

John Hall

Get well soon. Are you sure it's not Covid?

Sev Barton

Don't forget to stay hydrated and drink lots of water

Billy bounce

Oh yeah I hate those man. You think you’re getting better and then suddenly the next morning you feel twice as bad as before. That or you get new symptoms as old symptoms get better. You know how your body works so whatever works best for you man. I like to keep a cold bottle of water next to my bed at all times then and then make some tea with honey when I want something warm to clear me up. Don’t worry about a thing focus on stay comfy and we’ll be hear whenever you get back. Get back in that bed!😄


Have you tried to not be sick? That's what I do, it works most of the time anyways

Don kibonk

Just thell the bactiria that you don't concent to being sick. The bacteria is legally obligated to leave


hope you feel better dude. I know this flu season has been rough

Andreas Luoto Virtanen

Take your time and focus on getting better :) Health first!


Get well soon lad


get well man your health is very important take the time you need.

Zach Feifel

We want you to get better first. So focus on that. But on a sidenote: I know that you experimented with futa/trans content in book 3 and I had an idea. Would it be possible for you to make the nudist shop girl a trans? Obviously make it an optional feature, but I think a little more variety to the players would be nice. But I really would like to hear your opinion about that idea coming in a future update.


I hope everything is alright and you're back on your feet again. I'm starting to get worried.


Yea, honestly. I mean, I don’t expect a whole mew post or anything, but usually Marty will respond in the comments. Or edit the post. Hopefully he’s just getting a lot of rest.


Sorry for making you worry, it's only today that I have enough surplus energy to actually reach out again. I've been doing literally nothing all day for the past week. Just sitting on the couch(not doing or watching anything, just sitting) is all I had energy for. This is the first day I feel like half a human again in a while. Longest/shittiest decease recovery I've had in a long time.


Ah, I checked in at just the right time. Glad to hear you’re still alive and kicking. Don’t worry about the progress man, just focus on getting better. Soup, water, bread, and even dark chocolate is supposed to be good for you.

Sion of War

you know what you got? that sounds like a rather serious desease. Being this beaten up for a full week is certainly not justa common cold


I'm very glad to hear you're getting better. Sounds a lot like you had the flu or maybe even covid19. I don't want to give advise, but please just make sure whatever it was it's gone now before you go back to any work. It doesn't matter how long it takes, you have my support regardless. (My grandma used to say the flu comes a week, stays a week and leaves a weak.)


Are you sure you haven't got covid? Being absolutely drained to that extent, and the recovery taking longer than a normal cold/flu does sound like covid to me, speaking from experience.. Either way, good to hear you're starting to get better.

Sion of War

I hope you and Cbob alike are doing better by now, if not, hopefully you will soon.


Just wondering is Ikki going to part of the story or have some fun with the MC?

Lemon Life

Glad to be a patron. Love the game! I can't wait to see what comes next!!! Get well soon!


Hey guys, you rock! I hope you will feel better soon

Lucas Alfredo Lima de Menezes

You guys are the best, please take care of yourselves and continue the great game when u feel able to...


get well soon, you guys are awesome!