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edit:  right now it's possibe to talk about stuff with korra too early. If that happens you can softlock yourself. From what i can see it's when you talk about "avatar state" on the first day.  So avoid that. Basically there should be a new topic to talk about each day but not more than that. I'll go see what can be done about it.

If you thought you'd never see a new version of FET again... well, I've had those kind of moments too. It has been a long time since we could set foot in our perverted version of the avatar world and I've missed her a lot.  18Titans is fun to work on too, but it was still there to fill the hole FET had left.

After such a long time, you won't be able to NOT expect a lot out of this build and I'm going to have to disappoint you right there. This isn't the result of many months of work.  This is a build where a member of our little team is carefully trying to pick up where we left and this build will reflect that. 

Since Cbob told us all in the last sokka tier post that this week was "a go"   and since a lot of you guys have been waiting for a very long time, I decided to push forward extra hard and finished the early access build  in record time. I'm not entirely certain what that will mean for it's stability, but since the bughunt was reasonably stable I think it will be fine. *crosses fingers*

In the future we'll allow ourselves the usual three days of close scrutiny again. Sooo.. if Cbob is talking about dates again in the future, ask for a receipt from Marty!

BUGHUNTERS!!   You awesome all-dancing all-singing finders of faults... we managed to get a lot fixed in the short, short time we had because of you.  Of course we also incorporated some other feedback you gave us.

There are small changes all over the place, but the biggest take place before/during the snowstorm, the first time you see Jinora wearing orange, but the biggest change is that we added a  short Jinora scene at the end during day 11. 

It's a very small one and not really sexy,  but it's another important step to getting in her panties eventually. A pic of it is in the header.

Should you download this build again just for that? Only if you are really curious and don't have  a data cap.  Speaking of caps. I managed to shrink the file a fair deal so that should help.

I think that's all I needed to say... but if not I'll add to this post later.

As always, we'll be happy with whatever feedback you can give us. Be it bugs or otherwise. You can tell us in the comments below or if you prefer in our pm's.

Anyway, I hope you'll find this build interesting despite the wildly out of synch size/perceived devtime ratio!!  links are below. You can advance to day 11 in this build's book 4 love route  (added that in the left upper corner of the screen)



If you're asked for a password, use  "roughkitties" without parenthesis

FET v.0.9.1b   -   PC version  - alt link 

FET v.0.9.1b   -   MAC version - alt link 

FET v.0.9.1b   -   Android version - alt link 




The teen titans game have potencial GOD I WANT MORE!!


I always love reading these posts, new version or no! I love what you guys are doing, and keep up the good work!

Finn Ryan

What the heck I thought it was an impossibility.


I'm confused. Bughunters got a version early? Did I get left out?


Hey, no worries guys. ^^ Happy to wait, and I'm absolutely loving the 18Titans game too! =3


Well good to see you guys back, I'll sadly not be able to play until a couple hours


The bug hunters are essentially the people with the Aang tier ($20) and up. They get early EARLY access to the builds so they can test the version for bugs and whatnot. They pave the wave for us Sokka tiers.


I was on my pc watching anime I turn my pc off and was about to sleep I see a post from mity about the early access being released.... my pc is now going back on and I am not sleeping till I’ve completed it SO EXCITED TO PLAY


My life is complete


Thanks to all Gods! I live in the middle of Europe and have Nightshifts the next week. I need to stay awake a little longer and this saved me ;)


I must ask. Is there a save File at the very beginning of book 4? I recently reinstalled my Laptop and lost all my other files and am sadly not in the mood to jump through the other books while still not being able to get the foursome route in book 2.


this and a blunt


The build is finally here! I gotta say, I wasn't expecting it so soon after the bughunters had it. But thank you team MITY for working hard on it. I gotta set aside some time today to give it a try.


Looks like I have a new task for next weekend's to do list. Great to see you guys still plugging along


Are you meant to able to progress beyond day 11? It won't give you the option to sleep past then.


How might one sleep to progress to the next day because I can't seem to find any way to do that. I've tried going to my room and haven't seen an option to sleep til the next day.


>>>... It's a very small one and not really sexy ...<<< NOT... , REALLY..., SEXY... ?????? If I google "sexy" this scene is what comes first. Not really sexy..., Get outta here..., not really sexy he says ... unbelievable (♥ω♥*)


Mity about the talk with korra before the cave. yes pls for the love of god yes we have potions make it happen


I'm stuck on day one katara just tells me to talk to korra about the avatar state and korra says she doesn't want to talk what am I supposed to do?


This isn't an issue with the build, but my Autosave is completely broken. I tried backing up my manual saves, nuking the folder in AppData roaming, but the issue persists. This is across both the previous version and this one. Most of the AutoSave slots are empty with a random 1-2 occupied. Any ideas on how to fix this? Was hoping the new version would resolve it.


Just a quick thing, I've gotten to (I think) the last available day in the current build, and I can't progress to night time. I need to enter the guest rooms to do so, but nothing happens when I click them.


Stop teasing me please. :D I thought the current Raven state was a big tease, but Jinora just killed it.


Dumb question how do I progress the day, I'm stuck on day 1. I've talked to everyone and there's nothing in the bedroom.


I'm just happy with how honest you guys are, I'm here for the full ride baby!!!


Have you figured this out yet, I'm having the same issue


Just finished the build earlier. Well done MITY! It definitely turned out well. Even aside from the H-scenes, the writing is funny as hell. Especially with our bro Shady. I gotta say, I'm really curious how that little talk with Korra before the cave will play out... I guess we'll just have to wait and see! And I gotta say, I'm surprised at how much I'm liking Korra in this one. To be honest, I preferred Jinora in the slave build, since Korra doesn't have the most likeable personality up front. But its nice to see her in a new light. Of course, thats not to say Jinora and all the other girls aren't equally as well written!


If you're on day 11, it's the end for now. If not, try to click every available location/talk option once again. Night will trigger automatically and only then the "sleep" option will appear.

Peter Vanusanik

I am not sure why is Katara mad when Jinora wants a part of you? I thought katara was knew our true nature of wanting to fuck everyone and was okay with that


The night of day 11 is not available right?


Updating my android version is not working. Says I dont have the app.

John wayne



I don't have anything like that and I'm more than willing to believe going through all the books again isn't an option. As always you can start a new game and just skip straight to book4.


Which day is that? You should be able to reach day 11, but only the day, not the evening.


Unfortunately no surprises there. I rue the day I started adding android versions. I'll see if I can figure it out somehow, but worst case scenario.. you'll have to delete your older install first.


Damn I'm really excited to see more of Opal!

Carpe Brewem

Seems Katara's acceptance of our nature ends with her family, especially grandchildren.


My God Jinora is hot! Well done, I can't wait for the next build. PS. I had no problems loading my old safegame.


Covid has me at home, working, living in near isolation for 3 months. City shut down, not allowed to have people who don't live with you in your house. Thank you for the great build update. That was several hours of entertainment that I really needed. I also am interested to see how our convo with Korra on the way to the cave leads us. Korra, Jinora, Ikki, Opal, Old and Young Kitara, Kya, guard captain... and maybe more? You guys are awesome! Thank you.


What are the chances at getting Nami scenes in this route? An opportunity to give Nami a youth potion and see more of her would be incredible


None... God knows I'm a people pleaser and my first reaction is to say yes, but unless FET gets finished first, there'll be no extra Nami stuff sorry!


Yeah, we know all about being cooped up! I wonder how things would've went with cbob if all of this pandemic stuff never happened. Glad to see FET could give you a bit respite from that. Personally i'm looking forward to work on the Korra pre cave convo stuff, but there will be quite a bit of space between that conversation and it's results. Thanks for your feedback!


And to think I already started working on a new Raven scene... gotta be honest but if Cbob is really ready to get serious again it'll probably be a long time before we'll be able to visit that universe again.


Well... I was certainly not without doubts for a while!


If only I were twins... or could clone myself Like Slade did with Robin! Thanks M2!


Sleep is important too you know : ) And can't be postponed as often as we did with the game!


Aren't you supposed to do work during those shifts ? : ) ?


It really would've been better to wait another day and a half... could've prevented me from having to put version c together today, but I think Cbob's words awakened expectations in a lot of early access folks so... I went out and released it that early anyway.


One leg in front of the other and we might actually be able to finish FET one day !


If one potion can de-age Katara from her current age to what she became afterwards... korra could become minus 20!


Sorry I have no idea. I'll keep an eye out for that problem.


It'll be a lot of fun to work on her future scenes... I wasn't that much into her during the start, but she's starting to grow on me!


And we're thankful for that, but still.. if we're heading for the ravine... jump out!


During a slave route you really don't want to make the female characters too likeable! I think? Glad we've been able to make you warm up to Korra some more. She IS the main pillar of this route after all. Lots more depraved stuff will happen : ) As depraved as during the slave route...? I certainly am going to try!


Yep, but from Katara's perspective her granddaughter is still a little girl.


True, although I meant even in the original series I wasn't too fond of her. And thats what we like to hear! Keep the depraved stuff coming our way.

Drake Sansa

Shady is the MVP . Great build. Nice tease. Can't wait for next build


I love that this game has a solid story, both in love and slave route, and I've loved everything about it so far, but this last love route is so freaking adorable and sweet that I'm gushing over it every time something cute happens.