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There have been times when I thought this was never going to happen anymore, but after a long period of waiting we can slowly start picking up where we left with FET.

To me this feels a bit like pulling a book from a stack and having to blow off the gathered dust first. I know expectations can't be low when you've had to wait so long for this, but please keep in mind this is us starting up again after a lot of difficult months. This build will most likely reflect that. 

I haven't had nearly as much time to find and fix bugs as you might think, so I'm pretty certain you'll find some. Still, I did my best and hope you won't come across too much weirdness. Then again this IS the bughunt version.

As always, we'll be super happy with whatever feedback you can give us. Be it bugs or otherwise. You can tell us in the comments below or if you prefer, pm's are fine too.

Android people, once I've uploaded this post I'll go and fix your flavor of FET, but I really wanted this out asap and android is always... giving me surprises along the way.

Anyway, I hope you'll find this build interesting despite the wildly out of synch size/devtime ratio!!  links are below. 



ps. you can advance to day 11 (added that in the left upper corner of the screen)

FET 0.9.1  - Pc version -  alt link

FET 0.9.1  - Mac version -  alt link 

FET 0.9.1  - Android version - alt link 

ps. android users, you might get an error when loading the new build, pressing ignore should get you past that .




hey mity i fond one bug at a time jinora, korra and MC talk,korra leave but when it's jinora line some times it continues to say it was korra speaking :)

Crimson Slaughterer

What is new in this build, I assume it continues the love route in book 4? Or is it new stuff for the slave route? Im Excited either way!