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Hey all!  Time for some info on the next build. Just like you could already gleam from reading this post's title, it's not ready yet.

I've been trying my best to put together a build for November and probably to no one's surprise (...except mine...)   two weeks of being sick doesn't let itself be overtaken by trying extra hard for a week.  

Gotta be honest, up until today I've been hemming and hawing about whether I should just release what I DID manage to finish. Taking another look at it though, it's simply not there yet in both quality and quantity.  It annoys me to no end, but releasing this won't make anyone (me most of all) happy. So I decided to keep working on it and release it in December. 

About two more weeks of time to work on it... and I'm pretty sure I can have it up and running without it feeling like half a shoddy build. That would put things about halfway through December.

I'm really sorry if you were hoping for  a new build this month. Especially since I didn't have one during October because of my break. This was absolutely the worst possible timing.

December is an expensive enough month as it is so I'm going to do what I've done before and that's pm you the links to the new build once it's ready according to your current tier status. 

That means you can do whatever you want tier-wise for December( dropping to a lower tier or being in no tier at all) and you'll still receive the links in December.  That's especially useful when you're in one of the higher tiers. 

For example, the tier with the "art assets"-perk is going to be extremely minimal this month because I don't have that many art assets right now.  I'm not releasing a new build this month so I can't use the assets which I'm using for that build yet. In part because they still don't exist!

So please don't hesitate to adjust your tier for December and  I'm going to keep working hard to put the new build together as soon as I can.  

Btw. things are progressing nicely now that I've found my stride again and I'm having fun putting things together once more.

I'll let you know how things are progressing again before the next build is out. Until then, peace!


                                                                     Dinner's not ready yet

ps. a very, very belated Happy Thanksgiving!




Don't worry too much, sickness happens to everyone! Relax and focus on getting better, we'll still be here!

Corben Smith

No hard feeling bro. I'm currently sick myself. It sucks ass so I feel the pain.

Don kibonk

Dude, just wanna say some (in my opinion) really important things. First of all, you can rest easy. If most of your patrons are like me, then i can safely say that you won't be bankrupt too soo, especially knowing A) your content is worth it, B) you deserve it, so no one will yell at you for not being on time. Second, after that mess with book 3 romance route, i doubt people'll start getting grumpy. As said before, we all know your worth and are practically addicted to your work😅 ... so just know nobody's rushing you

Jdogzero Silverblade

wish you would stop beating yourself up over it. literally everyone is willing to wait. there is no time limit so just take your time. if you need a break for Christmas or hanaka then take it. not sure if your jewish or not so i just through it in. your putting stress on yourself for no reason. hurts us more to worry about your health than it is if your getting the next build out or not.

John Folmer

One, you are totally cool with being sick you are human, and two, that is a fantastic pic goddamn


Great game you and the team have built, don't worry about the delay!


I'm pretty much better. Whatever still lingers (a cough here an there) is hardly worth a mention so I'm all about doing what I love best... drawing naked girls doing perverted things : )


Also, would anyone tell me how to hook up with Ty Lee? I got to the part where she has you wank off for her, and I aced the part where she has you mix a ton of drinks for her but what after that?

Juan Caro

You know, I'm just happy that you are okay. Please don't worry about the delay okay?. Love the quality and the effort you put into and I enjoy it a lot so please just release it when is ready. I think we all agree that we are going to like it a lot and is very reasonable so thank you for the update.


Hope you'll get better soon! I'll give you the same advice I've gotten, make certain you stay hydrated, chicken soup etc when you don't feel like chewing and still need some more sustenance than normal drinks can provide.


I'm really not that concerned about losing patrons. I just wanna do what I feel is right and I enjoy working on FET and releasing a new build. I simply wanna give you all something you can enjoy, because if the players are happy, I'm happy : )


Which book/route is that? During book 4's love route, getting the drinks right three times should get things rolling already.


Korra is the Turkey for this Thanksgiving : ) Glad you like it!


Man it would be cool if you ever did a Christmas side update like you did the 2 Halloween ones


I'm wondering if there can be any plans for this game to get voiced. I think it would be kind of cool if we could get some voice actors on it. I have no idea how much that would be or anything but was that ever in the plans?


I feel like Marty has been told a dozen times not to worry already. But I’ll just say I think the delay was the right decision. I’m eager to play more, but I think it’ll be better to play through a bigger chunk, rather than saying “that’s it?” at the end of a build.

Sion of War

God to know, when we are going to hae a new build, atleast approximately. Could also make this a nice christmas gift, delaying it to the 25th. Idk if there is any point to that since you usually want to end on a someone reasonable point like a chapter in a book rather than in the middle of a page, but maybe you can do a bit more in that extra week to get to another one of those spots.

Sion of War

either way Ill be happy with the end result. I have no doubt there

Sion of War

as for the picture: ITS FUCKING RAW


Sounds good mate!


Please take your time. I‘m staying in my tier, even if there are not much of art-assets. Don‘t hesitate, I think we all are patient enough to wait a few more weeks! I‘ll be hyped for few more weeks and wait patiently!

Thic Boi

You’re good bruh

Dan Curtis

No problem dude, you can't help that you got sick.


No worries Chief. ^^ You take your time, we'll happily wait.


We're all here for you both, bros. Keep doing the good work. Of course we can't wait for it, but we also are willing to wait for the absolute quality you provide. Keep going: we're here.

Benjamin Klandestine

You always make it worth the wait, man. We may go hungry, but we'll never starve! >:)

Black Knight Alex

Just glad you're feeling better. I'm leaving my tier as is.


Honestly just release it on Christmas and give us the build you planned and a bit more! Glad you’re feeling better.

Ryan Anderson

Could I please get a test build I dont care how buggy it is please


Not gonna be possible. Got to spicygaming and start a new one while you wait. I can recommend twisted world


Dont worry about it man. Glad you're feeling better


I'm just glad your feeling better, and I'm happy you're going for quality rather than putting up something that you're not proud of. Ty Marty! Otherwise I'm wishing for some scene-gallery feature, where you could go back and re-watch scenes and also make sure you've gotten them all storyline wise. Keep warm dude <3


It’s alllllll good sir glad you are doing better

Sion of War

There are a few things in life that are nonnegotiable: food, water, sleep, safety etc. Health is one of them


Glad you're back in business and glad you're having fun drawing lewd pics again. Just do that until you think the build is ready, I don|t care when that will be. Looking at your pic I'm a little conflicted, on one side I want to eat (out) that turkey, on the other side I want to stuff it some more first.

The Scyle

I have to say I am really disappointed. Why the hell is Korra not properly 'stuffed' like a thanksgiving meal should be in that picture! Shame on you, I say. SHAME!

A.E. Pessimal

Marty, how's cbob? Is he ok? Seems he's out of the picture for over 6 months now.


A christmas update sounds fun i dont think we have ever had one of those. Thanks for the update mate. I hope your feeling better


Well, this certainly beats the Thanksgiving spread I went to. To be honest, I didn't expect a new build till sometime early next year. Glad you're feeling better.

Lemon Life

The Box Ghost would want you to take your time and get your creative juices flowing...so to speak....


take all the time you need MITY. i know that you will deliver quality like always. i never doubted your work so far and i aint about to do so anytime soon either! lots of Love from a very much big fan!


Hahaha, yeah that's pretty much the same feeling I had when drawing the pic. At first I drew it with someone having an erection in the right corner and a "gonna stuff that Turkey"- comment. But then I thought: "Let's put chibi Toph holding a knife and fork in there instead!". So I went through the same process : )


I did consider it for a moment, but then I thought chibi Top would be funnier. Dinner's not ready and stuffing IS part of that : )


I'm still in contact with him and he's telling me he's taking his recovery more seriously nowadays. He's had some bad relapses, but if he does all the things he says he's doing I'm confident things will improve more rapidly for him. But yeah I've come to realize this is a long process. It's just really too bad I'm half a world away and can't check up on him.


Thanks |Atomic| We might have had one in our very first year, but I'm not certain.


If it was, it'd probably be a slave route scene :)


I was honestly thinking I had a chance to finish something worthwhile for November! Never let it be said I can't be delusional : ) But still, I'd be very sad if things would move into next year. Well despite your Thanksgiving spread having less... naked Korra's... on the table I still hope you had a nice one : )


Hahaha! For a second I thought... "Box Ghost?" and then my brain managed to connect the wires again : )



Lemon Life

Hahaha I hit send before I realized my fatal error lol MYSTERY BOX PERSON HAHAHA

A.E. Pessimal

Ouch. Basically for most of the inflicted doing the doctors advice is sure way up, but I can't help but think of the 20% or so that it's not so... sorry, that's my profession so I know many of the afflicted. I wish I could do something. It's not only the general care for human beings - cbob is a creator (you too, Marty!) and it pains me to see yet another unique artistic talent falling down the hole. I'm not sure if it's only my impression, but I think that IF the gisted get afflicted, they have it worse on average.


Just curious on how to get the build you were working on, I would love to see the progress because I know for a fact that any content from you will be great content!


This guy wins best username, haha. I don’t think they released the current build though. Mity decided to wait until it is more complete before they release it.

Doug Douggo

Keep up the great work! Not often I laugh my ass off at games like this. As an aside, not that you should listen to some rando on patreon, but I really loved when you included pubic hair options for Korra and in the earth chapter. I'd really love to see more of that! Regardless, this is my favourite erotic game ever