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your friendly neighborhood coding ghost here, sending the upcoming version to my boi marty the arty tomorrow for testing. payments have kicked back in and first week of feb is a go

you may have doubts. send those doubts to us.

look mom! i'm a space marine!



Welcome back!


I must say it's an honor to have you here with,


Welcome back comrade


LETSSS GOOOOOO! For real tho good vibes all day


thank u mr coding ghost 👻


Return of the King

Dakota Moritz

Welcome back dude! <3


Welcome back!!! Glad to have you with us again!!!


Glad you're feeling better my dude, take care of yourself going forward too though, ok?


Yeah boii!!


welcome back brother

Drake Sansa

Take it as you go. Keep on keeping on <3


Hell yeah. Glad your back. Keep looking after yourself.


Ohhh shiiiiiit his back. Welcome back champ, hope you feeling better. All the best to you in this hard time❤️


Welcome home, good hunter

Kenosha Bonisha

Sorry Benjamin, I have trust issues. You see when my mom walked out on me as a child o guess it did some emotional damage that I'm still recovering from.


Purge the heretic, the demon and the mutant. Burn them in HOLY FIRE!!!


How do uunlock all of the Raven scenes and fight her?

Michael Locher

Christmas came early this year haha


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/256/693/d63.jpeg Just kidding, no doubts here.

Peter Vanusanik

oh no, it's the end of titans18... j/k :D


*kratos voice* Welcome back boiiii


Thank you so much for your hard work Cbob!


Maybe not, it is a side project that's the best of the best, they wouldn't leave the best of the best out right....right?

John wayne

Cboooob i hope youre doing better, you have certainly been missed

Don kibonk

good to see you again

Tristan Neese

Jesus. Was not expecting that video when I opened this at 3 am


Sweet pussy Saturday baby


A true testament to the fact that smut can never truly die

Crimson Slaughterer

Cbob returns and uses a 40k meme?? This really IS the best timeline!


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/oclUVyY.gif" title="source: imgur.com">

Billy bounce

Wooooo! Welcome back cbob!




Welcome back!!


May the Emperor guide your hand once more cbob! Good to have you back


Welcome back


I hope this isn’t rude to ask but when can early access pledgers roughly expect to play the next instalment? Because I’m more then prepared to pledge higher for bug hunt to just see the next instalment!!

Sion of War

welcome back cbob. hope you are doing well now


Don't toy with my feelings like that



Myles Holt

Hope you're feeling better. Glad you're back!

Noah Greed

Welcome back!!! how are you? also lets go!!!!


I have your anthem right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyA8sV7x7fI


Welcome back Cbob Glad to see you're good to go now! Can't wait to see the next upcoming updates from the two of you!


Hell yea


Like others have said: Welcome back cbob. It's good to hear back from you again, and I hope you're doing well.


I found it hard, it's hard to find Oh well, whatever, never mind.


I think Kurt was talking about me when I read this cuz am hard baby!


Good idea fairy here. I suspect most of us have on the first page of saves the save points at: 1. Select your kingdom/book, 2. Love/Slave route for each selection. I wonder if these could be unlockable save points off the main menu?


uhhh download link is bogus??


Marty Here!! That's my fuckup. I saw Cbob's link and I thought to myself... wouldn't it be cooler/easier if it was a imbedded gif instead of a link to a movie?? So I moved the full movie to the attachments and made a gif of the spacemarines movie . I never considered that could cause problems. The download link should be working again now, but it's just the short movie.

John wayne

bro chill out marty is prob testing it rn, so it'll prob be here soon


Posted with three minutes left (according to my time zone) in January. What a legend


Glad to hear you guys are back in action and that cbob is feeling better, though I might get flak for it I think that announcing that payments are being resumed before the build itself is released is a bit iffy. I'm sure the intention is to make it clear that the build would be out by the end of this month, but to be blunt we've heard that before, several times.

S Key

I'm right there with ya, but I prefer to think of it as: worst case, I'm paying for 18titans.


My question is did cbob send the update to Marty for testing when he said he would?


Marty said to me yesterday that cbob said he wanted a few more days to send it for testing. He also said that he is looking in his email because cbob told him this a few days ago.


Marty here. I can't say I disagree and it took quite a bit of convincing from cbob to get me to agree on resuming payments again. The difference is that this time I have the build(later than I wanted but still) and come hell or high water, this thing will happen.


Marty here. I got the build and been going through it as fast as I can. I gave cbob a deadline and either he or I am going to make certain this thing gets done within the timeframe he gave.

S Key

I'm not super familiar with the creator side of Patreon, but if you resumed payments on say... the 9th of February, would you guys still get paid for February?

S Key

Are you comfortable making that timeframe/deadline public? Might take a day off work if I know when the build's coming ;D


well. i just finished playing all of the content of FET and on my birthday on february 1st this message pops up. a sign from the h-game god no doubt :D thx for your hard work. its one of the best games ive ever played... not only h games... but games in general. you guys outdid yourselves


Cbob wrote "first week of feb is a go" Which should mean, this weekend we should get it.


Where i can play on android last version?


Looks like bughunt has their version of the build already. Its actually here, we're getting our build everyone! If all goes well, it's only a matter of time until the rest of us get it as well. Gotta say, I'm excited.


Marty said the timeline that Cbob gave, which was this week, stands. With the bughunt I am already exited, that this is actually a thing. But I am also kind of expecting to have a playable version to play on this evening. - This would actually be "a go 1st week of feb" for the broader audience